Monica A. Longmore

Monica A. Longmore

  • Position: Professor of Sociology & Director of Graduate Studies
  • Phone: 419.372.2408
  • Email:


PhD, Sociology, Washington State University
MA, Sociology, University of New Hampshire
BS, Sociology with honors, Oregon State University

Curriculum Vitae

Monica A. Longmore (Seff) (Professor) received her PhD in sociology from Washington State University in 1991. Her specialties are social psychology and family relations. She has done research in the area of self-concept development, and most recently has focused on adolescence, dimensions of self-conceptions, and fertility-related outcomes. Her work on self-concept development links social structures and personality by illustrating how relationship contexts (e.g., peer groups, dating relationships, family background, etc.) influence social psychological processes (e.g., psychological centrality, reflected appraisals, social comparisons, self-attributions), and individual outcomes such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and depression. Dr. Longmore’s recent examination of the relationship between self-esteem, depression, and adolescent sexual debut shows that depression is a stronger predictor of adolescent sexual debut than is self-esteem.

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Updated: 08/22/2024 12:27PM