Verner P. Bingman

Department of Psychology

Bowling Green State University
Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany.





255 Psychology

Research Interests:

    Neural mechanisms of learning and memory
    Comparative brain anatomy and neurochemistry
    Mechanisms of vertebrate navigation

Selected Publications:

Siegel, J.J., Nitz, D. and Bingman, V.P. (2006). Lateralized functional components of spatial cognition in the avian hippocampal formation: evidence from single-unit recordings in freely moving homing pigeons. Hippocampus 16: 125-140.

Bingman, V.P. and Sharp, P.E. (2006). Neuronal implementation of hippocampal-mediated spatial behavior: A comparative-evolutionary perspective. Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews 5: 80-91.

Bingman, V.P., Hough II, G.E., Kahn, M.C. and Siegel, J.J. (2003). The homing pigeon hippocampus and space: In search of adaptive specialization. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 62: 117-127.

Gagliardo, A., Vallortigara, G., Nardi, D. and Bingman, V.P. (2005). A lateralized avian hippocampus: Preferential role of the left hippocampal formation in homing pigeon sun-compass-based spatial learning. European Journal of Neuroscience 22: 2549-2559.

Bingman, V.P. and Cheng, K. (2005). Mechanisms of animal global navigation: Comparative perspectives and enduring challenges. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 17: 295-318.

Courses Taught:

    PSYC 201. General Psychology
    PSYC 201H. Honors General Psychology
    PSYC 333. Cognitive Neuroscience
    PSYC 710. Basic Neuroscience and Cognition

Updated: 04/20/2020 04:11PM