Performance Studies Graduate Certificate


This certificate is open to all graduate students enrolled at Bowling Green State University. Through this certificate program the student will explore the histories, theories, and practices of Performance Studies. The focus is on the relationship between text and practice; performance as a reflection of society, a witnessing to an experience, or a challenge to social structures or ways of knowing; emerging ideas of audience reception theory; interdisciplinary connections with cultural studies, communication studies; and U.S./global performance practices. May be used as a research methodology or area of specialization within a degree program or other course of study, as a gateway into an advanced degree program in Performance Studies/related field, or as a foundation for work in community-based performance or theatre of social action/change.

Core Sequence (9 credits):
THFM 6630 Introduction to Performance Studies (3)
THFM 6680 Performance Studies (3)
THFM 6660 Directed Research in Portfolio Development to serve as a capstone experience. (3)

Supplementary Elective Courses (9 credits):
Electives for the Graduate Certificate Program in Performance Studies may be filled by courses in Theatre and Film, and/or other departments and programs. Electives will be selected by the student subject to approval by the graduate coordinator of the Department of Theatre and Film.

For more information, contact:

Heidi L. Nees, PhD.
Graduate Coordinator
Dept of Theatre and Film

Updated: 02/28/2025 08:21AM