John H. Boman


  • Position: Associate Professor of Sociology
  • Phone: 419-372-3874
  • Email:

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville, 2013

Dr. Bowman’s research interests include peer influences on antisocial behavior, crime and the life-course and criminological theory.  

Recent Publications:

Mowen, T. J., Boman, J. H., IV, Kopf, S., & Booth, M. Z. (2022). Self-perceptions of attractiveness and offending during adolescence. Crime & Delinquency, 68(10), 1847-1875. doi: 10.1177/0011128720987196

Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2020). Animal abuse among high-risk youth: A test of Agnew’s theory. Deviant Behavior, 41:765-778. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1595373

Gallupe, O., Boman, J. H., IV, Nash, R., & Castro, E. D. (2020). Deviant peer preferences: A simplified approach to account for peer selection effects. Deviant Behavior. 41(9): 1143-1156. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1597321

Boman, J. H., IV, & Mowen, T. J. (2020). More than just a flock? The independent and interdependent nature of peer self-control on deviance. Deviant Behavior, 41(11): 1468-1483. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1626540

Mowen, T. J., Boman, J. H., IV, & Bares, K. J. (2019). Is substance use treatment actually ‘treating’? The effectiveness of pre- and post-release substance abuse programming within the reentry process. Criminal Justice Studies, 32(4), 371-385, doi: 10.1080/1478601X.2019.1664507

Boman, J. H., IV, Mowen, T. J., Wodahl, E. J., Miller, B. L., & J Miller, J. M. (2019). Responding to substance-use-related probation and parole violations: Are enhanced treatment sanctions preferable to jail sanctions? Criminal Justice Studies, 32(4), 356-370. doi: 10.1080/1478601X.2019.1664506

Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2019). The criminogenic influence of family on substance use during reentry: A life-course perspective on between individual differences and within person changes. Justice Quarterly, 36(5), 841-869. doi: 10.1080/07418825.2018.1439518

Mowen, T. J., & Boman, J. H., IV. (2019). Do we have it all wrong? The protective roles of peers and criminogenic risks from family during prison reentry. Crime & Delinquency, 65(5), 681-704. doi: 10.1177/0011128718800286.

Meldrum, R. C., Boman, J. H., IV, & Back, S. (2019). Low self-control, social learning, and texting while driving. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(2) 191-210.

Boman, J. H., IV, Mowen, T. J., & Higgins, G. E. (2019). Social learning, self-control, and offending specialization and versatility among friends. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(1), 3-22. doi: 10.1007/s12103-018-9445-7

Boman, J. H., IV, Agnich, L., Miller, B. L., Stogner, J. M., & Mowen, T. J. (2019). “The ‘Other Side of the Fence’: A Learning- and Control-Based Investigation of the Relationship between Deviance and Friendship Quality.” Deviant Behavior, (40)12, 1553-1573. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1596451

Boman, J. H., IV, & Mowen, T. J. (2019). Unpacking the role of conflict in peer relationships: Implications for peer deviance and crime. Deviant Behavior, 40(7), 882-895. doi: 610.1080/01639625.2018.1443779

Updated: 02/22/2024 10:39AM