Current Participants

Directions to the Lab

Description of Current Program

We are examining the effectiveness of a group based weight loss intervention. You will be be provided with a weight loss manual, an accelerometer, and instructions on how to record your energy intake and expenditure. You may learn information on how changes in the global eating and exercise environment over the last several decades have lead to overeating and an inactive lifestyle for many Americans.  You may also be taught how to develop healthy habits and disrupt unhealthy habits.  Finally, you many also learn how unhealthy relationships to food, your body, and your weight may interfere with your weight loss efforts and diminish your quality of life.  You will participate in weekly meetings for a total of 18 sessions.  Each session will last approximately 90 minutes.

  Directions for Online Questionnaires

A survey, comprised of a variety of questionnaires has been posted on the internet for you complete. As long as you use the same computer to complete the survey, you can stop and come back to that survey as many times as you like. The computer will save your information and automatically return you to the place you left off. If you are completing the survey from a public computer, it is recommended that you complete the entire survey in one sitting. It should take no more than 1 to 1 ½ hours to complete the entire survey. If needed, we can arrange for you to use a computer here in the Psychology building or provide you with paper copies of the survey.

To access the survey click on the link below:

Bowling Green Health Promotion Project, 2013


  Self-Monitoring Form / Calorie Reference Websites

Each day you are asked to keep track of how many calories you consume through food and beverages, as well as how many calories you expend through physical activity as reported on your accelerometer (Total Cals and ACTM). Monitoring forms are provided to help you with this. You are encouraged to record as much detail as possible. Record the information immediately after eating or exercise. Calorie references were provided to you and can be found at the following  websites as well: 
 --- Calorie King
     --- USDA Super Tracker
     ---Nutrition Data  
     ---Spark People  
    ---Calorie Counting

Paper Monitoring Form
Example of a completed monitoring form 
Blank monitoring form template

Online Monitoring Form 
Please enter the information from your daily monitoring forms into the online monitoring forms. Please complete a form for each day of the week.  You may submit them weekly or daily using the appropriate links below.

To access the Online Monitoring Form (Weekly Form: Use this form to input 7 days worth of data), Click here to take survey

To access the Online Monitoring Form (Daily Form: Use this form to input daily data), Click here to take survey

Other Documents

Accelerometer Instructions :  This document provides instructions on how to program you Caltrac and read the output (Total Cals, ACTM, etc.)

Determining your Target Calorie Level :  This will aid you in determining how many calories you should be consuming in a day in order to lose 1 pound a week.

 Weight Loss Intervention Schedule : 2013

Self-Monitoring Schedule for the program: This document will help you to self-monitor during the intervention. 


Updated: 03/17/2021 11:10PM