Lee Nickoson


Dr. Lee Nickoson

  • Position: Professor and Director, Rhetoric & Writing Studies Program
  • Phone: 419-819-8050
  • Email: leenick@bgsu.edu
  • Address: 341 East Hall
  • Writing is not simply a functional art limited to the production of content; it is a critical, deeply social, and always political practice.
  • Writing is making. And remaking.
  • Writing is action.
  • Writing involves understanding connecting with another.
  • Writing is a recursive practice: writers plan, draft, (re)plan, (re)draft . . . .
  • Writing is play.
  • Writing is messy.
  • Writing is a powerful means of making sense of the world(s) in which we live.

These assumptions about what writing is and does challenge me to perform three responsibilities: (1) to develop, organize, and implement a curriculum that both affirms and also challenges the writing histories and experience learners bring to the course ; (2) to model thoughtful, engaged, and rigorous intellectual curiosity about writing; and (3) to motivate the students with whom I am fortunate to work to challenge themselves as readers, thinkers, writers, and citizens.  


Degrees and Institutions

Ph.D. English, Illinois State University  
M.A. English, Missouri State University 
B.A. English, Eastern Illinois University

Area: Rhetoric and Writing; General Studies Writing; Faculty Liaison, Center for Faculty Excellence; College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Liaison to the Center for Civic and Community Engagement; Affiliated Faculty, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Research Interests: Composition pedagogy, community literacy, feminist approaches to researching and teaching composition, qualitative research methods, service learning, writing response and assessment

Courses Taught

Undergraduate courses

GSW 1110: Introduction to Academic Writing
GSW 1120: Academic Writing
ENG 3810: Grammar in Context
ENG 4840: Foundations of Teaching Writing

Graduate courses

ENG 6040: Graduate Writing (online delivery)
ENG 6200: Teaching Writing (online delivery)
ENG 6800: Teacher Research in Rhetoric and Composition
ENG 7260: Research Methods in Rhetoric & Writing
ENG 7800: Writing Assessment as Human Inquiry 
ENG 7800: Feminist Research and Pedagogy
ENG 7800: Community Literacy

Select Publications

Edited Collections

(Co-editor with Kristine L. Blair], Composing Feminist Interventions. WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado. [In press 2018]. Print & Online.

(Co-editor with Kristine L. Blair, Tobi Jacobi, and Mary P. Sheridan), Feminist Teacher Special Issue on Campus-Community Partnerships. (Spring 2014). Print.

Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Co-edited with Mary P. Sheridan. Southern Illinois University Press. 2012. Print. 

Feminism and Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Co-edited with Faye Spencer Maor, Gesa  Kirsch, Lance Massey, and Mary Sheridan-Rabideau.  Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s and NCTE, 2003.

Book Chapters

“Introduction: Current Conversations about Writing Research..” (Co-authored with Mary P. Sheridan.) Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Co-edited with Mary P. Sheridan. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. 2012. Print.

“Revisiting Teacher Research.” Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Co-edited with Mary P. Sheridan. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. 2012. Print. 

“(Re)Imagining Writing Assessment as a ‘New’ Literacy.”  Engaging Audience: Theory and Practice.  Ed.  Brian Fehler, Elizabeth Weiser, and Angela Gonzales. Urbana: NCTE 2009.  

“Rethinking Approaches to Writing Assessment.” Practice in Context:  Situating the Work of Writing Teachers. Ed. Peggy O’Neill and Cindy Moore. Urbana: NCTE, 2003. 235-43.

Journal Articles

"Intervening: The Value of Campus-Community Partnerships." (Co-authored with Kristine Blair.) Feminist Teacher Sepcial Issue: Campus/Community Partnerships. [Spring 2014.] Print.

"An Introduction to the Work (and Play) of Writing Studies Research Through the Micro Study." (Co-authored with Suzan Aiken, Emily Beard, and David McClure.) The CEA Forum. 42.1 (Winter/Spring 2013): 127-54. Print.

“Mothers’ Ways of Making It—or Making Do?: Making (Over) Academic Lives in Rhetoric and Composition.” (Co-authored with Christine Cucciarre, Deborah Morris, Kim Hensley Owens, and Mary P. Sheridan.) Composition Studies. 39.1 (Spring 2011): 41-62. Print.

“Remediating Knowledge-Making Spaces in the Graduate Curriculum: Developing and Sustaining Multimodal Teaching and Research.”  Co-authored with Kristine L. Blair and Meredith Graupner. Computers & Composition Special Issue: Computers & Composition (The Future of Graduate Education in the New American University: Intersections between Technologies and Literacies). Guest Ed. Peter Goggin and Patricia Webb. 26.1 (2009): 13-23.

Book Reviews

Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times and Redesigning Composition for Multilingual Realities: A Review” (Co-authored with Amanda Athon). Kairos 19.2. http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/19.2/reviews/athon-nickoson/index.html

"Rhetorica In Motion” (Co-authored with Kerri Hauman, Emily Hurford, Stacy Kastner, Jeff Kirchoff, and Kate Spike). Feminist Teacher 22.2 (2012): 160-62. Print.

