BGSU Asian studies program introduces you to a different world grappling with modernity while preserving the past.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Asian Studies

BGSU is one of a few Ohio universities to offer a bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies. Students gain a broad knowledge of the culture and societies of East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia; in-depth knowledge of a selected East Asian country (Japan, China, or Korea); and basic conversational and reading skills of an Asian language.

An interdisciplinary curriculum encourages students to explore architecture, business, cultural economies, design and art, diplomacy, fashion, geographies, history, religion, popular culture, peace and conflict studies, journalism, politics, science, research and innovation in a wide variety of Asian contexts. 

Studying abroad and exchange programs, business internships in Asia, and regular visiting speakers bring studies to life, provide networking opportunities, and build your global outlook.  

Students with an interdisciplinary major in Asian Studies have a competitive edge for employment in multinational companies, cultural or governmental agencies, international teaching, civil service, research or non-profit organizations.

BGSU is one of a few Ohio universities to offer a bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies.

Career - what can you do with an Asian Studies degree?

Asian studies will prepare you for career opportunities with companies that are supplied by or work within Asian countries.  A growing number of corporations and agencies operate branches, subsidiaries or joint ventures in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea.

For students interested in Asian studies, there are generally three paths of study that can lead to an exciting and stimulating career:

  • Asian Studies, in combination with a degree in economics, finance and business administration, can be a great asset for pursuing a profession in international business.
  • An undergraduate degree in Asian Studies is a great stepping stone for a career in academia.
  • Students interested in human rights might find a rewarding career with the U.S. Department of State or an international nonprofit agency within Asia.

Internships are encouraged in the BGSU Asian studies program and increase your prospects of job attainment.

Career paths

  • International Business
  • Media Development
  • Nonprofit Administration
  • Architecture and Design
  • Global Product Management
  • Education
  • Diplomacy
  • Journalism

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Asia, ancient and modern

Asian studies can be a path to a career working within a rising economic force, a way to restore connections to a familial heritage, or explore different cultures. Students will learn to understand different political systems, social structures, and religious traditions.  

Asia’s deep and rich philosophical and literary heritage and their manifestations in new cultural forms like video games, manga and anime provide a fertile area of inquiry for the Asian Studies major.  

As a minor, Asian studies can open new career possibilities for political science, history, geography, finance, business, economics and education students.

With an active group of student organizations on campus, there are opportunities to discover and celebrate Asian cultures and customs, exchange ideas, and develop mutual respect and understanding between Americans and Asians.  

Summer studies programs in China and Japan and student exchange programs offer the chance for students to see their studies in context.

Study Abroad Programs

Study abroad programs in China, Japan and Korea are well established at BGSU and offer placement at one of China’s top 20 universities and at Japanese universities in cities such as Hiroshima, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kobe.

Students report transformative experiences from their time in Asia. The Asian Studies Advisory Committee interviews and places students in the available programs based on gender identity (some of our partner institutions are women's colleges), grades, level of Japanese language skill, and other criteria.

Summer Studies

Summer studies programs include trips to China and Japan. Trips focus on either study or cultural exposure. Options include living with host families, regular excursions and classroom experiences.

The Peace Studies course focuses on an intensive trip to study Hiroshima and the human and material consequences of atomic bombings and the subsequent history of nuclear politics and culture. 


An interdisciplinary program of core Asian studies courses will introduce students to the social sciences and humanities and provide them with a global outlook on the world and Asia.

Students gain a broad knowledge of the history, culture and societies of East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia; in-depth understanding of one Asian country; and basic conversational and reading skills of an Asian language.

Developing proficiency in an Asian language is a requirement of the bachelor of arts in Asian studies. Japanese and Chinese are currently offered at BGSU. Speaking and understanding the language opens up conversation with the people who speak that language and a deeper understanding of the culture.

The elective courses provide students with in-depth knowledge of Asia and analytical and practical skills in the selected disciplines.

Asian Studies Forums feature special lectures on Asia by guest speakers, faculty and students who share their knowledge and interest of Asia on a variety of subjects.

Graduates will have a broad interdisciplinary, international and comparative perspective on Asia and its relation to the United States and functional ability in an Asian language that will enrich their professional and personal lives.

Required courses

BGSU Asian studies students can draw on the vibrant international student cohort on campus and alumni worldwide.

Sample courses

  • Asian Civilizations 
  • Multicultural Perspectives
  • Introduction to Asian Religion
  • Japanese Language & Culture
  • Introduction to Japanese Literature
  • Chinese Language & Culture
  • Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • Introduction to International Relations
  • Governments and Politics of Asia

Student Organizations  

Chinese Culture Club
The club serves as an additional source of knowledge for those who are learning Chinese. Activities include calligraphy writing, watching movies and other Chinese cultural activities. The Chinese Culture Club is open to all BGSU students.   

Japanese Club
The Japanese Club is open to all BGSU students who are interested in Japanese culture, language and society. Activities include Japanese tea ceremony, cooking, calligraphy, movie nights, and origami. The Japanese Club assists with the annual Ohanami, a spring cherry blossom festival that is open to the public.  

Affiliated Organizations

Korean Culture Club
Korean Culture Club focuses on balancing students' knowledge of both popular and traditional Korean culture. Students and community members are welcome. Activities include Korean New Year celebration, movie night, norae bang (karaoke) sessions and playing the traditional game, Yut Nori! Chuseok, and Korean Thanksgiving Dinner.  

India Students Association
The goal of the club is to promote awareness about India, its culture and people. Activities include Fresher's Party, speaking sessions, Holi celebrations and national dance competitions. This association is open to the public.  

Anime in Northwest Ohio
Founded in 2002, Anime in Northwest Ohio aims to provide a social setting for students and members of the community to gather for the purpose of viewing anime, holding academic and social-related discussions, and hosting events related to Japanese anime and otaku culture.  

Professional Associations

The Asian Studies program sponsors Nakama, an outreach program for local business executives from Japanese and American companies in Ohio and Michigan. The group hosts dinner meetings to promote fellowship, business opportunities, and cultural exchanges.

Association for Asian Studies
A non-profit dedicated to advancing the field of Asian Studies through international exchange, networking, publications, research support and career development.

International Institute for Asian Studies
IIAS connects knowledge and people, contributing to a more integrated understanding of Asia today by focusing on relevant themes and issues together with scholars and practitioners throughout the world.

Updated: 09/11/2024 04:04PM