BGSU RNA Structural Bioinformatics
Structural Databases
Representative sets and equivalence classes of RNA-containing 3D structures.
Structural annotations for all atomic-resolution RNA 3D structures deposited in PDB/NDB, including FR3D basepairing and base-stacking annotations and internal, hairpin, and 3-way junction loops.
RNA 3D Motif Atlas, a representative collection of RNA 3D motifs.
Web Applications
WebFR3D is the online version of FR3D, a program for symbolic and geometric searching of RNA 3D structures.
JAR3D is an application for predicting RNA 3D motifs in sequences and sequence alignments.
R3D Align is a web application for detailed global nucleotide to nucleotide pairwise alignments of RNA 3D structures.
Updated: 03/07/2024 05:01PM