Dr. Chris D. Fluckinger
Professional Biography/Profile
I am currently the Director of the Human Services associate degree program at BGSU Firelands. I have also been involved with the University Honors program and the Psychology 3 + 1 program as well at Firelands. Classes I regularly teach are Intro to Psychology, Lifespan Development, and Quantitative Methods in Psychology. In addition to teaching and service, I have presented and published in the areas of personality assessment, aging in the workforce, and occupational hygiene, among other topics.
Research Interests/Selected Publications
Fluckinger, C.D. & Snell, A.F. (2016). User reactions to personality assessment: Implications for credibility, utility and practicality. In Kumar, U. (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Personality Assessment. United Kingdom: Wiley.
Fluckinger, C.D., Dudley, N.M. & Seeds, M. (2014). Incremental validity of interactive multimedia simulations in two organizations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 22, 109-113.
Fluckinger, C.D. & Brodke, M.R.H. (2013). Positive reactions to Q-sort in a job applicant setting. Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology, 36, 335-341.
Fluckinger, C.D. (2013). Prediction of socially desirable and discreet hand hygiene behavior. American Journal of Infection Control, 41, 1112-1113.
Nakai, Y., Chang, B., Snell, A.F. & Fluckinger, C.D. (2011). Profile of mature job seekers: Aligning work motivation and organizational staffing strategies. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32, 155-172.
Courses Taught
PSYC 1010, PSYC 2700, PSYC 3100
Full Credentials
Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, The University of Akron (2010); Graduate certificate in Industrial Gerontology (2009), The University of Akron; M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, The University of Akron (2006); B.A. in Psychology, Bowling Green State University (2004)
Updated: 12/05/2022 04:53PM