General Appeal Form

Occasionally, students may have the need to seek an appeal of a BGSU Policy.

EXAMPLE: You are seeking to change your grade option in a class after the deadline.

If you are a student in the College of Health and Human Services, you may use this form to submit such appeals. (If you are in a different college, please contact that college Advising Office for the appropriate appeal procedure.)

You may also write your appeal on a separate sheet and submit it to:
College of Health and Human Services
104 Health and Human Services Building
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
FAX: 419-372-2897 Phone: 419-372-8242


Please provide a detailed description of your appeal.

It helps if you have sought the approval of your faculty advisor. Please list any faculty members you have consulted.

After the appeal is received, the Advising Center will forward it to the appropriate faculty member or the College Appeals Committee. Once a decision is made, you will be notified via your bgsu email address.

Updated: 10/11/2018 02:09PM