Piya Pal Lapinski


Associate Professor

320 East Hall

Degrees and Institutions

M.A./Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
B.A., Presidency College(University of Calcutta), India

Area:  British Romanticism, Victorian Studies, The British and European Gothic, Poststructuralist Theory, Postcolonial Theory. 

Research Interests: British 18th and 19th century literature; orientalism, empire and geopolitics, film and aesthetics, 19th century British visual and material cultures, Turkey in British Romantic and Victorian culture, fashion theory; opera studies 

Courses Taught 

Eng 2650: British Lit Survey Part 2; Eng 3020: Critical Theory
ENG 4170: Topics in British Romanticism; ENG 4160: Topics in the Victorian Novel
ENG 3140: Postcolonial Studies
Graduate courses in Poststructuralist Theory; 19th Century British Literature and Cultural Studies 

Select Publications (Books) 

The Exotic Woman in Nineteenth Century British Fiction and Culture: A Reconsideration, University of New England Press, 2005.  

Byron and the Politics of Freedom and Terror, co-edited with Matthew Green, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011

Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire in Romantic and Victorian Culture: The Sultan’s City, 1800-1922 (in progress and forthcoming) 

Updated: 07/18/2024 11:07AM