Distinguished Studio Arts Award


Nomination Deadline: Friday, November 11, 2022- 5pm.

The Graduate College seeks to honor outstanding studio arts projects at the master’s level at Bowling Green State University. The Distinguished Studio Arts Award is granted annually as a way of recognizing and promoting excellence in studio-oriented creative projects and project advising. Since the intent of the competition is to recognize creative excellence by students pursuing their first graduate degrees, individuals who have received a Ph.D. (or comparable degree) in any discipline prior to the applicant’s completing the degree at BGSU are not eligible. Associate's degrees or Certificates of Completion are also not eligible. Students may not be nominated for this award and the Distinguished Thesis Award. Choose one or the other. For questions, consult your graduate coordinator. Nominations will be accepted from the following specializations:

School of Art--Master of Fine Arts

College of Musical Arts--Master of Music in Composition, Master of Music in Performance

Department of Theater and Film--Master of Arts in Theater

Description of the Award: The Graduate College Distinguished Studio Arts Award consists of a student honorarium of $500, a certificate of citation, and a $100 award of recognition for the project advisor. 

The Nominating Process: Graduate Coordinators are invited to solicit nominations from their graduate faculty for the Graduate College Distinguished Studio Arts Award. A department may submit only one nomination to the Graduate College.  In the event that more than one nomination is forwarded to the Graduate Coordinator, it is the responsibility of the graduate faculty to meet to determine which nomination will be forwarded to the Graduate College.  The nominee must have received her or his master's degree in fall, spring, or summer semester of the preceding year. The nomination must be made by the Graduate Coordinator.

Nomination consists of:

Submission of documentation of the studio arts project itself. Please note these requirements may vary by specialty. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

For All Specialties:

  • All audio and/or visual materials must be on CD or DVD, except for materials for music applicants, who can submit sound files.
  • All images must be 1920 pixels horizontal / 1920 pixels vertical, must use baseline JPG (do not use progressive JPG format), and file size must be less than 1.8MBs.

For the School of Art:

  • Master of Fine Arts--From MFA Exhibition for the degree, submit 10 different images, minimum 5-page, double-spaced artist’s statement about work, and brochure.

For the College of Musical Arts:

  • Master of Music in Composition--Submit pdf of composition as uploaded to OhioLINK, a sound file of the same, and minimum 5-page, double-spaced  artist’s statement about the composition.
  • Master of Music in Performance--Submit sound files of the degree recital for one of the following concentrations:  Collaborative Piano, Conducting, Instrumental, Jazz Studies, Piano or Voice, Instrumental Specialist, or Piano Pedagogy. Also submit minimum 5-page artist’s statement about performance aspects of work performed.

For the Department of Theater and Film:

  • Master of Arts in Theater--Submit the M.A. Portfolio required for the degree or the MA thesis that includes a significant creative component.

Selection Criteria: The successful nominee’s thesis should represent superior work in the nominee’s specialty, including, but not limited to:

  • Creative, informed and/or inventive use of the medium
  • Innovative style and/or concept
  • Superior technical proficiency
  • An artist’s narrative that provides clear and relevant context for the body of work
  • Audiovisual materials that are relevant and of high quality 

Composition of Screening Committee:

The Dean of the College of Musical Arts; Director, School of Art; and Chair, Theater and Film will each appoint one graduate faculty member to serve on the screening committee (no ad hoc graduate faculty are eligible). To ensure continuity, one member of the committee will rotate off each year.

Deadline for Nominations: Please deliver all nomination materials to Lisa Molnar, 1000 Fine Arts Center, by 5:00 p.m., November 11, 2022.

Updated: 08/21/2024 11:12AM