Dr. Elizabeth Menard, chair of the music education department, teaches graduate music education courses such as the Psychology of Music, as well as Introduction to Music Education for undergraduate students. She holds a bachelor’s degree in music education from Southern Methodist University, and earned her masters degree and Ph.D. in music at Louisiana State University. Prior to her arrival at BGSU, Dr. Menard taught in Louisiana’s Talented Arts Program, providing accelerated instruction to K – 12 students identified as having exceptional talent in music. Her research interests include the development of student musical ability and creativity through music composition, assessment of creativity in the person, process, and product, and developing music teacher identity through creative field experience settings. Dr. Menard has published research in the Journal of Research in Music Education, the Journal of Music Teacher Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education and the Music Educators Journal; and presented research at state, regional, national, and international conferences such as the National Association for Music Education, the Society for Music Teacher Education, the International Society for Sociology in Music Education and the National Association of Gifted Children.