Undergraduate Courses
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English (ENG)
ENG 099. Creative Writing Common Time (0). Fall, Spring. Restricted to, and required of, all creative writing majors and minors every semester. Successful completion of course requires attendance at scheduled one-hour common time each week. No prerequisites. Graded S/U.
ENG 1000. ESL Academic Composition I (3). Fall or Spring. Develops intermediate skills in reading and writing academic American English. Emphasis is on sentence-level and paragraph-level writing. Placement is on the basis of proficiency examination. No more than three hours from English 1000 or English 1010 may be applied toward graduation.
ENG 1010. ESL Academic Composition II (3). Fall or Spring. Develops high-intermediate skills in reading and writing academic American English. Emphasis is on essay-level writing. Placement is on the basis of proficiency examination or completion of ENG 1000. No more than three hours from English 1000 or English 1010 may be applied toward graduation.
ENG 1030. ESL Academic Oral/Aural Communication Skills I (3). Fall or Spring. For students with low intermediate oral/aural skills. Develops pronunciation and prosody while introducing participation in classroom discussions, taking notes in class, and giving in-class presentations. Introduces culture-based expectations of social and academic interaction. Prerequisite: Placement on the basis of proficiency examination. Graded S/U.
ENG 1040. ESL Academic Oral/Aural Communication Skills II (3). Fall or Spring. For students with high intermediate oral/aural skills. Develops fluency while preparing students to participate in classroom discussions, take notes in class, and give in-class presentations. Heightens student awareness of culture-based expectations of social and academic interaction. Prerequisite: Placement on the basis of proficiency examination or completion of ENG 1030. Graded S/U.
ENG 1500. Response to Literature (3). Fall, Spring. A general education course emphasizing discussion of humanistic themes based on student responses to readings in fiction, drama, poetry and nonfiction. Not accepted toward English major or minor. Prerequisite: enrollment in or completion of GSW 1110. Applicable to the humanities and arts general education requirement.
ENG 2000. Writing about Literature (2-3). Fall, Spring. Various topics: Short Story, Literature and Film, Women in Literature, Literature of the Natural World. A general education course with emphasis on humanistic themes, basic literary concepts, and writing. Some topics for two hours, most for three. Can be repeated once if topics differ. Not accepted for English major or minor. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2010. Introduction to Literary Genres (3). Fall. General introduction to study of literary genres with attention to various forms of fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and to essential literary terminology. Extensive expository writing. Prerequisite for ENG 202.
ENG 2010. Introduction to Literature (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. Various thematic topics. Introduction to literary and textual study with attention to various forms of fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and to essential literary terminology and practice. Extensive expository writing. Prerequisite for most 300- and 400-level ENG courses. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2040. Imaginative Writing (3). Fall, Spring. Exploration of the creative process through reading and practice in various genres of imaginative writing, such as poetry, fiction, and drama, but not limited to these. Emphasis on the means by which students find artistic form for expression. Open to all students. Extra fee.
ENG 2050. Craft of Poetry (3). Fall. The way poetry works, analysis of poetic form, theory and technique in traditional and contemporary works, emphasis on poetry writing exercises and revision. Required for majors in BFA creative writing program. Prerequisite: GSW 1120.
ENG 2060. Craft of Fiction (3). Spring. The way fiction works, analysis of fictional form, theory and technique in traditional and contemporary works, emphasis on story writing exercises and fiction terminology. Required for majors in BFA creative writing program. Prerequisite: GSW 1120.
ENG 2070. Intermediate Writing (3). Fall, Spring. Work on developing mastery of the rhetorical principles of planning, executing and revising prose. Emphasis on strengthening analytical writing, both expository and argumentative; valuable for writing on the job. Prerequisite: GSW 1120. Extra fee. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2090. Creative Writing Workshop (3). Fall, Spring. Principles of poetic composition and fiction writing; analysis of contemporary models and group discussion of student's work. May be repeated once. Extra fee.
ENG 2110. African-American Literature (3). Spring. African-American literature from the mid-eighteenth century to the present in its historical, political, and cultural context. Germane critical approaches to both literary modes and vernacular tradition. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) cultural diversity in the United States requirement.
ENG 2120. Native American Literature (3). Fall. American literature from the oral to the written tradition in its historical and cultural context. Germane critical approaches to the tales, songs, myths, memoirs, poetry and fiction. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) cultural diversity in the United States requirement.
