CFDR Graduate Student Conference Fund

Donations to the CFDR Graduate Student Conference Fund are an investment in the research and training conducted at the Center for Family and Demographic Research.

Each year 10 to 15 Sociology graduate students are presenters at national conferences such as the Population Association of America, the American Sociological Association, the American Society of Criminology, and the National Council on Family Relations.  The CFDR Graduate Student Conference Fund assists students with conference travel expenses and research poster design & printing expenses. 

To make a gift online, go to, click on “Click here to choose the designation(s) for your gift” and type in “CFDR.”

To send a donation by mail, complete this form and send it to:

BGSU Foundation Office
Mileti Alumni Center
Bowling Green, OH  43403-0055

Updated: 08/22/2022 02:28PM