Outstanding ITA Award

Other Languages (ESOL) Program. Its purpose is to recognize one graduate International Teaching Associate (TI) and one graduate International Teaching Assistant (TA) at Bowling Green State University who have demonstrated excellence in instructional capacities.


The committee will determine two award recipients for the award: graduate International Teaching Associate (TI) and one graduate International Teaching Assistant (TA).  Both honorees will receive certificates commemorating the accomplishment and an honorarium of $750.*   The honorees will also be highlighted on the ESOL Program’s website.

Eligibility & Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled as an international graduate student at BGSU.
  • Have at least two semesters of instructional experience at BGSU, including one within the last two years as the instructor of record (Teaching Associate/TI) or as the leader of a recitation or lab (Teaching Assistant/TA).
  •  Demonstrate evidence of excellence in teaching at BGSU (see application materials below).

Application Process

The application is due February 27th, 2025.

To apply for the Outstanding ITA Award, please submit a single PDF file with the following materials to esolprog@bgsu.edu.  In addition, please list your name and “Outstanding International Associate (TI) Award” or “Outstanding International Assistant (TA) Award” in the subject line.  

Required Application Materials

  • Cover letter highlighting your experiences as an ITA at BGSU and your teaching philosophy.  (Maximum length: two pages)
  •  A summary sheet (maximum length of one page) listing
  • All instructional assignments from the last two years with details of associated responsibilities.
  • Any professional development experiences related to teaching.
  • Any connections to the ESOL Program, including enrollment in ESOL courses or participation in the Cross-Cultural Conversation Connection Program.
  • Copies of syllabi for your instructional assignment from the last two years.  If you were not the instructor of  record, please highlight your specific duties.
  •  One letter of recommendation from a direct Supervisor or faculty member from your department familiar with your teaching.

Optional Application Materials

  • End-of-semester student evaluations from courses for which you have a leadership role during the last two years.
  •  Sample classroom materials you created (assignment sheets, handouts, class activities, etc.). (Maximum length:   five pages)
  • Letter(s) of support from former student(s). (Limit of two letters)

* The award counts as taxable income; therefore, the recipient must file a W9 form for tax purposes.

Updated: 08/21/2024 11:10AM