Fall Tour 2024

Richard Schnipke, conductor
C.J. Capen, pianist
Will Baughman & Alejo Goenaga, graduate assistant conductors

Friday, March 1
Oak Harbor HS, Oak Harbor, OH
Tuslaw HS, Massillon, OH
Christ Presbyterian Church, Canton, OH

Saturday, March 2
Community Lutheran Church, Sterling, VA

Sunday, March 3
Community Lutheran Church, Sterling, VA

Monday, March 4
Washington Liberty HS, Arlington, VA
St. Paul VI Catholic HS, Chantilly, VA
St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Springfield, VA

Tuesday, March 5
Grace Episcopal Church, Sandusky, OH

Program to be selected from...

Down to the River to Pray | American traditional text, arr. Christopher Aspaas
    Will Baughman, Dylan Gheen, Cameron Baker & Jaylen Donald, soloists

Sing Dem Herrn | Michael Praetorius (1571-1621), arr. Wallace DePue
    Will Baughman, conductor

Sing dem Herrn!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alle lieben Ihn.
Lobe seinen Namen.
Singet mit Tambourin und Harfe. 

English Translation:
Sing to the Lord
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Everyone loves Him
Praise His name
Sing with drums and harp. 

Sing Out My Soul | text by William Henry Davies, Marques L. A. Garrett (b. 1983) 

Sing out, my soul, your songs of joy; 
Sing as a happy bird will sing 
Beneath a rainbow’s lovely arch 
In early spring. 

Think not of death… 
Strive not for gold…  

Train up your mind to feel content, 
What matters then how low your store? 
What we enjoy, and not possess, 
Makes rich or poor. 

Veni Sancte Spiritus | Medieval Latin text, Lenoš Janáček (1854-1928)

Veni, Sancte Spiritus,
reple tuorum corda fidelium,
et tui amoris ignem incende.
Qui per diversitatem linguarum cunctarum gentes 
in unitate fidei congregasti. Amen. 

English Translation:
Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of Your faithful,
and kindle the fire of Your love. 
You, who from the diverse tongues of all peoples
have gathered together in unity of faith. Amen. 

Cantate Domino | text from Psalms 95 and 97, Vytautas Miškinis (b. 1954) 

Cantate Domino canticum novum:
et benedicite nomini ejus:
quia mirabilia fecit.
Psallite Domino in cithara
et voce psalmi. 

English Translation:
Sing unto the Lord a new song
and bless his name,
for he has done marvelous things.
Rejoice and sing praise with the harp, and the
voice of a psalm. 

An Die Musik | Franz Schubert (1797-1828), arr. Craig Courtney
    Will Hermanowski, conductor

Du holde Kunst, in wieviel grauen Stunden,
Wo mich des Lebens wilder Kreis umstrickt,
Hast du mein Herz zu warmer Lieb entzunden,
Hast mich in eine bessre Welt entrückt!

Oft hat ein Seufzer, deiner Harf entflossen, 
Ein süsser, heiliger Akkord von dir
Den Himmel bessrer Zeiten mir erschlossen, 
Du holde Kunst, ich danke dir dafür!

English Translation:
You, beloved Art, in so my grey hours,
When life’s mad tumult wraps around me,
Have kindled warm love in my heart
And transported me into a better world,
Transported into a better world!

How often a flowing sigh from your harp,
A sweet, divine harmony from you
Unlocked the heaven of better times to me.
You, beloved Art, I thank you for it!
You, beloved Art, I thank you!

Türkisches Schenkenlied | text by Goethe, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847)
    Quartet: Seth Foth, Dominic Carlozzi, Zach Ortega, Apollo Bernath
    Alejo Goenaga, conductor

Dem Kellner:
Setze mir nicht, du Grobian,
Mir den Krug so derb vor die Nase!
Wer Wein bringt, sehe mich freundlich an,
Sonst trübt sich der Eilfer im Glase.

Dem Schenken:
Du zierliches Mädchen, du komm herein,
Was stehst du da auf der Schwelle?
Du sollst mir künftig der Schenke sein,
Jeder Wein ist schmackhaft und helle.

English Translation:
To the Waiter:
Don't throw it down, you boor,
pushing the jug so roughly in front of my nose!
He who brings me wine should look at me with friendliness;
otherwise the Eilfer wine grows cloudy in the glass.

To the Innkeeper/Host:
You lovely maiden, come here -
why are you standing there on the threshhold?
You should be my barman in the future:
then every glass of wine will be tasty and light.

