Schedule Your Math Placement Test

Math placement testing is optional for some students, and others will need to take the test.

If BGSU has an ACT/SAT math score and high school GPA on file, we will be able to assign you an automated math placement code. If we don't have that information on file, you may be required to take the test. However, even if we can assign a math placement code for you, you still may want to take a math placement test. 

DEADLINE | For students starting in August, Math Placement Tests need to be taken two weeks before your SOAR date or before June 30 – whichever comes first.  For other starting semesters, complete your math placement at least a month before classes start.

What you Need for the Test
Preparing for the Test

How to Schedule a Math Placement Test  

To schedule a math placement test, please fill out the form below or send an email to Ms. Michelle R Heckman from your BGSU email address using subject "Math placement test".  In that email, answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

  • Your intended/declared major
  • The course(s) that you intend to take that will require a math placement
  • The version of the math placement test you think you are ready for (see below)
  • Previous algebra-based college mathematics courses you have taken, perhaps at a different university
  • The highest level algebra-based math course you took in high school (calculus, precalculus, trigonometry, algebra II)

If you are unsure if you should take the math placement test or have questions about your placement, please email Ms. Michelle R Heckman ( from your BGSU email account with "Math Placement" in the subject line.

Testing Accommodations: Accessibility Services provides equal access and reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities attending BGSU. Students wishing to discuss their eligibility for such accommodations are encouraged to contact the office at 419-372-8495 or between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.  If they have approved extended testing time for you, please forward your letter of accommodations to Ms. Michelle R Heckman ( at least 24 hours prior to your testing appointment.

Math placement test request

Who Needs to Take the Math Placement Test?

  • Students who do not have both an ACT/SAT math score and cumulative high school GPA on file at BGSU.
  • Students who want to improve their mathematics placement so they are eligible to take a higher-level course.
  • Transfer and international students who need to take a course that requires a math placement or prerequisite course to be eligible to enroll. 

Please note: You do not have to take a math placement test if you receive an automated math placement. Learn how to find your placement and more about placement codes>>

What you will need for the test:

  • You cannot use a calculator or graphing calculator during the test, so we recommend having paper and a pencil ready to work out solutions.
  • Leave yourself time; the test consists of 35 multiple-choice questions and lasts 60 minutes.
  • If you are taking the placement test online (during the summer), you will need to have a computer or other device with a working microphone and webcam that you can install Zoom on.  
  • If you have been approved for Testing Accommodations by the BGSU Office of Accessibility Services, you will need to provide your letter of accommodation ahead of time.
  • After you complete your test, an email will be sent to your BGSU account with the placement code you received. If you already had a placement code, the highest code will be used. You can also look up your math placement online.

Preparing for the test

The first thing to remember is, this isn't a math test for a grade and you will not fail.

We recommend taking a moment to review how the test will be structured and reviewing our sample tests and resources and then relaxing before you begin the test. 

Three versions of the math placement test
There are three versions of the math placement test.  Which one you should take will depend on your background and what class you are trying to place into.  Below, you will find information on all three math placement tests and what classes they can place you into.  Information is up to date to the best of our ability as of Spring 2021.  If your major requires one or more of the courses listed below, you may benefit from taking a math placement test. The program requirements for each major at BGSU tell what courses are required.

The headers below are links to sample tests. Each sample test consists of 14 questions, and the answers are provided at the bottom of the last sheet. Before you begin, you should cover up the answers, then take the test without a calculator, graphing calculator or help of any kind.

After you done with the sample test, self-grade your work to see how well you did. A score of 12 or higher out of 14 is a good sign.

Sample Test A

Sample A .docx version

Students who are not comfortable with algebra should take Test A to try to place into:

  • CHEM 1090
  • CS 2010
  • ENVS 3040
  • PHYS 2010
  • PSYC 2700
  • SEES 3230 

Test A can result in placement codes of 11, 20, and 32.  Placement into the courses above require a code of 32 or higher.  If you don't get a 32 placement code, you will need to earn a C or higher in Math 1220 first.

Sample Test B

Sample B .docx version

Students who are comfortable with algebra should take Test B to try to place into:

  • CHEM 1230 or higher
  • ENGT 2300
  • MATH 1230
  • MATH 1280 (Precalculus)
  • And any of the courses listed under Test A

Test B can result in placement codes of 20, 24, 32, 41, 42, 51.  Placement into BA 1600 requires a placement code of 42 or higher and the other courses on the list require 41 or higher.  If you don't get a high enough placement code, you will need to earn a C or higher in Math 1220 first.

Sample Test C

Sample C .docx version

Students who have done well in Trigonometry or Precalculus in the past, should take Test C to try to place into:

  • MATH 1310 (Calculus I)
  • MATH 1340 (Calculus IA)
  • Or any of the Courses listed under Tests A and Test B

Test C can result in placement codes of 20, 41, 42, 51, 61, 71.  Placement into the courses above requires a code of 61 or 71.  Students in the Honors College with a placement code of 71 may enroll in Math 1310H.  Students with lower placement codes will need to earn a C or higher in Math 1280 (Precalculus) first.

At the end of the test, students may advised to take Test B instead, because it is more focused on the algebra skills for placement into Precalculus.

Other material you can study to prepare for the math placement test:

There are a lot of websites with precalculus reviews. Here are some that can help you prepare for Test B and Test C. 

  • IXL precalculus has lots of questions for you to answer. We recommend working through sections A through J for Test B, and also do sections M, N, O for Test C.
  • Coolmath precalculus gives a good overview of many topics but does not have practice problems.
Contact the BGSU Learning Commons to get in touch with a tutor to help you with your algebra questions.

Updated: 08/23/2024 10:22PM