Vivian J. Miller


Vivian J. Miller

  • Position: Associate Professor of Social Work
  • Phone: 419-372-7920
  • Email:

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington, 2019

Dr. Miller's research examines mental health of isolated older adults (e.g., residents of nursing homes, home-bound community-dwelling); transportation equity and access; gerontological social work; minority aging; low-income older adults.

Recent Publications:

Kusmaul, N., Miller, V.J., Cheon, J.H., & Burns, J. (2022). Family member roles in long term care: Lessons for the future from COVID-19. Journal of Aging Studies, 62.

Tonui, B., Miller, V.J., & Adeniji, D. (2022). Older immigrant adults experiences with social isolation: A qualitative interpretive meta synthesis. Aging & Mental Health.

Kusmaul, N., Miller, V.J., Cheon, J.H., & Burns, J. (2022). “They just took him out of my life”: Nursing home care partner experiences in COVID-19. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(2), 7-11.

Fields, N.L., Cronley, C., Mattingly, S., & Miller, V.J. (2022). Leveraging app technology to measure the impact of transportation disadvantage: The development of MyAmble. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 40(2), 157-180.

Miller, V.J., Horner, B., Williams, J.R., Bryant, J., & Burns, J. (2021). Navigating Re-Entry with Older Adults Using Ecosystems Perspective and the Eco-Map. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 60(8), 485-500.

Miller, V.J., Fields, N.L., Anderson, K., & Kusmaul, N. (2021). “Please don't let academia forget about us:” An Exploration of Nursing Home Social Work Experiences during COVID-19. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 65(4), 450-464.

Beltran, S., Miller, V.J., & Hamler, T. (2021). The long-term care ombudsman program: A case study of regulation writing and opportunities for social workers to impact policy. Journal of Social Work, 65(2), 121-128.

Miller, V.J., Hamler, T., Beltran, S.J., & Burns, J. (2021). Social Worker in the Nursing Home: A Systematic Review of the Literature from 2010 to 2020. Social Work in Health Care, 60(4), 387-409.

Fields, N.L., Cronley, C., Mattingly, S., Murphy, E.R., Robinson, S., & Miller, V.J. (2021). Transportation Mobility and Health among Older Adults: Examining Missed Trips and Latent Demand. Journal of Transport & Health, 21.

Wallace, M., Miller, V.J., Fields, N.L., Xu, L., & Mercado-Sierra, M. (2021). Empirically Evaluated Suicide Prevention Program Approaches for Older Adults: A Review of the Literature

Schuman, D., Woody, D., Parekh, R., Fields, N.L., & Miller, V. J. (2021). A mixed-methods study of a pilot e-mentorship program for MSW students. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, , 41(1), 42-56. doi: 10.1080/08841233.2020.1852361

Xu, L., Fields, N., Miller, V. J., He, H., & Vasquez-White, T. (2020). The roles of ‘grandparents’ in Foster Grandparent Program from the perspective of Chinese immigrant older adults in the United States. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 45(3), 234-254. doi: 10.1080/01924788.2020.1769947

Hamler, T., English, S., Beltran, S.J., & Miller, V. J. (2020). A reflection of and charge to the gerontological social work: Past pandemics and the current COVID-19 crisis [Letter to the Editor]. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. doi: 10.1080/01634372.2020.1766629

Fields, N.L., Miller, V. J., Cronley, C., Hyun, K., Khademi, S., & Reza Ramezanpour Nargesi, S. (2020). How can interdisciplinary teams leverage emerging technologies to respond to transportation infrastructure needs? A mixed-methods evaluation of civil engineers, urban planning, and social workers’ perspectives. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2020.100110

Miller, V. J. (2020). The experience of transportation to visit a nursing home resident: A case study. Social Work in Health Care. doi: 10.1080/00981389.2020.1756556

Updated: 02/22/2024 11:07AM