Alcohol & Other Drug Education

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling is always available for education, prevention, intervention, and support related to alcohol and other drugs.  You can call the counseling center to schedule an initial AoD appointment.

Alcohol and Other Drug (AoD) Assessments

AoD Assessment can be scheduled at the BGSU Counseling Center for any BGSU student who has been referred for an assessment and/or would like an assessment over their AoD use.  This will be a confidential appointment for an initial appointment scheduled with the Substance Use Disorder Counselor; Bridgett Rivera, MA, LPCC-S, LICDC.

Perspectives & Considerations Psychoeducation Class

The Perspectives (Alcohol Education) & Consideration (Cannabis education) classes held at the BGSU Counseling Center is for any BGSU student who has been referred due to a violation of the university conduct policies and/or the Bowling Green Municipal Court.  These classes are for first time infractions. This class is a total duration of 60 minutes. 

Directions Psychotherapy Group

Directions psychotherapy group is held at the BGSU Counseling Center for any BGSU student who has been referred due to two or more infraction violation of the university conduct policies and/or the Bowling Green Municipal Court.  This class is a more in-depth look into the student’s using patterns and behaviors to gain insight into ways to reduce their risk moving forward.  This class is a total duration of 90 minutes.


Perspectives & Considerations $100

AoD Assessment & Referral $150

Outreach request for alcohol and/or other drugs

Have you ever wanted to show students and/or organizations on campus the effects of impaired driving while under the influence, how about safe partying tips, psychoeducation on standard drinks and/or BAC levels; well, we provide all this at the counseling center.  Fill out the request form below to the Counseling Center who will be in contact with you about what program you would like to educate on campus.

Updated: 06/20/2024 09:56AM