ENG 2610. World Literature from Ancient Times to 1700 (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. Works in English and in translation of various world literatures from ancient times to 1700, including a balanced selection of texts from European and non-European cultures such as Greek, Celtic, Roman, Chinese, Indian, African, Japanese, Arabic, etc. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts and international perspective requirements. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2620. World Literature from 1700 to present (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. Works in English and in translation of various world literatures from 1700 to the present, including a balanced selection of texts from European and non-European cultures such as French, Russian, Spanish, Latin American, Chinese, Indian, African, Caribbean, Japanese, Arabic, etc. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts and international perspective requirements. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2640. British Literature Survey to 1660 (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. Survey of British prose, poetry, and drama from Anglo-Saxon origins through the restoration of Charles II; emphasis on literary traditions and historical contexts. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2650. British Literature Survey, 1660-1945 (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. Survey of British prose, poetry, and drama from the Restoration period through the Second World War; emphasis on literary traditions and historical contexts. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement.
ENG 2690. Canadian Fiction (3). Spring, Summer. Short stories and novels by leading Canadian authors from English-speaking areas, emphasis on recent writers. Titles chosen to represent diversity of expression from various regions, with some attention to women's concerns as well as Native American, Eskimo and ethnic views. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts and international perspective general education requirements. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 2740. Survey of American Literature to 1865 (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. American literature from its beginnings through the Civil War. May emphasize historical development and/or major themes. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement.
ENG 2750. Survey of American Literature, 1865-1945 (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. American literature from the end of the Civil War through World War II. May emphasize historical development and/or major themes. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement.
ENG 2850. Writing About Films (3). Fall, Spring. Writing-intensive course treating film analysis, film reviews, film theory, and film adaptations. Prerequisite: GSW 1120. Extra fee.
ENG 2900. Language Study (3). Spring. Aspects of form and style in language: structure, usage, semantics; language change and cultural convention; social and regional dialects. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Not applicable for state certification requirements. Not a substitute for ENG 3800 requirement for English education. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) humanities and arts requirement.
ENG 3020. Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism (3). Fall, Spring. General introduction to study of literary theory and criticism with attention to various schools of 20th century criticism, critical applications, and critical terminology. Extensive critical writing. Prerequisite: ENG 2010. Prerequisite for ENG 3100, ENG 3110, ENG 3140, and ENG 4560.
ENG 3010. Shakespeare (3). Fall, Spring. Representative comedies, histories, tragedies, romances and lyric poetry. Designed for student with no previous Shakespeare courses. Prerequisites: ENG 2010. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 3020. Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism (3). Fall, Spring. General introduction to study of literary theory and criticism with attention to various schools of 20th century criticism, critical applications, and critical terminology. Extensive critical writing. Prerequisite: ENG 2010. Prerequisite for ENG 3100, ENG 3110, ENG 3140, and ENG 4560.
ENG 3060. The Bible (3). Fall. English Bible as a literary classic; its development and influence on literary culture. Prerequisites: ENG 112. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 3100. Multiethnic American Literature (3). Alternates with ENG 3110 and ENG 3140 in Fall, Spring, Summer. Modern and contemporary literatures by visibly ethnic American writers. Themes, literary genres, and germane critical approaches in a focus on intersections between cultures and texts. Prerequisites: ENG 3020 or ENG 2020.
ENG 3110. Gay and Lesbian Literature and Criticism (3). Fall, Spring. Major issues in contemporary gay and lesbian literary criticism. Discussion of literature and critical writing that addresses gay and lesbian sexuality, with attention to feminist theory, cultural studies, psychoanalytic criticism, race, and class. Prerequisites: ENG 3020 or ENG 2020.
ENG 3120. Poetry Workshop (3). Fall, Spring. Practical application of students' knowledge of how poems are put together. Class discussion and analysis of original and published poetry, and poetry exercises. Required for creative writing major. Prerequisites: ENG 2050 and ENG 2060 and a B or better in ENG 2090 or permission of BFA adviser. May be repeated once. Extra fee.
ENG 3130. Fiction Workshop (3). Fall, Spring. Practical application of students' knowledge of how stories are put together. Class discussion and analysis of original and published stories, and fiction exercises. Required for creative writing major. Prerequisites: ENG 2050 and ENG 2060 and a B or better in ENG 2090 or permission of BFA adviser. May be repeated once. Extra fee.
ENG 3140. Postcolonial Literature (3). Spring. Introduction to writers from formerly colonized areas of the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean, among others. Emphasis on themes and issues related to imperialism, postcolonial identity, nationalism, and decolonialization, with attention to intersections of race, gender, and sexuality. Prerequisites: ENG 3020 or ENG 2020.
