Larissa Szporluk

Larissa Szporluk 


308 East Hall

Degrees and Institutions

M.F.A., University of Virginia
M.A., University of California, Berkeley

Area: Poetry

Research Interests: Writing of poetry and fiction; review-essays on contemporary poetry

Courses Taught

Graduate and Undergraduate Workshops in Poetry
Contemporary American Poetry
Techniques of Poetry
Women’s Studies

Select Publications

Startle Pattern, 2015: Willow Springs Editions

Traffic with Macbeth, 2011, Tupelo Press

Embryos and Idiots (Tupelo Press 2007); The Wind, Master Cherry, the Wind (Alice James Books 2003); Isolato (University of Iowa Press 2000); Dark Sky Question (Beacon Press 1998); poems published in Daedalus, Meridian, Conduit, Margie. Winner of Faultline Journal's 2002 poetry prize.

Work in Progress

Rogue’s March; The School of Apocalyptic Flying


Recipient of 2009 Guggenheim Fellowship
Ohio Arts Council Award 2003
National Endowment for the Arts 2003

Updated: 07/18/2024 11:20AM