Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program
Download the Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program fact sheet
Note: When selecting a program to apply to, scroll to the bottom of the dropdown list to find programs that begin "Undergraduate Accelerated..." An FAQ can be found at the bottom of this page.
The Graduate College at Bowling Green State University has several graduate programs that permit qualified undergraduate students who are earning their bachelor’s degree at BGSU to apply to an Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program. Participating in an Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program provides students with the opportunity to complete both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in an efficient manner.
Undergraduate students who apply to and have been accepted into an Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's program will be coded as Undergraduate Accelerated Students until they have completed their Bachelor’s degree. While an Undergraduate Accelerated Student, they may take up to nine (9) credit hours of graduate credit. A maximum of nine (9) graduate credit hours may be overlapped between both the bachelor’s and the master’s degrees. These overlapped credits can count toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees (according to the curriculum of each program).
See the Graduate College's Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Policy for more detailed information on admissions requirements, student status, credit hour policies, tuition, financial aid, program withdrawal, and program dismissal.
Please note: These policies pertain to students who wish to officially work toward both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree at BGSU simultaneously. Students who wish to take graduate level courses during their senior year but not officially enroll in a Master’s degree program may apply to do so by earning Advanced Undergraduate Status (AUS). AUS guidelines can be found on the Graduate College Documents and Forms website.
While not all programs have an accelerated plan, the following master’s degrees can be completed in an accelerated format. Click on the name of the program for their Accelerated Program Plan (check sheet), including their admissions criteria.
Architecture (Master of Architecture)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Architecture Program Page
Athletic Training (Master of Athletic Training)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Athletic Training Program Page
Business Administration (Master of Business Administration)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Business Administration Program Page
Computer Science (Master of Science)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Science in Computer Science Program Page
Accelerated Bachelor's of Science Software Engineering to Master's Program Page
Criminal Justice (Master of Science)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Criminal Justice
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BA in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law
Master of Science in Criminal Justice
English (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program Page – BA in English
European Studies (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Arts in European Studies Program Page
Financial Economics (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Arts in Financial Economics Program Page
Food and Nutrition (Master of Food and Nutrition)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Dietetics
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Nutrition Sciences
Master of Food and Nutrition Program Page
Forensic Science (Master of Science)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page Prior to Spring 2022
Master of Science in Forensic Science Program Page
German (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Arts in German Program Page
Health Services Administration (Master of Health Services Administration)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Health Services Administration Program Page
History (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Arts in History Program Page
Instructional Design & Technology (Master of Eduction)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Mathematics (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Mathematics, Specialization in Applied Mathematics
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BA/BS in Mathematics
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Statistics
Master of Arts in Mathematics Program Page
Media and Communication (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's in Advertising to Master's in Media and Communication Program Page
Accelerated Bachelor's in Communication to Master's in Media and Communication Program Page
Accelerated Bachelor's in Journalism to Master's in Media and Communication Program Page
Accelerated Bachelor's in Media to Master's in Media and Communication Program Page
Master of Arts in Media and Communication Program Page
Public Administration (Master of Public Administration)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Public Administration
Accelerated Bachelor's Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies to Master's Program Page
Spanish (Master of Arts)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page
Master of Arts in Spanish
Special Education (Master of Education)
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - Autism Spectrum Disorders Specialization
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - Secondary Transition Specialization
Master of Education in Special Education Program Page
Technology Management (Master of Technology Management )
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Electronics and Computer Engineering
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Engineering Technology
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program Page - BS in Quality Systems
Master of Technology Management Program Page
For additional general information about an Accelerated program, email: Heidi Bouza at However, for information about each specific program, please contact the program listed above.
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's FAQs
You may request registration in a graduate course using the Advanced Undergraduate Status. Advanced Undergraduate Status (AUS) is a distinct status granted to eligible undergraduate seniors (90+ undergraduate credits earned and 3.0+ GPA) enabling them to enroll in graduate courses during their senior year at BGSU.
No. The Graduate College will contact you when you apply for your bachelor’s graduation to confirm the planned start term of your graduate program. If you choose to delay starting your graduate program, you may need to re-apply for a master’s program.
Undergraduate students who have been accepted into an Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program should complete the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program Course Registration Request form to register for their desired graduate courses for an academic semester. The student will initiate the form, and the Graduate Coordinator and the Graduate College will approve the request. Registration and Records will add the approved course(s) to the student’s schedule.
As an Accelerated student, you may only choose from the pre-approved courses for your program.
If multiple semesters are open for registration, please use separate forms for different semesters, e.g. if you are requesting a summer course and a fall course, use two separate forms.
Students applying for an Accelerated program must have 75 credit hours earned with a 3.2+ BGSU GPA or 90 credit hours earned with a 3.0+ BGSU GPA.
Some programs may have different requirements for their Accelerated program.
As an applicant for Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s, your application fee is waived.
We do not guarantee graduate courses taken as a BGSU undergraduate can count at other institutions. Each institution’s policy may be different. Contact that institution with questions.
While you are an undergraduate student, if you are taking 12 credits (of UG and GR combined), you are considered a full-time student.
Students with Accelerated status will pay tuition at the undergraduate rate through the completion of their bachelor’s degree. Under the Falcon Tuition Guarantee, this benefit continues after participants begin their graduate program, until their undergraduate cohort period expires. Thereafter, students pay the graduate rate for tuition and fees.
No. Graduate Assistants MUST have a completed bachelor’s degree and be fully enrolled in a graduate program.
Students will be eligible for financial aid based on their BGSU student status as either an undergraduate or graduate student. When Accelerated students are still in undergraduate status, they may be eligible for financial aid but not graduate assistantships. Once students become regularly admitted graduate students with full graduate student status, they may be eligible for graduate-level financial assistance, including graduate assistantships with stipends and/or graduate tuition scholarships.
Updated: 02/18/2025 09:05AM