Dr. Marco Nardone


  • Position: Assistant Professor
  • Phone: 419-372-9644
  • Email: marcon@bgsu.edu
  • Address: 201A Memorial Hall

Education & Experience:

  • Ph.D. in Physics, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (2011)
  • M.S. in Physics, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio (2007)
  • M.A.Sc., Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada (2000)
  • B.A.Sc., Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada (1996)

Specialty Areas of Interest:

  • Photovoltaics
  • Semiconductor device simulation
  • Numerical modeling
  • Sustainable energy
  • Environmental physics

Current BGSU Courses:

  • Energy Science
  • Environmental Physics
  • Environmental Impact Statements
  • Introduction to Environmental Studies
  • Inquiry in Environmental Science - Changing Environment, Changing World 

Recent Peer Reviewed Publications and Submissions:

  1. M. Nardone, "Towards understanding junction degradation in cadmium telluride solar cells," Journal of Applied Physics 115, 234502 (2014).
  2. M. Nardone and D. S. Albin, "Numerical modeling of CdTe cell degradation," forthcoming in IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Denver, CO, 2014.
  3. V. G. Karpov, M. Nardone, I. V. Karpov.  Comment on Threshold Switching via Electric Field Induced Crystallization in Phase Change Memory Devices.  Applied Physics Letters102, 236101 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4809720
  4. M. Nardone, M. Simon, and V.G. Karpov.  Electrical conduction in chalcogenide glasses of phase change memory.   Journal of Applied Physics, Focused Review,  112, 071101 (2012). doi:0.1063/1.4738746
  5. M. Nardone and V. G. Karpov.  A phenomenological theory of nonphotochemical laser induced nucleation.  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,  14, 13061 (2012).  doi: 10.1039/C2CP41880K.
  6. V. G. Karpov, M. Nardone, and N. I. Grigorchuk. Nucleation of plasmonic resonance nanoparticles. Physical Review B, 86, 075463 (2012).  doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.075463
  7. V. G. Karpov, M. Nardone, and A. V. Subashiev.  Plasmonic mediated nucleation of resonant nano-cavities.  Applied Physics Letter,  101, 031911 (2012); doi:10.1063/1.4737654.
  8. M. Nardone and V. G. Karpov.  Nucleation of Metals in Strong Electric Fields.  Applied Physics Letters 100, 151912 (2012).  doi: 10.1063/1.3703611
  9. V. Karpov, M. Nardone, and M. Simon. Thermodynamics of second phase conductive filaments. Journal of Applied Physics109, 114507 (2011).  doi:10.1063/1.3592983
  10. M. Simon, M. Nardone, V. G. Kaprov, and I. V. Karpov.  Conductive path formation in glasses of phase change memory.  Journal of Applied Physics108, 064514 (2010). doi: 10.1063/1.3478713
  11. M. Nardone, M. Simon, and V. G. Karpov. Shunting path formation in thin-film structures.  Applied Physics Letters, 96, 163501 (2010). doi: 10.1063/1.3378813
  12. M. Nardone, V. G. Karpov, and I. V. Karpov.  Relaxation oscillation in chalcogenide phase change memory.  Journal of Applied Physics107, 054519 (2010).  doi: 10.1063/1.3329387
  13. M. Nardone, V. G. Karpov, D. Shvydka, and M. L. C. Attygale.  Theory of electronic transport in non-crystalline junctions.  Journal of Applied Physics106, 074503 (2009). doi: 10.1063/1.3213336
  14. M. Nardone, V. I. Kozub, I. V.  Karpov, and V. Karpov.  Possible mechanisms of 1/f noise in chalcogenide glasses: A theoretical description”.  Physical Review B79, 165206 (2009). doi:0.1103/PhysRevB.79.165206
  15. M. Nardone, V. G. Karpov, D. C. S. Jackson, and I. V. Karpov.  A unified model of nucleation switching.  Applied Physics Letters94, 103509 (2009). doi: 10.1063/1.3100779
  16. M. Nardone, V. Karpov.  Admittance characterization of semiconductor junctions.  Journal of Applied Physics103, 084508 (2009). doi: 10.1063/1.2903142


  1. M. Nardone. Theories of Charge Transport and Nucleation in Disordered Systems (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Toledo, 2010).
  2. M. Nardone.  Analysis of voice perturbations using an asymmetric model of the vocal folds (Master’s thesis, Bowling Green State University, 2007).
  3. M. Nardone. Remediation of soil and groundwater by vacuum enhanced recovery (Master's thesis, University of Windsor, 2000).

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:56PM