Anastasiia Kryzhanivska


Anastasiia Kryzhanivska

  • Position: Associate Teaching Professor
    The Learning Commons ESOL Writing Specialist
  • Phone: 419-372-0149
  • Email:
  • Address: 203 East Hall
    The Learning Commons

Degrees and Institutions

M.A. Applied Linguistics (TESOL), Ohio University
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate, Ohio University
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Certificate, Ohio University
B.A. English Translation, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Ukraine

Area: Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Linguistics, Writing Center

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Courses
WRIT 1110: Seminar in Academic Writing
WRIT 1120: Seminar in Research Writing
ESOL 1000: Academic Composition I
ESOL 1010: Academic Composition II
ESOL 1040: Academic Speaking and Listening II
ENG 2900: Language Study
ENG/LING 3800: Linguistics for English Teachers
ENG 3810: Grammar & Writing
LING 4100/5100: Methods of TESOL

Graduate Courses
ESOL 5000: Academic Composition I
ESOL 5010: Academic Composition II
ESOL 5030: Intermediate Listening & Speaking
ESOL 5050: English for Graduate Assistants II
ESOL 5080: Advanced Speaking and Listening

Select Publications

Kryzhanivska, A., & Bychkovska, T. (2024). Building confidence as NNESTs of writing through pre-service training and professional development. In M. Tseptsura & T. Ruecker (Eds.), Nonnative English-speaking teachers of U.S. college composition: Exploring identities and negotiating difference. WAC Clearinghouse.

Kryzhanivska, A. (2023). Exploring discipline-specific and paper-specific vocabulary. In V. Viana (Ed.), Teaching English with corpora. Routledge.

Kryzhanivska, A.
 (2023). Learning about words in use with StringNet Navigator. In V. Viana (Ed.), Teaching English with corpora. Routledge.

Kryzhanivska, A. (2023). Teaching grammar: Learning prepositions with corpora. TESOL Connections Newsletter.

Kryzhanivska, A., Capraro, F., & Spallinger, K. (2023). Tutors on location: Tutor-mediated peer reviews in ESOL classes. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship48(2). DOI: 10.37514/WLN-J.2023.48.2.04

Kryzhanivska, A. (2022). The beginnings: Russian-Ukrainian war in European, Ukrainian, and Russian media in 2014-15. Balcania et Slavia, 2(1), 9-26. DOI: 10.30687/BES/2785-3187/2022/01/001

Kryzhanivska, A., & Hunter, L. (2021). The person in personal narrative: Two ESOL instructors teaching away from home. In R. Jain, B. Yazan, & S. Canagarajah (Eds.), Transnational identities, pedagogies, and practices in English language teaching: Critical inquiries from diverse practitioners. Multilingual Matters.

Kryzhanivska, A. (2021). 5 practices to make students hate grammar. The Newsletter of the Materials Writers Interest Section.

Select Presentations

Kryzhanivska, A. (2024, March). Meaningful introduction to linguistics research assignments for pre-service teachers. Online presentation at the 2024 Annual TESOL Conference.  

Kryzhanivska, A. (2023, March). The roots of propaganda: Russian-Ukrainian war in European, Ukrainian, and Russian media in 2014-2015.Poster presentation at the 2023 Annual American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR. 

Kryzhanivska, A. (2022, March). 3 tips to promote participation in virtual and in-person classes.Tech-fair presentation at the 2022 Annual TESOL Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Kryzhanivska, A., Capraro, F., & Spallinger, K. (2022, March). Tutors on location: Tutor-mediated peer reviews in ESOL classes. Collaborative paper presentation at the 2021 Annual TESOL Convention, Denver, CO.

Burroughs, K., Kryzhanivska, A., & Ohene-Larbi, S. (2021, July). Critical literacies in the 21st century classroom. Collaborative paper presentation at the 2021 CCCC’s Northeast regional summer conference.  

Kryzhanivska, A., & Bychkovska, T. (2019, November). Entering a writing classroom with confidence: NNESTs’ reflection on their pre-service training. Collaborative paper presentation at the 2019 SSLW, Tempe, AZ.

Kryzhanivska, A., & Oswald, E. (2019, October). Memes and Pecha Kucha presentations: Promoting writing center pedagogy and building community in the 21st century with the help of visual art. Collaborative paper presentation at the 2019 IWCA Conference, Columbus, OH.

Kryzhanivska, A. (2019, May). Bringing linguistics to life with arts-based pedagogy. Paper presentation at the 2019 English Language Teaching Unit Conference, Hong Kong.



Updated: 09/13/2024 12:19PM