ENG 3200. Modern Poetry (3). Fall. English and American poetry and European poetry in translation from 1900 to 1945; writers and works significantly influencing development of poetic forms. Required for creative writing major. Prerequisites: any ENG literature course and GSW 1120.
ENG 3230. Modern Fiction (3). Fall. Novelistic fiction from English, European (in translation), and American writers of the Modern period such as Flaubert, Joyce, Conrad, Woolf, Kafka, Mann, Faulkner. Focus on development of forms of fiction, styles, and narrative theories, and on cultural, literary, and political contexts of individual works. Prerequisites: any ENG literature course and ENG 112.
ENG 3250. Modern Drama (3). Fall. Dramatic works by British, European (in translation), and American writers of the Modern period such as Shaw, Ibsen, Chekhov, O'Casey, Anouilh, Giradoux, Brecht, O'Neill, with a focus on dramatic movements and theatrical innovations as well as the cultural, aesthetic, literary, and political contexts of individual works. Prerequisites: any ENG literature course and ENG 112.
ENG 3300. Contemporary Poetry (3). Spring. Cross section of English and American poetry and European poetry in translation, mostly written since 1945; writers and works representing major trends in development of poetry. Required for creative writing major. Prerequisites: any ENG literature course and GSW 1120.
ENG 3330. Contemporary Fiction (3). Spring. Fiction by British, European (in translation), and American writers of the contemporary period (since 1945) such as Amis, Pynchon, Duras, Rushdie, Selvon, Naipul, Bradbury, Marquez. Focus on development of forms of fiction, styles, and narrative theories, and on cultural, literary and political contexts of individual works. Prerequisites: any ENG literature course and GSW 1120.
ENG 3350. Contemporary Drama (3). Spring. Dramatic works by British, European (in translation), and American writers of the contemporary period (since 1945) such as Arden, Friel, Stoppard, Deveare Smith, Shange, Valdez. Focus on dramatic movements and theatrical innovations, as well as the cultural, aesthetic, literary, and political contexts of individual works. Prerequisites: any ENG literature course and GSW 1120.
ENG 3420. Literature for Young Children (3). Fall, Spring, Summer. Reading and evaluation of books for children from birth through age 8; picture books, novels, folklore, informational literature, poetry, and bibliographic sources. Priority given to ECE and EDIS majors. Does not count for Arts and Humanities literature requirement. Prerequisite: GSW1120. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 3440. Literature for the Middle Child (3). Fall, Spring. Reading and evaluation of books for 4th-9th grade; fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, and bibliographic resources. Prerequisite: GSW1120. Priority given to Middle Childhood and EDIS majors. Not applicable to the College of Arts & Sciences literature requirement in Group V: Arts & Humanities.
ENG 3450. Literature for Adolescents (3). Fall, Spring. Reading and evaluation of books for 7th - 12th grade; fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and bibliographic sources. Prerequisite: GSW1120. Priority given to ILA and EDIS majors. Does not count for Arts and Humanities literature requirement. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 3800. Linguistics for English Teachers (3). Fall, Spring. Structure of English through recent linguistic theories related to topics of interest to educators (dialects, register, style, etc.). Attention to syntax and morphology as well as to linguistics systems. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
ENG 3810. Grammar and Writing (3). Fall, Spring. Application of grammatical models (traditional, structural and transformational) to the teaching of writing. Prerequisite: ENG 3800. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 3850. Studies In Literature-Film (3). On demand. Problems in film's relationship to literature; definitions and theory; specific films and literary works. May focus on author, genre or historical period. May be repeated once if topics differ. Prerequisites: GSW 1120. Extra fee.
ENG 3870. Literary Editing and Publishing (3). Practical experience in literary publishing through work on Prairie Margins, the campus literary journal. Students will solicit and evaluate work for publication, and then will gain practical experience in editing, layout, and production of the journal, as well as in publicizing and promoting the finished product. Includes introduction to the larger literary market, and instruction in preparing creative work for submission and publication. May be repeated once.
ENG 3880. Introductory Technical Writing (3). Fall, Spring. Application of basic forms of writing for business, industry and government. Requires writing and revising a number of documents including instructions, definitions, descriptions and reports. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Extra fee. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 3890. Professional Editing (3). Fall, Spring. Editing technical, scientific, and other professional documents such as proposals, reports, journal articles, conference proceedings and books. Includes introduction to managing editorial services. Prerequisites: junior standing or permission of instructor. Extra fee.
ENG 4000. Chaucer (3). On demand. The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, and such dreamvision poems as The Book of the Duchess, and lyrics in Middle English. Prerequisites: ENG 2010.
