Kitty S. C. Burroughs

Associate Director, University Writing Program
Full Teaching Professor and Graduate Faculty, Department of English
Affiliated Faculty, Honors College
Affiliated Faculty, Rhetoric & Writing Studies
Faculty Senate Representative of the Division of Arts & Humanities, 2017-2023
Undergraduate Council Representative, 2019-2022
Recipient of the College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Lecturer Award, 2014
215E East Hall
Degrees and Institutions
Ph.D. English – Rhetoric and Writing, Bowling Green State University, 1998
M.A. English – Literature, University of Northern Iowa, 1992
B.A. English – TESOL, University of Northern Iowa, 1989
Teaching Narrative
What is the purpose of writing if not to convey something meaningful to ourselves, even in retrospect, and to others? We write to document our thoughts and feelings, and we write to communicate and to share with others. Sometimes we write to treasure and to remember significant moments in our lives. At a time when the world around us is saturated with all kinds of noise, sound bites that surround us with infinite amounts of information, and when we are so preoccupied with so many things that require our attention, we need to moment to reflect on our existence. Who are we? Why are we here?
Writing allows for the quiet time that we need to think and to reflect – on our past, present, and future. We write to answer all those “why” questions, even when we may not reach any satisfying answer. We write to make sense of things. We write to validate ourselves. And we write because in the act of writing, we, hopefully, are honest with ourselves. Through reflective writing, we allocate time and space to assess, and begin a process of change.
Because writing is so many things to so many students, including fear and frustration, writing is social and must be viewed and practiced as a process. Students should know why they are writing and find meaning in what they choose to write about. As students discover themselves through writing, they will learn to own their writing, for writing is a reflection of who they are. Writing is also the negotiation of one’s place in a discourse community, and it embodies values and identities for writers. As such, I wish my students to have the ability to sift through and to understand their own thoughts as well as information available to them, to analyze ideas in order to make informed decisions, and to have meaningful communication with members of their discourse communities.
Research Interests
Composition pedagogy, developmental education and growth mindset, second language writing in composition studies, curriculum development and assessment in first-year writing, Writing about Writing pedagogy, inclusive pedagogy, and writing transfer.
Courses Taught
WRIT 1010 Academic Writing Workshop
WRIT 1110 Seminar in Academic Writing
WRIT 1120 Seminar in Research Writing
GSW 1100 Intensive Introduction to Academic Writing
GSW 1110 Introduction to Academic Writing
GSW 1110H Introduction to Academic Writing, theme-based Honors section
GSW 1100E Intensive Introduction to Academic Writing (for ESL students)
GSW 1120 Academic Writing
GSW P1120 Academic Writing (with special topics)
ENG 2000 Writing about Literature (focus on women in literature)
ENG 4840 Foundations of Teaching Writing
ENG 6020 Online Composition Instructors’ Workshop
WS 2000 Introduction to Women’s Studies
Select Presentations
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., and Cheryl Hoy. “Exploration in Modalities: Introspection and Retrospection toward Reflective Learning in Writing Across the Curriculum.” International Writing across the Curriculum Conference, Clemson University, South Carolina, June 14-17, 2023.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Reflective Writing in HyFlex Instruction: From Gaining Self-Knowledge and Identity to Building Empathy and a Safe Learning Community.” GSOLE Webinar, Global Society of Online Literacy Educators, March 31, 2023.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Reflective Writing: How Does a Pedagogy of Empathy Create a Safe Space for Inquiry that Promotes Genuine and Meaningful Engagement?” Teacher to Teacher, College Composition and Communication Conference (virtual), National Council of Teachers of English,, March 12, 2022.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Reflective Writing in OWI: Gaining Self-Knowledge and Building a Community of Care.” OWI Symposium, Online Writing Instruction Community,, September 17, 2021.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Anastasiia Kryzhanivska, and Stephen Ohene-Larbi. “Writing about Writing in the Classroom and Writing Center Settings: Critical Literacies for English Language Learners.” Interactive panel, “Critical Literacies in the 21st Century Classroom,” Summer Northeast Regional College Composition and Communication Conference (virtual), July 7, 2021.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Adherence to Co-Requisite Model with Sufficient Student Support.” Ohio Strong Start to Finish Capstone Convening (virtual), Ohio Department of Higher Education, Columbus, OH, May 20, 2021.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Reflective Writing: Building Connections via Reading Responses.” Teacher to Teacher, College Composition and Communication Conference (virtual), April 10, 2021.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., and Michelle Heckman. “Conversation for OHSSF with Sova.” Ohio Strong Start to Finish Initiative, Ohio Department of Higher Education, Columbus, OH, March 8, 2021.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Susan Cruea, Amy Rybak and J. Clevenger. “Thinking, Teaching, and Learning ‘Outside of the Box’ with Classroom Based Consultants.” 21st Century Englishes Conference, The Rhetoric Society of the Black Swamp and BGSU Rhetoric & Writing Doctoral Program, Bowling Green, OH, November 2, 2019.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. and Cheryl Hoy. “First-Year Writing Teacher Preparation and Metacognition: Unwrapping the Complex Writing Lives of Students.” Summer Conference on College Composition and Communication, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, May 30-31, 2019.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Dan Bommarito, Tonisha Gordon, and DeVona Smith. “But What about Mathematics and English Composition? Academic Pain Points in Student Success.” 2019 Retention Summit, Office of the Provost, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. May 16, 2019.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Metacognition and Teaching of Writing: Students’ Reflection as a Pivotal Point for Transfer.” The Tenth Annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Findlay, Findlay, OH, May 13-14, 2019.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “Co-Requisite Remediation in First Year Writing Courses.” Roundtable Presentation. Strong Start to Finish—Spring Learning Network, Ohio Department of Higher Education, Columbus, OH, March 1, 2019.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. “First-year Writing Pilot.” Roundtable Presentation. Strong Start to Finish Conference, Ohio Department of Higher Education, Columbus, OH, October 4, 2018.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Cheryl Hoy, Chad Van Buskirk, and Elizabeth Zemanski. “Embracing Threshold Concepts in First-Year Writing: Opportunities, Challenges, and Thorny Negotiations.” 7th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, Miami University, OH, June 13-16, 2018.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. and Learning Community members. “Beyond Student Course Evaluations: Communicating Teaching Effectiveness.” 2018 Teaching and Learning Summit, Center for Faculty Excellence, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, March 28, 2018.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Fred Coleman, Christina Lunceford, Luis Moreno, Laura Saavedra, and Angelo Singleton. “Panel of Faculty and Staff of Color.” Multicultural Summer Link Program, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, August 18, 2017.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Vibha Bhalla, Hikari Iwayama, and Sam Touch. “Engaging Diverse Audiences.” Asian American Heritage Month, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, April 24, 2017.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C. and Learning Community members. “Learning Community: Contemplative Pedagogy—Creating Mindful Learning Environments.” Eleventh Annual BGSU Teaching and Learning Fair, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, March 23, 2017.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Vibha Bhalla, Lynda Dee Dixon, Thomas J. Gibson, and Luis Moreno. “Surviving Grad School as a Person of Color.” Project Search Panel, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, November 14, 2016.
Burroughs, Kitty S. C., Cheryl Hoy, Chad Van Buskirk, and Elizabeth Zemanski. “Embracing Difference and Interrogating Disciplinary Boundaries: A First-Year Writing Program’s Approach to Promoting Inclusivity Within and Beyond the Classroom.” International Writing across the Curriculum Conference, University of Michigan, MI, June 24, 2016.
Updated: 07/18/2024 11:06AM