
Are you a high school teacher who wants your students to master state science benchmarks? Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of core concepts and how to teach them in a meaningful and interesting way? If so, the 2017 STAMPS Modeling Institute at BGSU is the place to be!

The Modeling Institute will be peer-led. Science content will be reorganized around basic models to increase its structural coherence. Participants ill be supplied with a complete set of course materials and work through activities alternately in the roles of student or teacher, as they practice techniques of guided inquiry and cooperative learning.

What is Modeling?

Modeling Instruction is a nationally tested inquiry teaching style. It was developed at Arizona State University over two decades ago to integrate insights from physics education research with classroom experience of exceptional inservice teachers. In a series of workshops, teachers improve their science content knowledge and are equipped with a robust teaching methodology for developing student abilities to:

  • make sense of physical experience,
  • understand scientific claims,
  • articulate coherent opinions of their own and defend them with cogent arguments,
  • evaluate evidence in support of justified belief.

Modeling Instruction is a curriculum design, rather than a fixed curriculum, so teachers can flexibly adapt it to different courses and student abilities.

Modeling is one of two K-12 science programs designated by the U.S. Department of Education as EXEMPLARY. Visit for more details.

  • Nationally recognized science modeling materials with an 20-year track
    record of success
  • Hands-on experience with teaching and learning by guided inquiry
  • Teacher content preparation with other high school professionals
  • Participants will receive FREE graduate credit hours from Bowling Green
    State University
  • Participants will receive a material resource kit of approximately $400
  • Participants will receive a stipend of $300
Teacher requirements:
  • Participate actively in all meetings (see the schedule below)
  • Arrange one classroom observation during the 2017-18 school year


Physics and Chemistry
  • 2-week (10 day) Summer Institute, July 10-14 and 17-21
  • 7 meetings in 2017-18: Sep. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Jan. 16, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, and Apr. 10

Total hours are equivalent to 4 semester hours (3 for Summer Institute, 1 after Mar 2018)

Application deadline March 31, 2017
[click here to download Physics and Chemistry application form]

  • 2-week (10 day) Summer Institute, July 10-14 and 17-21
  • 2 meetings in 2017-18, dates TBD

Total hours are equivalent to 3 semester hours for Summer Institute

Application deadline March 31, 2017
[click here to download Biology application form]

For more information, please contact John Laird,, 419-372-7244.

Funded by Department of Higher Education ITQ grant

STAMPS is affiliated with the BGSU Colleges of Arts & Sciences and of Education and Human Development, and with COSMOS, a partner of the Northwest Ohio Center for Excellence in STEM Education (NWO).

Updated: 09/22/2021 09:36AM