ENG 4010. Special Topics in Shakespeare and Criticism (3). On demand. In-depth analysis of Shakespeare's poetic and dramatic production from specific critical/theoretical perspectives. Prerequisite: ENG 3010.
ENG 4020. English Medieval Literature (3). On demand. Poetry, prose and drama including such works as Beowulf, Pearl, The Wakefield Plays, read in Old and Middle English. Prerequisites: ENG 2010.
ENG 4030. 16th and 17th Century Non-Dramatic Literature (3). On demand. In-depth analysis of the poetry and prose of early modern England, with special attention to English Petrarchanism, Spenserian epic, metaphysical poetry, the Cavalier tradition, and the controversial political and religious tracts of the period. Prerequisites: ENG 2020 and ENG 2640.
ENG 4060. English Renaissance Drama (3). On demand. Renaissance dramatic forms and traditions exclusive of Shakespeare. May include representative authors (Marlowe, Jonson, Middleton, Webster) or genres (revenge tragedy, city comedy, domestic tragedy). Prerequisites: ENG 2010.
ENG 4080. Milton (3). On demand. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes and selected minor poems and prose. Prerequisites: ENG 2010.
ENG 4100. Topics in English Restoration Literature and Culture (3). On demand. English prose, poetry, and drama 1660-1710. Representative writers--Wycherley, Behn, Dryden, Congreve, Astell--in their neo-classical, historical, and continental contexts. Prerequisites: ENG 2010.
ENG 4120. Poet's Workshop (3). Fall, Spring. Focuses on developing the students' writing process and understanding of contemporary poetry. Creative writing majors taking their second 400-level workshop class must complete a thesis and public reading. Prerequisite: B or better in ENG 3120 or 3130 or instructor permission. May be repeated once. Extra fee.
ENG 4130. Fiction Writer's Workshop (3). Fall, Spring. Focuses on developing the students' writing process and understanding of contemporary fiction. Creative writing majors taking their second 400-level workshop class must complete a thesis and public reading. Prerequisite: B or better in ENG 3130 or 3120 or instructor permission. May be repeated once. Extra fee.
ENG 4150. Topics in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture (3). On demand. Poetry, fiction, drama, and prose from 1700-1800, including writers such as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Pope, Swift, Burney, Heywood, and Lennox. Emphasis on cultural developments (such as neoclassicism, capitalism, colonialism, the rise of the novel) and their effect on changing conceptions of class, family structure, gender, sexuality, and race in 18th-century Britain. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4160. The Victorian Novel (3). On demand. Male and female novelists of the Victorian period (1837-1901) including the Brontes, Eliot, Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Wilkie Collins, Hardy, and others. Emphasis on issues such as industrialization, imperialism, social/legal reform, crime and sensationalism, domesticity, and women's changing roles, as well as the intersections of class, race, gender, and sexuality in Victorian Britain. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4170. Topics in British Romanticism (3). On demand. Poetry, fiction, and drama by both male and female Romantic writers such as Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, Blake, Keats, Coleridge, Byron, Percy Shelley, Scott, Ann Radcliffe. Emphasis on historical and cultural context of British Romanticism. Topics may include impact of revolution, emergence of the Gothic the Sublime, the Picturesque, the rise of Orientalism/colonialism. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4180. Victorian Poetry and Prose (3). On demand. Prose and poetry of the Victorian period, including such writers as Browning, Tennyson, Arnold, Elizabeth Barrett, Emily Bronte, Christina and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4190. Topics in Modern British Literature (3). On demand Works in one or more genres from the modern period by English, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh writers such as Joyce, Yeats, Thomas, Woolf, O'Casey. Topics may include theoretical, aesthetic, historical, cultural, and political issues of the period. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4200. Topics in Contemporary British Literature (3). On demand. Works in one or more genres from the 1940s to the present by English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and immigrant writers of the British Isles. Topics may include theoretical, aesthetic, historical, cultural, and political issues of the period. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4230. Women's Studies in Literature (3). On demand. Women as authors and subjects. Feminist critical approaches to literary works in a range of genres, cultural backgrounds, or historical periods. May be repeated once if topic differs. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4240. Topics In Multiethnic American Literature (3). On demand. Literary works from all genres by writers from one ethnic American culture. In-depth study of significant texts placed in culturally specific contexts through the lens of appropriate multicultural theory. May be repeated once if topics differ. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4300. Topics in Early American Literature (3). On demand. Intensive study of an author, group of authors, genre, theme, period, or critical issue. Authors may include: Smith, Bradford, Rowlandson, Knight, Edwards, Franklin, Wheatley, Irving, and Cooper. Native-American myths and French/Spanish exploration narratives may also be treated. Prerequisites: ENG 2010.
