Generative Artificial Intelligence & Teaching

ChatGPT, AI, and Higher Education

The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) has compiled resources categorized into four relevant topics: Pedagogical Suggestions, Data and Privacy Issues, Relevant Conversations about ChatGPT, and Limitations of ChatGPT. Though Artificial Intelligence (AI) detection tools are becoming available, we recommend considering AI capabilities while designing and revitalizing your assignments and assessments. We will continuously update the information and recommendations on this page as we learn more about this new technology.  

Please note that we are all learning about the impacts and uses of ChatGPT and other AI tools together. The information presented below is intended to be informative and does not reflect any official CFE or BGSU stance on the use of AI tools.  


In the spirit of experimentation, we asked ChatGPT to provide an overview of how the tool can be used in higher education. Here’s what it provided: 

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to text-based queries. It is trained on a massive amount of textual data, allowing it to understand and respond to a wide range of topics and questions.  

In higher education, ChatGPT can be used in various ways to support student learning and academic research. For example, it can provide personalized assistance to students by answering their questions on course material, assignments, and exams. It can also assist professors in grading and providing feedback on student work and generating lecture materials and exam questions. Additionally, ChatGPT can aid researchers in conducting literature reviews, analyzing data, and generating new insights based on their findings.  

Overall, ChatGPT offers a powerful tool for enhancing the teaching and learning experience in higher education, as well as for advancing academic research and innovation (Text generated by ChatGPT, February 22, 2023). 

Sample genAI Syllabus Statement

The CFE has created a collection of Sample genAI Syllabus Statements that can be copied and pasted to be used in your syllabus.

AI Generative Tools and Teaching: A Look at the Landscape

This video explores the way that ChatGPT and other AI-Generative Tools have showed up in Higher Education and the different conversations related to them. Its structured to help educators, administrators, and even students better understand what kinds of approaches are being discussed and where you might fall in that conversation.  Additionally, it places ChatGPT in the context of other educational technology over the last 30 years.

The author of the video is Lance Eaton, Director of Digital Pedagogy at College Unbound.

Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence Tools, from the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship at Georgetown University.  

  • This informative page includes a description of ChatGPT, suggestions for its use in education, and additional links to a collection of articles and resources regarding the potential impact of incorporating AI into your pedagogy. The page also includes a list of 10 design and process-oriented approaches to designing effective assignments with AI in mind.   

Designing Assignments in the ChatGPT Era, by Susan D’Agostino, Inside Higher Ed – Teaching & Learning

  • D’Agostina discusses assignment design in the wake of AI tools such as ChatGPT. In the article, several faculty members discuss their approaches to design ranging from asking students to engage in Socratic discussion with ChatGPT to incorporating the tool into assignments as a way for students to create first drafts followed by detailed analysis and iteration.

ChatGPT: A Must-See Before the Semester Begins, by Cynthia Alby, Faculty Focus -Teaching with Technology.  

  • Professor Alby describes her approach to learning about ChatGPT and what it is capabilities. She includes links to ideas and resources while encouraging instructors to consider ways to develop information literacy, teamwork, research skills, study skills, and metacognitive skills.  

Artificial Intelligence Writing, from the Faculty Center at the University of Central Florida 

  • This site details ideas to consider while assigning college writing. The ideas are organized into three categories - Category 1: Neutralize the Software, Category 2: Teach Ethics, Integrity, and Career-Related Skills, and Category 3: Lean into the Software’s Abilities.  

AI and the Future of Undergraduate Writing, by Beth McMurtrie, The Chronicle of Higher Education 

  • This article provides an overview of ChatGPT uses across academia as described by faculty and administrators.  

OpenAI launched a second tool to complement ChatGPT – and help teachers detect cheating, by Kayla Jimenez, USA Today 

  • This article details the new tool created by OpenAI, the makers of the ChatGPT, that could help teachers and professors detect the use of ChatGPT to minimize plagiarism.

Uncovering the Hidden Risks of ChatGPT: Keeping Your Data Secure, by Mohamed Al Husrom, NextRay-AI 

  • This article consists of information about security risks of ChatGPT, types of security threats, and a list of ways to protect yourself from ChatGPT security risks.  

Does ChatGPT Pose a Cybersecurity Threat? Here's the AI Bot’s Answer, by Davey Winder, Forbes  

  • Written by a technology journalist, this article details the cybersecurity issues surrounding ChatGPT while citing examples of ChatGPT-produced text. 

Relevant Conversations About ChatGPT 

ChatGPT a cheating tool? These educators think you’re looking at it wrong, by Alcino Donadel, University Business 

  • This article includes faculty perspectives on leveraging student learning and incorporating ChatGPT into pedagogy. 

What are We Doing About AI Essays?, by Miriam Bowers-Abbott, Faculty Focus - Teaching with Technology 

  • Professor Bowers-Abbott writes about issues concerning plagiarism and the content produced by AI writers.  

How About We Put Learning at the Center?, by John Warner, Inside Higher Ed 

  • In this article, Warner addresses concerns about ChatGPT by making four assertions about learning.  

ChatGPT and the Rise of AI Writers: How Should Higher Education Respond?, by Nancy Gleason, Times Higher Education 

  • In this article, Professor Gleason explores ways educators are responding to AI tools, addresses implications of ChatGPT and AI on academic integrity, and shares sample class activities.   

Designing Assignments in ChatGPT Era, by Susan D’Agostino, Insider Higher Ed 

  • This article details instructors' experiences and opinions of creating assignments with AI in mind. It also includes faculty accounts of current weaknesses and problems they have encountered while using ChatGPT.

Sneak preview of Turnitin’s AI writing and ChatGPT detection capability, from 

  • Turnitin is a plagiarism detection tool available in your Canvas courses, but the new AI detection feature has not been launched yet. The CFE has instructions for enabling the tool in your courses and will provide updates on the AI detection feature as we receive them.  

ChatGPT and AI Composition Tools, from the Center for Teaching and Learning at Washington University in St. Louis 

  • This page contains recommendations regarding assignment and course design while addressing concerns faculty have regarding ChatGPTs impact on the learning environment.  

ChatGPT and AI in Higher Education – Citation, Plagiarism, & AI, from Florida International University  

  • FIU Libraries provide information and links for ChatGPT plagiarism detection tools and citation recommendations.  

ChatGPT: Educational Friend or Foe?, by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Elias Blinkoff, Temple University  

  • Hirsh-Pasek and Blinkoff discuss the decision some universities have made to ban ChatGPT from campus. The authors also provide suggestions for proactively using the tool and outline a useful analogy.  

Some Thoughts on AI, Plagiarism and Student Assessment, by Randy Riddle, Duke University 

  • Riddle revisits other technological advancements that impacted assessment in higher education, describes the limitations of ChatGPT, and provides practical suggestions for revisiting assignment prompts and being transparent with students.

Updated: 07/01/2024 10:25AM