
Image description: A student works in the printmaking studio

Contemporary printmaking has evolved into an interdisciplinary medium, combining traditional and alternative processes that integrate print with other studio disciplines, such as painting, fibers, ceramics, and digital arts. With the recent movement toward non-toxic materials, digital imaging, and photographic processes, printmaking remains an exciting and ever-changing field.

The Printmaking program at Bowling Green State University introduces students to a wide range of techniques and processes with an emphasis on the development of critical thinking and an individual artistic vision. The program offers coursework in Relief and Monoprint, Intaglio, Lithography, and Screenprint, all of which include traditional as well as contemporary practices. Additionally, a summer workshop in Book Arts supplements the regular curriculum. At the Advanced Prints and Graduate level, students may elect to work in the traditional mode of editioning or move into mixed media/interdisciplinary work that links the print medium with other fields of study.

In consultation with an adviser, print students plan an individualized degree program that provides a thorough grounding in a range of print media, with additional advanced level studies in a specialized area of interest. In addition to print courses, students are encouraged to take courses in other studio areas in order to broaden their art-making experience.

While at BGSU, students develop skills in art-making, visual communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Some of our students go on to use their print expertise in the commercial printing market, within collaborative or contract printing workshops, or in general design fields, but most print students are working to become fine artists. Their main objective is the personal development of imagery and techniques via the print medium, which often leads to further printmaking study at the graduate level.

BGSU Undergraduates in Printmaking have successfully advanced to graduate study at various institutions, including the University of Iowa, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of North Texas, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Ohio University, and Northern Illinois University. Furthermore, our students have successfully competed for assistantships and fellowships at these institutions. 

The Print Society

All students with an interest in printmaking are encouraged to join this active student club. The Print Society organizes field trips, visiting artist workshops, a booth at the Black Swamp Arts Festival, and various activities related to printmaking. Fundraisers, including T-shirt printing events and print sales, are held several times during the year to support Print Society activities. Funding supports visiting artists and student attendance at national and regional print conferences.

Regional and National Printmaking Associations

There are numerous professional printmaking associations in existence and students are encouraged to join these in order to gain a broader understanding of the world of prints. Two of these are:

Mid-America Print Council, a Midwestern print organization that sponsors a biennial conference of workshops and panel discussions, a members' exhibition, and a newsletter.

Southern Graphics Council International, a national print organization that sponsors an annual conference of workshops and panel discussions, a members' exhibition, and a journal.



  • Position: Professor, Area Head, Printmaking, Studio Division Chair
  • Phone: 419-372-8515
  • Email:
  • Address: 1207 FAC
Ross Mazzupappa


  • Position: Instructor, Photography & Printmaking
  • Phone: 419-372-3891
  • Email:
  • Address: 103 FAC

The printmaking studio contains facilities for relief, intaglio, lithography, and screenprint, including a darkroom for photomechanical work.

For more information, visit the Printmaking Studio facilities page.

Print Society

All students with an interest in printmaking are encouraged to join this active student club. Print Society organizes field trips, visiting artist workshops, a booth at the Black Swamp Arts Festival, and various activities related to printmaking. Fundraisers, including T-shirt printing events and print sales, are held several times during the year to support Print Society activities. Funding supports visiting artists and student attendance at national and regional print conferences.  

Some of our activities have included:

  • Southern Graphics Council International conferences 
  • Mid America Print Council conferences
  • Fieldtrips to Detroit: The Detroit Art Institute, Signal Return Printshop, and Ocelot Printshop
  • Fieldtrips to Columbus: Wexner Art Center, Alison Rose Printshop, and Phoenix Rising Print studio, and Short North galleries
  • Fieldtrips to the Toledo Art Museum and Print Study Room
  • An annual booth at the Black Swamp Arts Festival
  • Service projects at area schools
  • Co-sponsorship of our visiting artists
  • Exhibitions of student prints
  • Participation in exchange portfolios
Regional and National Printmaking Associations

There are numerous professional printmaking associations in existence and students are highly encouraged to join these in order to gain a broader understanding of the world of prints. Two of these are:

Mid-America Print Council, a Midwestern print organization that sponsors a biennial conference of workshops and panel discussions, a members' exhibition, and a journal.

Southern Graphics Council International, a national print organization that sponsors an annual conference of workshops and panel discussions, a members' exhibition, and a journal.

Image description: Joe Duva visits the printmaking studio
Image description: Koichi Yamamoto visits the printmaking studio
Image description: Crystal Wagner visits the printmaking studio
Image description: Sean Caulfield visits the printmaking studio
Image description: Sue Coe visits the printmaking studio


Updated: 09/27/2024 09:31AM