Gagòt | text by Gabriel T. Guillame, Sydney Guillaume (b. 1982) 

Haitian Creole:
Depi maten m’leve m’ape monte desann,
Mwen kouri toupatou tankou yon chyen ki fou.
Mwen pale, mwen chante, mwen dòmi, Mwen leve;
Mwen priye, mwen rele, se gagòt sou gagòt.

Gagòt isit, gagòt lòtbò.
Gagòt anwo, gagòt anba,
Gagòt toupatou, se gagòt sou gagòt.

Gagòt nan lide mwen,
Gagòt nan zak mwen yo,
Gagòt nan paròl mwen,
Gagòt nan vizyon mwen. 

Tout bagay yo mele:
Lapenn ak lajwa, ledout ak lafwa,
Degoutans ak lespwa, lebyen avèk le mal.
Tèt mwen vire, li vire,
Tout bagay yo mele.
Gad’on  gagòt! 

Maten apre maten, m’ap livre yon batay;
Kontredans lavi-a rekòmanse chak jou.                                           
Mwen chante, mwen danse, Mwen rele: “Viv lavi!”
Bridsoukou sanzatann mwen tounen nan gagòt. 

Nan mitan gagòt sa mwen deside chèche,
Chèche, chèche konnen, konen sa k’ap pase.                                               
Mwen fouye, mwen mande, mwen fini pa trouve
Jouk andedan kè mwen
Solisyon gagòt sa:                                                                      

La vie d’ici-bas est un combat de tout instant                                               
Que l’on ne peut gagner qu’un moment à la fois. 

Apre lannuit se la jounen.                                                         
Apre lapli solèy leve.                                                           
Apre gagòt, apre gagòt… se kè poze.                                 
Se jefò nan soufrans ki pote delivrans. 

Ah! Ainsi soit-il! 

English Translation:
Since I rose this morning I’ve gone through ups and downs,
Running around in circles like a crazy mad dog.
I speak, I sing, I sleep, I rise;
I pray, I scream, it’s mess upon mess.  

It’s a mess here, it’s a mess there, 
A mess up, a mess down,
Mess everywhere, it’s mess upon mess. 

Messy are my thoughts,
Messy are my actions,
Messy are my words,
Messy is my vision. 

Everything is entangled:
Pain and joy, doubt and faith,
Disgust and hope, good and evil.
My head is spinning and spinning,
Everything is entangled.
What a mess! 

Morning after morning, I fight a battle;
The contredanse of life recommences daily. 
I sing, I dance, I yell: “Life is amazing!”
Suddenly and swiftly I am back in a mess. 

In the midst of this mess I decide to search,
To search for an understanding to what is happening.
I dig, I seek, and I finally find
In the very depth of my heart
The solution to this mess: 

Life before death is a battle of every instant
That can not be won but one moment at a time. 

After the night comes the day.
After the rain the sun rises.
After messes, after messes… the heart settles.
It’s striving in suffering that brings  edemption. 

Ah! So be it!  

The Lone Wild Bird | text by Henry Richard McFayden, Richard Burchard

The lone, wild bird in lofty flight
is still with you, nor leaves your sight.
And I am yours! I rest in you,
Great Spirit, come, rest in me, too.

The ends of earth are in your hand,
the sea's dark deep and far off land.
And I am yours! I rest in you,
Great Spirit, come, rest in me, too.

Each secret thought is known to you,
the path I walk my whole life through;
my days, my deeds, my hopes, my fears,
my deepest joys, my silent tears.

How Can I Keep From Singing? | Robert Lowry (1826-1899), arr. Sarah Quartel
    Mike Perry, soloist

My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth’s lamentation,
I hear the real though far-off tune
That hails a new creation.

Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear that music ringing;
It sounds an echo in my soul—
How can I keep from singing?

While though the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
And though the darkness ‘round me close,
songs in the night it giveth.

No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that rock I’m clinging;
Since love is Lord of heav’n and earth,
How can I keep from singing?

I lift my eyes, the cloud grows thin;
I see the blue above it,
And day by day this pathway smooths
since first I learned to love it.

The peace of love makes fresh my heart,
A fountain ever springing;
All things are mine in love and joy!
How can I keep from singing?

Sweet Rivers | William Moore (1790-1850), arr. Reginald Unterseher

Sweet rivers of redeeming love,
Lie just before mine eyes;
Had I the pinions of a dove,
I'd to those rivers fly.
I'd rise superior to my pain,
With joy outstrip the wind;
I'd cross bold Jordan's stormy main,
And leave the world behind.

Let the River Run | text and music Carly Simon, arr. Craig Hella Johnson  
    Trio: Alejo Goenaga, Wesley Yoder, Ben Tittl
    Charles Ligus, percussion

Coming to the edge,
Running on the water,

Let the river run,
Let all the dreamers wake the nation.
Come, the New Jerusalem.