“Practical But Not Simple.”  Rev. of Assigning, Responding, and Assessing Writing: A Writing Teacher’s Guide, Fourth ed., by Edward White. Pedagogy 9.2 (Spring 2009): 353-9. Print.

“Differences of Interpretation: Engaging Conversations on Writing Assessment.” Rev. of Coming To Terms: Theorizing Writing Assessment in Composition Studies, by Patricia Lynne. Composition Studies 34.1 (Fall 2006). Print.

Select Presentations

"Community, Engagement, Feminism." Collegiate Leadership Conference of Ohio. Columbus, OH. November 2015.

"Digital Storytelling and/as Service Learning Scholarship." Co-presenter: Paul Valdez. Ohio Campus Compact Conference. Denison University. August 2015.

"The Promises and Pitfalls of Feminist: Risks and Rewards." 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.

"Writing Spaces Between: Pragmatics, Possibilities, and Pitfalls of Student-Faculty Collaboration." Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY. October 2014. 

"Growing Methods and Methodologies for Writing Research: Pedagogy as Practice." 2014 Conference on Writing Research. Amsterdam, Netherlands. August 2014.

“Renegotiating the Visibility and Value of Community-Based Research.” Co-presenter: Mary P. Sheridan. 2013 Conference on College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, March 2013.

"Writing Research Methods...Small." Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY. October 2012.

"Feminist Community Engagement: Participatory Alternatives in an Age of Objective Learning Assessments." Co-presenters Kris Blair, Jenn Fishman, Liz Rohan, Mary P. Sheridan, and Tobi Jacobi. 2012 Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO. March 2012. 

“What Constitutes a Feminist Approach in the Internationalized, Interdisciplinary Twenty-First Century? Co-presenters:  Kristine L. Blair and Mary P. Sheridan. Writing Research Across Borders Conference. Fairfax, VA. February 2011.

“Micro Study as the Work of Developing Research Methodology.” Co-presenters: Suzan Aiken, Emily J. Beard, and David McClure. Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY. October 2010.

“Women’s Ways of Making It—Or Making Do?” Roundtable Presentation. Co-presenters: Christa Albrecht-Crane, Christine Peters Cucciarre, Rebecca Dingo, Deborah Morris, Kim Hensley-Owens, Mary P. Sheridan, 2010 Conference on College Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY. March 2010.  

“(Re)Articulating Methods and Methodology: Doing Feminist Work in a “Post-Feminist” World (?)” presented with Mary P. Sheridan. 2009 Feminism(s) & Rhetoric(s) Conference. East Lansing, MI.  October 2009.     

“Writing Assessment from a Feminist Perspective.” 2009 Conference on Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA. March 2009.

“Remediating Knowledge-Making Spaces in the Graduate Curriculum: Developing and Sustaining Multimodal Teaching and Research” with Meredith Graupner and Kristine Blair. Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY. October 2008.

“Mind the Gap: Changing the Realities of and Possibilities for How We Understand Multimodal Writing Assessment.”  2008 Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA. April 2008.  

“Filling The Gap(s): Theorizing Writing Assessment from a Feminist Perspective.”  Feminism(s) & Rhetoric(s) Conference. Little Rock, AR. October 2007.  


“Technofeminist Pedagogies in Public & Private Spaces.“ Half-day Workshop. Co- facilitated with Emily Beard, Kristine L. Blair, Brittany Cottrill, Chris Denneker, Erin Fyfe Dietel-McLaughlin, Christine Garbett and Ruijie Zhao. 2011 Computers & Writing: Writing in Motion. Ann Arbor, MI. May 2011.

“Remixing (Techno) Feminist Pedagogies in Virtual, Multimodal Spaces” Emily J. Beard, Kris Blair, Brittany Cottrill, Erin Fyfe Dietel-McLaughlin, Christine Garbett, Krista Petrosino, and Ruijie Zhao.  Computers and Writing 2010.  West Lafayette, IN.  May 2010.  May 2010.

“Rubrics as Localized Realities: Strategies for Identifying and Strengthening Relationships Between Assessment Tools and Program Identities” with Brittany Cottrill, Elizabeth Fleitz, Meredith Graupner, Abbey Kanzig, Donna Nelson-Beene, Jeremy Schnieder, and Ruijie Zhao.  Half-day Workshop. Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans.  April 2008.

Professional Service

Reviewer, Pedagogy (2015)

Member, Digital Humanities Learning Community. BGSU Center for Teaching and Learning. 2013-14.

Member, 2010-2012 BGSU Service Learning Faculty Cohort.GSW 1110: Intro to Academic Writing
GSW 1110H: Intro to Academic Writing (Honors Section)
GSW 1120: Academic Writing


Outstanding Contributor to Graduate Education. Bowling Green State University Graduate Student Council. 2010.

Updated: 09/13/2024 12:19PM