Falcon Marching Band

The Falcon Marching Band (FMB) is the largest student organization on campus and performs at a variety of events throughout the fall semester, including University events, football games, concerts, regional marching band shows, parades, other athletic events, national and international events, and many more!  Composed of students from all colleges of the University, membership is open to all students of all class level and all majors.  

This year (2024-2025) we will be traveling to Penn State to cheer on our football team and perform in the second largest stadium in the US. We will also be traveling to Dublin Ireland in March to perform in the St. Patrick's Day Parade!  Check out our Calendar page for more information about our upcoming events this season.

The FMB is making waves in 2024! We were named one of the 8 Standout College Marching Bands!

Join the Falcon Marching Band!

For more information about joining the Falcon Marching Band, please visit the Prospective Member page.

Bowling Green State University School Songs

BGSU Fight Song Forward Falcons

BGSU Alma Mater

AY Ziggy Zoomba

Nearly 75 years ago, Gilbert Fox, an original SICSIC member, World War II veteran and musicologist wrote "Ay Ziggy Zoomba" and introduced the tune to Bowling Green. In 2013, the BGSU Undergraduate Student Government passed a resolution formally supporting the promotion of “Ay Ziggy Zoomba” to the status of an official fight song of the University.

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Updated: 02/13/2025 04:49PM