- Most proposal processes within Curriculog require you to import information from Acalog, the BGSU Catalog Management system. For example, for a course modification you will import the course description or for a program proposal you can import courses to add.
- If you are creating a proposal that follows an approval process that requires an import
- Begin by click on the “New Proposal” button
- Select your approval process that fits with your proposal
- Select the check mark icon when you are ready to begin
- **Please note: you will know when an import is required when the Import symbol is shown next to the title of the approval process you are selecting
- Upon clicking the check mark, a screen will then appear on your right
- Please enter in the information of the course or program you are making a proposal for
- Please note: not all of the search parameter boxes need to be filled in to search the catalog
- Fill in as much or as little as you please
- After selecting “search” a list of items that match your search criteria will appear below
- Please locate the correct course/program and select the import icon
- You will then be able to see the entire data preview for that item
- Please scroll down to the bottom and select the “Build Proposal” button.
- Your form will open with all of the data that was shown on the screen prior already filled in for you
- Please note: not all of the search parameter boxes need to be filled in to search the catalog
- Please enter in the information of the course or program you are making a proposal for
- While creating your proposal, you may need to attach files such as a syllabus, letters of endorsement, or an impact report
- To do this, please navigate to your proposal tool box within the proposal you wish to add the attachment
- On the right hand side in the proposal tool box you will see a paper clip icon labeled “files”, please select this icon.
- To upload a file please select “Choose File” and select the file you wish to attach
- After you have selected the correct file, please select the ‘Upload” button to attach the file to the proposal.
What happens if you upload the wrong attachement?
- To remove a wrongly uploaded file, please select the trash can icon next to the attachment
- Select Ok
- Now you can upload the correct file.
Prior to launching a proposal, you can delete it. To do this:
- Navigate to the “Proposal” module
- Select the “My Proposal” tab
- Find the proposal you wish to delete
- Select the trash can icon
- A warning screen will pop-up. Please select “Delete Proposal” if you wish to finalize the deletion
*Please note: after a proposal is deleted, there is no record or history of the proposal or its deletion. All information related to this proposal is removed from the system entirely
- To view a proposal, please navigate to the “Proposals module”
- You will then see four tabs, my tasks, my proposals, watch list, and all proposals.
- If you are an an orginator, you can view your proposal in “my proposals.”
- If you are an approver, proposals that need a decision from you can be viewed in “my tasks.” proposals in “my tasks.”
- When in doubt, you can always use the “All Proposals” tab to see all of the proposals in Curriculog. You can use the filter to find specific proposals.
- You can add proposals to your “watch list” to more easily view their progress.
- After you find the proposal you wish to view, please select the “View Summary” icon on the right hand side
- A box will then appear on your right hand side with a summary of the proposal
- Please note that this view does not allow for editing of the proposal
- If you want to view the full details of the proposal simply click in the box for the proposal and the full proposal and proposal tool box will open
- Please note that unless you are an active participant in that proposal on it’s currently step, the proposal will be available as a view only
- A box will then appear on your right hand side with a summary of the proposal
- If you wish to send a message about a specific proposal to another user, navigate to the proposals module
- In the “All Proposals” tab please find the proposal you wish to send a message about
- Click on the “Envelope” icon to send a message about the proposal
- After clicking that icon, you will be redirected to the accounts module with an email template on the right side
- On the left hand side of the screen, in the accounts module, locate the user or users you wish to send a message.
- Click the envelope icon.
- They will be added to the “To” field.
- As you can see, the “From” field is already filled with a no reply email address.
- Next, as with any email you need to add a subject field.
- After you do so, if you scroll down, you will see a pre-populated message with a link to the proposal.
- You can type directly into the message box if you wish to add and additional information.
- After you have determined what you want to say in your message, just below the message box there is a “Copy me on this email” checkbox. As you can see, this is selected by default so you receive a copy of this message as well.
- On the left hand side of the screen, in the accounts module, locate the user or users you wish to send a message.
- After clicking that icon, you will be redirected to the accounts module with an email template on the right side
- Select “Send Message” when complete.
- In the proposals module, under the “My Tasks” tab, you will see proposals that require a decision from you
- To make a decision on a proposal, click on the name of the proposal
- This will then open the proposal on the left side of the screen and the proposal tool box on the right hand side.
