Professional Development
"Speed Grants are designed to support short term projects expected to enhance the instructor's professional development. Funding will be provided for activities that increase the instructional or pedagogical capabilities of faculty members. The primary differences between Speed Grants and Faculty Development Grants are project scope, amount of funding, and immediacy of need for funding. (Speed Grants may be applied for any time prior to the activity while Faculty Development Grants must conform to the annual application deadline.)"
Continuing faculty may submit a proposal, individually or as a member of a group. Faculty may apply either for projects carried out on campus or offsite activities with outcomes that will benefit teaching and similar professional development at BGSU. Full-time faculty, Supplemental Retirement Program faculty, and non-tenure track, and part-time appointment faculty members are eligible to apply for Speed Grants.
The grant proposal should show how the project will lead to one or both of the following:
- Demonstrable improvement in pedagogical skills, curricular enhancements and a positive effect on BGSU student learning. Preference will be given to projects that are innovative and/or experimental and where the proposed funding is for seed money for a teaching or learning technique that is later expected to be funded as part of the college/department’s regular budget.
- Promotion of long-term professional growth through professional development activities. Projects aimed at post-terminal study in new or related areas will be considered in addition to other professional development activities.
The Center for Faculty Excellence is the University’s lead resource for teaching and learning support for faculty, staff, and graduate students. The CFE provides professional development workshops, consultations, web resources, learning communities, and more—all designed to help those involved in teaching to create an engaged and articulate learning experience for all BGSU students.
The Center for Faculty Excellence strives to provide opportunities for BGSU educators to discuss learner-centered, integrative teaching. We hope that through participation, each educator can develop more pedagogical “capital.” We sincerely invite you to join our community of learners by registering for the discussions/workshops that we offer.
Updated: 01/28/2024 10:16PM