Visiting Speaker Series

In the afternoon workshop, "Digital Pedagogy in the Digital Age," Robinson reviewed the UX framework and habits of mind before sharing some of the results of a recent three-question research study—with findings for one of the questions forthcoming in Computers and Composition. Robinson shared the results of this question: "How are digital resources used by teachers in the writing and communication classroom?" The researchers found that teachers often go for "low-hanging fruit" in choosing which digital resources to use and that too much familiarity stifles creativity, with encouragements to create digital pedagogy plans and leverage our agency in these plans.
Dr. Robinson is an Assistant Professor of Technical Writing and New Media in the English Department of the University of Alabama in Huntsville. She has more than 10 years of experience researching user experience and more than 15 years of experience in teaching and course and program development. Her courses emphasis designing thinking strategies, and she runs the VUE (eValuation and User Experience) lab at UAH.
Previous Visitors
Dr. James Schirmer, 2019
Dr. Neal Lerner, 2019
Dr. Asao Inoue, 2018
Updated: 04/27/2021 12:21PM