Silver cities rise,
The morning lights,
The streets that meet them,
And sirens call them on with a song.

It’s asking of the taking.
Trembling, shaking.
Oh, my heart is aching.

We’re coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog
Your sons and daughters.

Shout Glory! | text and music Byron Smith       
    Giovanni Castiglione, soloist

Where can I go? What can I do?
When the road gets rocky, don’t know what to do.
What can I say that will see me through?
I shout glory! Glory, glory to the Lord, shout glory to You.

Walking through life, can’t find my way.
Just don’t know which way to go, don’t know what to say.
Who can I turn to, to show me the way?
I shout glory! Glory, glory to the Lord, shout glory today.

He has changed my life, He has turned me around.
He’s my Father and my Savior.
He has turned my path into smoother ground.
I can call Him any day. Oh!

O we sing, glorify the Lord!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Shout glory, glory hallelujah!
Shout glory, glory to His precious name!

Shout glory!
Glory, glory to the Lord shout glory to You!
Shout glory!

Traditional Songs of the BGSU Men’s Chorus:

Brothers, Sing On! | Edvard Grieg, arr. Howard D. McKinney

Come and let our swelling song Mount like the whirling wind,
As it meets our singing throng, So blithe of heart and mind.
Care and sorrow now begone, Brothers in song, sing on!
Brothers, sing on, sing on!

Youth is a wandering troubadour, Sailing the singing breeze,
Wooing a maid on a distant shore, Over the tossing seas;
Steering by the stars above, His vessel a song of love.
Brothers, sing on, sing on!

Errant minstrels, thus we greet you,
List to our voices strong, With glad and open hearts we meet you in our festival of song.
Care and sorrow now be gone, Brothers in song, sing on!
Brothers, sing on, sing on!

Forward Falcons | text by Sidney L. Freeman, arr. Will Baughman

Forward Falcons,
Forward Falcons,
Fight for victory.

Show our spirit,
make them fear it,
Fight for ol’ Bee Gee.

Forward Falcons,
Forward Falcons,
Make the contest keen.

Hold up the fame of our mighty name, and win for
Bowling Green

Bowling Green State University Alma Mater | text by Edith M. Ludwig, arr. John M. Hyde

Alma Mater hear us,
As we praise thy name
Make us worthy sons and daughters
Adding to thy fame.
Time will treat you kindly

Years from now you'll be
Ever dearer in our hearts,
Our University.

From your halls of ivy
To the campus scene,
Chimes ring out with gladness
From our dear Bowling Green.
When all is just a mem'ry

Of the by-gone days,
Hear our hymn dear Alma Mater
As thy name we praise.


Dr. Richard Schnipke serves as Associate Professor of Music Performance/Choral Activities at Bowling Green State University.  His duties at BGSU include conducting the Collegiate Chorale and Men’s Chorus, as well as teaching graduate courses in choral repertoire and graduate and undergraduate conducting.  Previously, Dr. Schnipke held faculty positions at Xavier University and The Ohio State University and spent 15 years as a public-school choral director.  He holds degrees from Bowling Green State University and The Ohio State University and has done additional graduate studies at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.  

Choirs under Schnipke’s direction have performed at national and regional conferences of the American Choral Directors Association and have made numerous appearances at the Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development Conference and the Ohio Choral Directors Association Summer Conference.  Schnipke’s choirs have also sung for the American Musicological Society and for several national seminars of the IMC: The Tenor-Bass Choral Consoritum.  Dr. Schnipke also regularly prepares professional choruses for the Toledo Symphony Orchestra and frequently presents at state, regional, and national conference on the incorporation of Dalcroze Eurhythmics in the choral rehearsal.

Schnipke performs regularly as a professional chorister and has served as tenor section leader for Cincinnati’s Vocal Arts Ensemble (Grammy Award winner, Craig Hella Johnson, music director).  He is a Past-President of the Ohio Choral Directors Association, has served on the National Board of the National Collegiate Choral Organization, and is currently on the board of IMC: The Tenor-Bass Choral Consortium.


CJ Capen is musical coordinator and accompanist in the BGSU Department of Theatre & Film.

