Accelerated BSEd to MEd in Special Education, Autism Spectrum Disorders Program Policy
Please see the Graduate College’s Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program webpage and official Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program Policy for information pertaining to all Accelerated Programs.
Admissions Requirements
Currently enrolled BGSU undergraduate students interested in pursuing the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) Intervention Specialist to Master of Education (MEd) in Special Education with a Specialization in Autism Spectrum Disorders must complete the following application requirements:
- By the start of Pre-Master’s status, they must have earned 90 credit hours and an overall BGSU GPA of at least
- A completed Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program Application
- Transcripts from all universities attended
- A letter of recommendation from a fullt-time BGSU faculty member in the School of Counseling and Special Education
- A 250-500 word personal statement about your career goals and interst in the master's program
Additional Documents Required:
- One Letter of Recommendation from a full-time BGSU faculty member in special education
- Statement of Purpose - A statement should be 300-700 words in length, adhere to APA style guidelines, and demonstrate graduate-level writing skills. A strong Statement of Purpose communicates the following:
- your motivation to pursue graduate study in your chosen field,
- your professional goals and why you feel our program can support you in meeting these goals, and
- your personal attributes, background, and/or experiences that have prepared you for success as a graduate student.
Accelerated Intervention Specialist to SPED/Autism Spectrum Disorders Program Plan
Students enrolled in the Accelerated Intervention Specialist to SPED/Autism Spectrum Disorders Program should follow the following course schedule for planning out graduate work that begins while still enrolled as an undergraduate student, followed by the courses taken when fully enrolled as a graduate student in the SPED/Autism Spectrum Disorders Program. In order to complete this plan in an accelerated format, it is strongly recommended that students choose the non-thesis (Plan II) option. Students who choose the thesis option should expect the completion of their master’s degree program to take longer than if they choose the non-thesis option.
Undergraduate Accelerated Status
Courses that may be taken while an undergraduate student with Undergraduate Accelerated Status that will overlap between the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees:
- EDIS 5410 Reading and Writing Instruction for Students with Exceptionalities
- EDIS 5420 Reading and Writing Assessment for Students with Exceptionalities
Updated: 02/24/2025 02:51PM