Featured Workshop

Workshop: Letters Home: Writing from the Borderlands with Dr. Irene Lara

Saturday, April 7, 2018 9:00am-10:30am (Registration required)

Integrating my "CuranderaScholarActivist" femtor pedagogies, I will facilitate a writing workshop that aims to generate knowledge from the/our "borderlands." We will aim to write both from our positionalities in specific geopolitical historicized borderlands and the conceptual gender, race, class, sexual, spiritual, religious, ability, age, national and other borderlands that we embody and/or traverse. Invoking Gloria Anzaldúa's own practice of contemplative walking, we will take a brief "conocimiento walk" with the intention of opening all of our senses (including our sixth intuitive sense that taps into cenote knowledge, a collective well of wisdom) before we write. How might learning to be present in the borderlands, in the in between space of "nepantla" potentially transform the oppositional binary concepts and ways of thinking that affect our beliefs and actions? How might cultivating our nepantlera consciousness in community generate new healing conocimientos about "home"?


Updated: 05/27/2021 01:50PM