- Click on the “decisions” icon located about halfway down the list In the proposal tool box.
- You will then be promoted with a screen that asks you to select either “Approve”
Or “Reject”. - If you wish to approve this proposal select “Approve” and select the “Make My Decision” button
- If you wish to reject this proposal, select “Reject”
- With rejecting a proposal, you must provide a comment or reason why you rejected the proposal.
- After you have added your comment, you can proceed by clicking the “Make My Decision” button.
- The rejected proposal is returned to the orginator to revise.
- To filter proposals within Curriculog, please navigate to the “All Proposals” tab wtihin the Proposals Module.
Filter by Status
- One way to filter proposals is by the proposal status. On the “All Proposals” tab there is a drop down menu. Here you can select the status of proposals you wish to view.
- Statuses include:
- Unlaunched
- Reviewing
- Active
- Held
- Suspended
- Canceled
- Waiting
- Completed
Filter by Type
- On the “All Proposals” tab, using the drop down menu, and scrolling past the proposal status, you can filter by the type of proposal.
- Types of proposals include:
- Program
- Course
- Other
- Urgent Tasks
- Tasks with Deadlines
Advanced Filtering
- To use the advanced filtering options, select “Advance Filter”. From here a large menu of filter options will appear.
- This filter option is particularly useful if you wish to view all the proposals for a given college on campus. Such as the College of Business.
- Under the “Found Under” drop down menu, you may select the college/department you are looking for.
- If you select college, you must check the “Include all Child Entities Under my Selection” box. Doing this ensures that you can view the proposals from each department within the collge.
- If you wish to filter your results furthur, you can filter by proposal type, date, and current step name.
- Once you have finished applying your filters, select the “Filter Proposals” to view your results.
- You can run for any proposal within Curriculog, regardless of the proposals status
- To run a report, please navigate to the reports module
- Within the reports module, you will see global and detail reports. The most frequent report that Curriculog users will run is the Impact Report. As it is a requirement for most approval processes for courses and programs.
Impact Report
- Enter in the prefix and code for the course you wish to run the report on.
- Next, you must Add an External System before you can run the report.
- To do this, click “Add External System”.
- Under Acalog, select either the UG (undergrad) or GR (graduate) catalog.
- Then scroll down and select “Add External Systems to Impact Report”.
- Now you can run the Impact Report by selecting the “Submit Report” button.
- You’ll have to confirm your submission.
- The results will be emailed to you.
Agendas can be created by the Agenda Administrator, after the proposal has reached their step in the workflow that is also a committee step.
Let’s Get Started:
- To create a new Agenda, please navigate to the “Agenda” module then select “New Agenda”
- Next, please fill out the name of the agenda.
- After you have named the agenda, select “Add Committee”
- A new window will open up and provide a list of the eligible committees you can select from
- **Please note: the committee is only considered “eligible” if you are the Agenda Administrator for that committee**
- Select the correct committee, and select “Done Selecting Committees”
- A new window will open up and provide a list of the eligible committees you can select from
- The notes field of the “New Agenda” form allows you to enter in any notes or additional information that may be covered in this meeting, including date, time, and place.
- **Please note: You can enter in as little or as much text as you want, BUT you cannot attach any files.**
- Next, click on the “Add Proposals” button
- A box will open that displays all eligible proposals
- Select the proposal to add to your agenda
- Select “Done Selecting Proposals” when you are finished
- Review your Agenda and ensure you have included the correct committee, proposal, and information regarding the meeting.
- Then select the rocket ship icon in the upper left hand corner.
Additional Things to Be Aware of:
- The “Unpublish” icon will be available on all your agendas UNTIL a decision has been made on at least one of the attached proposals. Unpublishing an agenda will allow you to make any modifications, including the Agenda name, committees associated, and the attached proposals.
- **Please note: after a decision has been made regarding any of the attached proposals in an agenda, you will see a “Complete Agenda” icon**
- After you have selected the “Complete Agenda” icon, any proposals without a decision will be removed, and you will have the ability to add that proposal to other agendas.Completed agendas can be archived for future viewing.
Updated: 02/19/2024 10:24AM