George Bullerjahn
Dr. George Bullerjahn
Emeritus Professor
Ph.D., University of Virginia
Office: 516 Life Sciences Building
Phone: 1-419-372-8527
Research: Microbial physiology, environmental microbiology, cyanobacteria

Research Interests:
Our work has traditionally focused on enumeration and the physiological performance of phototrophs and ecologically important chemolithotrophs in aquatic systems. Specifically, we currently examine the composition and dynamics of cyanobacterial and microbial communities in freshwater environments, focusing primarily on the N and P cycles in the Laurentian Great Lakes. These studies have assisted in the assessment of factors contributing to toxic cyanobacterial bloom events in regional lakes.
Selected Publications
McKindles, K.M., M.A. Manes, J.R. DeMarco, A. McClure, R.M. McKay, T.W. Davis and G.S. Bullerjahn. 2020. Dissolved microcystin release linked to lysis of a Microcystis-dominated bloom in western Lake Erie attributed to a novel cyanophage. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 86(22): e01397-20.
Wilhelm, S.W., G.S. Bullerjahn and R.M. McKay. 2020. The complicated and confusing ecology of Microcystis blooms. mBio 11: e00529-20.
Davenport, E.J., M.J. Neudeck, P.G. Matson, G.S. Bullerjahn, T.W. Davis, S.W. Wilhelm, M.K. Denny, L.E. Krausfeldt, J.M.A. Stough, K.A. Meyer, G.J. Dick, T.H. Johengen, E. Lindquist, S.G. Tringe and R.M.L. McKay. 2019. Metatranscriptomic analyses of diel metabolic functions during a Microcystis bloom in western Lake Erie (USA). Frontiers Microbiol. 10: 2081.
Impact Publications:
Bullerjahn, G.S., R.M.L. McKay, T.W. Davis, D.B. Baker, G.L. Boyer, L.V. D’Anglada, G.J. Doucette, J.C. Ho, E.G. Irwin, C.L. Kling, R.M. Kudela, R. Kurmayer, A.M. Michalak, J.D. Ortiz, T.G. Otten, H.W. Paerl, B. Qin, B.L. Sohngen, R.P. Stumpf, P.M. Visser and S.W. Wilhelm. 2016. Global solutions for regional problems: collecting global expertise to address the problem of harmful algal blooms. - A Lake Erie case study. Harmful Algae 54: 223-238.
Beall B.F.N., M.R. Twiss, D. Smith, B. Oyserman, M.J. Rozmarynowycz, C. Binding, R.A. Bourbonniere, G.S. Bullerjahn, M. Palmer, E.D. Reavie, M.K. Waters LCDR, W.C. Woityra LCDR and R.M.L. McKay. 2016. Ice cover extent drives phytoplankton- and bacterial community structure in a large north-temperate lake: Implications for a warming climate. Environ Microbiol. 1704-1719
McKay, R.M.L., O. Prasil, L. Pechar, E. Lawrenz and G.S. Bullerjahn. 2015. Freshwater ice as habitat: partitioning of phytoplankton and bacteria between ice and water in central European reservoirs. Environ. Microbiol. Reports 7: 887-898.
S. Arat, G.S. Bullerjahn, and R. Laubenbacher. 2015. A network biology approach to denitrification in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLOS ONE 10(2): e0118235.
Small, G.E., G.S. Bullerjahn, R.W. Sterner, B.F.N. Beall, S. Brovold, J.C. Finlay, R.M.L. McKay and M. Mukherjee. 2013. Rates and controls on nitrification in a large oligotrophic lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58: 276-286.
Updated: 01/07/2025 04:54PM