ENG 4310. Topics in the American Renaissance (3). On demand. Intensive study of an author, group of authors, genre, theme, period, or critical issue. Authors may include: Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, Whitman, Dickinson, Douglass, Jacobs, Stowe, Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4320. Topics in Late 19th-Century and Early 20th-Century American Literature (3). On demand. Intensive study of an author, group of authors, genre, theme, period, or critical issue. Authors may include: Twain, Harper, Howells, Chesnutt, Crane, Norris, Alcott, Jewett, Winnemucca, James, and Chopin. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4330. Topics in Modern American Literature (3). On demand. Intensive study of an author, group of authors, genre, theme, or period, or critical issue. Authors may include: Eliot, Stein, Hurston, Hemingway, Faulkner, Odets, Barnes, Wharton, Stevens, H.D., and Hughes. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4340. Topics in Contemporary American Literature (3). On demand. Intensive study of an author, group of authors, genre, theme, period, or critical issue. Prerequisite: ENG 2010.
ENG 4420. Studies In Children's Literature (3). Alternate years. Problems in childrens literature; history, criticism, trends, individual authors, types. Prerequisite: ENG 3420 or permission of instructor.
ENG 4560. Topics in Critical Theory (3). On demand. In-depth study of one or more literary/critical theories such as semiotic, psychoanalytic, Marxist, feminist, postcolonial. Prerequisites: ENG 3020 or 2020.
ENG 4700. Directed Readings In Language and Literature (1-4). Fall, Spring. For advanced student or small group of students to work independently in specialized subject not covered by existing courses. Prerequisites: junior standing; six hours of English beyond GSW 1120; written description of the proposal, prepared by student and signed by proposed instructor, to be submitted to undergraduate curriculum committee in English prior to end of preceding semester. May be repeated up to 6 hours.
ENG 4800. Studies In English or American Literature (3). On demand. Intensive study of author, literary school, genre or theme. May be repeated once if topics differ. Prerequisites: ENG 2010 or instructor permission. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 4830. Advanced Composition (3). Fall, Summer. Writing intensive course intended for students who want to develop their writing skills at an advanced level. Focus and subject matter will vary but rhetorical emphasis will guide the writing tasks and approaches. Prerequisite: Writing intensive course at the 2000 level or above in any department. Extra Fee. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 4840. Foundations of Teaching Writing (3). Fall, Spring. Historical and contemporary traditions that have led to the pedagogy and theories of teaching writing to adolescents. This course offers specific material and practice in writing assessment, writing assignments, developing writing groups, peer assessment and information about process involved in teaching writing to adolescents. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Approved for Distance Ed.
ENG 4850. Topics in Film Theory (3). On demand. In-depth study of one or more film theories such as semiotic, psychoanalytic, genre, feminist. Prerequisite: ENG 2010. Extra fee.
ENG 4860. Writing Process for Online Documents (3). Fall. Emphasis on theory, principles, and research about the writing process involved for online documents. Prerequisite: ENG 3880 or permission of instructor.
ENG 4870. Rhetoric and Writing of Science (3). Spring. Emphasis on theories, genres, and history of science writing. Focus on special rhetorical concerns for professional and popular audiences of scientific discourse. Prerequisite: ENG 3880 or permission of instructor.
ENG 4880. Advanced Technical Writing (3). Spring. Advanced study of theory and research in documentation. Student produces a substantial portfolio-quality project. Prerequisite: ENG 3880 or permission of instructor. Extra fee.
ENG 4890. Internships in Technical Communication (1-9). Fall, Spring, Summer. Work experience where technical communication students apply and practice the skills they have learned in their courses, and learn new skills from industry environments and their academic mentor/instructor. Prerequisite: approved registration form. Graded S/U. May be repeated up to 9 hours.
ENG 4980. Senior Project Tutorial (3). Fall, Spring. Student selects faculty member to guide work on topics such as major author, theme, period, genre or linguistics. Research and writing to produce a scholarly essay of approximately 25 pages. Prerequisite: 20 hours of English beyond GSW 1120. Credit may not be received for both ENG 4980 and ENG 4990.
ENG 4990. Senior Thesis Workshop (3). Fall, Spring. Workshop on research techniques and writing designed to assist students to produce a scholarly essay of approximately 25 pages. Credit may not be received for both ENG 4980 and ENG 4990. Prerequisite: 20 hours of English beyond GSW 1120.
(Taken from the Bowling Green State University Undergraduate Online Catalog, last updated 11-9-10.)
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:44PM