Paul Moore
Dr. Paul A. Moore
Ph.D., Boston University
Office: 226 Life Sciences Building
Phone: 1-419-372-8556
Research: Chemical ecology and behavior of aquatic organisms
Research Interests:
The Laboratory for Sensory Ecology is a multi-disciplinary lab that is interested in any questions concerning sensory behavior, evolution, physiology, and ecology. Most of our current projects are centered on understanding the role that chemical signals play in an organism's ecological role. We have projects that range from understanding the physics behind antennae design, predator avoidance, selection of habitats and mates, dominance hierarchies and other social behaviors to analyzing the chemical composition of these signals. Many aquatic animals use chemical signals to make important ecological decisions and our ultimate goal is to understand the role that chemicals play in mediating behavior and ecological interactions. Our work is truly multi-disciplinary and combines techniques from Physics to Chemistry to Psychology to classic Ethology and uses equipment designed for laboratory, field work and oceanic work. The laboratory is collaborating with researchers in Woods Hole, Stony Brook, NY, Berkeley, Milwaukee, and the Bahamas.
Recent Publications:
Wood, T.C., and Moore, P.A. 2020. Fine-tuned responses to chemical landscapes: crayfish use predator odors to assess threats based on relative size ratios. Ecosphere 11(9):e03188.
Bergman, D.A., and Moore, P.A. 2020. Serotonergic-linked alterations of aggression and dominance of the crayfish. Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology. 2020:1-15.
Weighman, K.K., and Moore, P.A. 2020. Mapping dynamic exposure: constructing GIS models of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in artificial streams. AECT 78(2):230-244. DOI:
Impact Publications:
Moore, P.A., Ferrante, P.A., and Bergner, J.L. 2015. Chemical orientation strategies of the crayfish are influenced by the hydrodynamics of their native environment. American Midland Naturalist
Edwards, D.E, Rapin, K., Moore, P.A. 2018. Linking phenotypic correlations from a diverse set of laboratory tests to field behaviours in the crayfish, Orconectes virilis. Ethology 124:311-330.
Edwards, D.D., and Moore, P.A. 2014. Real exposure: field measurement of chemical plumes in headwater streams. Archives of Environmental Toxicology 67(3):413-425.
Moore, P.A., and Atema, J. 1991. Spatial information in the three-dimensional fine structure of an aquatic odor plume. Biological Bulletin 181:408-418.
Updated: 01/07/2025 04:34PM