He has been staff accompanist & vocal coach for Chicago Summer Opera, Elon University, Interlochen Center for the Arts, and American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria. He has served as keyboard artist for Georgetown Chorale, Vienna Chorale Society, and the semi-professional choir, Voce Chamber Singers from 2013-2023. He toured China with Baltimore Symphony Orchestra flutist Lauren Sileo in 2014, has given chamber music lecture recitals for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in 2010, 2012, and 2014, and has given benefit concerts in recent years to include: St Veronica's Patriot Day Concert, Reston Drop-In Center, Cornerstone, Maryknoll Society, S.O.M.E's 40th Anniversary Celebration, All Saints Church, as well as the St Thomas More Cathedral Recital Series.

He is also conductor, recently conducting Steamboat Opera's production of "Frida", guest conducting the Arlington Diocese Choral Festival, guest conductor for Reston Chorale's Messiah Sing-Along, and he has been music director for Paul VI High School musical productions from 2018-2022. He served as Director of Music at St John Neumann Church in Reston VA from 2008-2023, one of the largest churches in the Diocese of Arlington, where he conducted the Festival Choir & Orchestra as well as oversaw the other six ensembles. The St John Neumann Choir completed a recording project in 2019, “Rejoice! Sounds of the Season!", and the choir has toured France, Austria, Germany, and Czech Republic.

He is a member of NAfME, ACDA, NPM, DC’s Friday Morning Music Club, and remains active as educator, conductor, recitalist, accompanist, and vocal coach.

Tenor 1
Nate Bailey
Cameron Baker
Dominic Carlozzi
Cody Carr
LJ Ceravolo
Jackson Clarke
Malcolm DeSouza
Sam Eggenton
Seth Foth
Dylan Gheen
Will Hermanowski
Dylan Hohlfelder
Nathaniel Knox
B. Michael Perry
Micah Roth
Andrew Vo

Tenor 2
Cooper Adams
Kyle Atkins
Will Baughman
Todd Graber
Jossiah Ellinger
Gray Garza
Alejo Goenaga
Anthony Iacovone
Bruin Kennedy
Charlie Ligus
Patrick Osinski
Robbie Reed
Mason Smith
Aaron Stephenson
Anthony Stout
Gabriel Switzer
Benjamin Tittl
Colin (Woody) Wood
Wesley Yoder

Nahom Agide
Gio Castiglione
Jayden Donald
Jess Driggs
Landon Fickiesen
Nicolas Golini
Kierce Gonzalez
Jake Grafitti
Jeremy Ledyard
Alec Lee
Mac McDaniel
Holden McDonald
Jonathon McNevin
Colton Ogg
Zach Ortega
Matthew Steele
(Michael) Joe Varga
Daniel Vetter
Zachary Walker
Issac Washington
Thomas Williamson

Sean Barry
Randy (Beef) Baughman
Apollo Bernath
Jaylen Donald
Chandler Giesswein
Dylan Haywood
John Humphrey
Evan King
Devon North
Zach Sanford
Kyle Schmidt
Jack Summanen
Ethan Vandeneynde


The BGSU Men’s Chorus is an auditioned ensemble open to all tenor and bass students, faculty and staff at Bowling Green State University. Established in 1971, the chorus’ motto and reputation as “America’s Finest Singing Machine” is well deserved, emanating decades of musical excellence. The ensemble encompasses students from all majors; over half are non-music majors, representing all seven colleges at the university. The chorus organizes and presents two tours each academic year. Fall finds the singers traveling to locations in Ohio and Michigan, performing at high schools during the day and various concert venues in the evenings. The spring tour ventures to different locations each year. Past trips have taken the group to destinations including Colorado, Florida, New York City, Washington D.C., and Toronto. These off-campus pursuits provide opportunities to perform for diverse audiences, serve as musical ambassadors for BGSU, see different parts of the country, and bond and create lasting friendships with fellow chorus members. Along with producing numerous CDs, the BGSU Men’s Chorus has performed at a number of regional and national ACDA conferences, the North Coast Conference of NAfME, as well as numerous OMEA state conferences and IMC national seminars. Last year the group was honored to perform at the 2023 ACDA National Conference in Cinncinati, the 2023 OMEA Professional Development Conference in Columbus and the 2023 IMC National Seminar in Albion, MI. With the support of the College of Musical Arts, the group also frequently commissions new works for the BGSU Choral Series. Recent commissioned composers include Stacy Gibbs, Dave Brubeck, Tim Takach, Zebulon Highben, Michael Cox, and Steven Sametz.

Thanks for attending this performance. If you have enjoyed your experience, please consider donating to the College of Musical Arts in support of our students and programming. Donate online at, or call Sara Zulch-Smith at 419-372-7309.

Audience members are reminded to silence alarm watches, pagers and cellular phones before the performance. As a matter of courtesy and copyright law, no recording or unauthorized photographing is allowed.

Updated: 09/18/2024 03:51PM