Collegiate Chorale
and Volaré (Sunday evening)

Sunday, Jan. 28

3 P.M.
St. Michael’s in the Hills Episcopal Church
Ottawa Hills, OH
with Ottawa Hills High School Choraliers

7 P.M.
First United Methodist Church
Sylvania, OH
with BGSU Volaré

Sunday, Jan. 28

1:45 PM
Bowling Green High School
Bowling Green, OH



Dr. Emily Pence Brown, conductor
Heather Goldman, collaborative pianist
Kourtney Syrus, graduate assistant

The Eyes of A Hurricane

Mahk Jchi
(Heartbeat Drum Song) | Ulali, arr. Emily Pence Brown
          Isabella Olzak & Emma Zemancik, percussion

Mahk jchi tahm buooi yahmpi gidi
Mahk jchi taum buooi kan spewa ebi
Mahmpi wah hoka yee monk Tahond tani kiyee tiyee
Gee we-me eetiyee
Nanka yaht yamoonieah wajitse

Our hearts are full
and our minds are good.
Our ancestors come
and give us strength.
Stand tall, sing, dance
and never forget who you are
or where you come from

Rejoice, Rejoice T. 262 | William Byrd (1540-1623)

Rejoice, rejoice, with heart and voice,
In Christ his birth this day rejoice.

Famine Song | VDA, arr. Matthew Culloton (b. 1976)
          Laney Mitchell & Isabella Olzak, soloists

Ease my spirit, ease my soul,
please free my hands from this barren soil.
Ease my mother, ease my child,
earth and sky be reconciled.
Weave my mother, weave my child,
Weave your baskets of rushes wild.
Weave my mother, weave my child.
Weave your baskets of rushes wild.
Out of heat, under sun
Comes the hunger to everyone.
Famine’s teeth, famine’s claw
On the sands of Africa.

Sicut erat | Niccola Porpora (1686-1768)/Ralph Hunter

Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

As it was in the beginning, and now, and always, and in the ages of the ages. Amen.

This Sky Falls | Jocelyn Hagen (b. 1980)
          Karla Kunk, soloist

The sky looks like it is fire
The lake, silver
And I wonder what my skin tastes like
After seeing something like this.
I watch as the night
Swallows the curve of the sun
Buttons up the darkness
Leaving us lone Pinpricks of light.
For surely This sky falls,
sinks Beneath my skin
Just as the cold does,
Just As the snow.
Just as the moon Does,
When it is waning
Just as the clouds do
When they can’t help but break.
Some moments I am nothing more
Than driftwood, fox prints,
Sometimes I am nothing more than flight.

Plakatap | Sydney Guillaume (b. 1982)
          Emma Zemancik, percussion

Enfants de tous pays,
Jeunesses de partout,
Chantez, sautez, dansez!
À pied ou en vélo,
Sacoche sur le dos,
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Fêtez, chantez!
Célébrons d'un seul coeur la grande Humanité,
Et chantons tous en choeur notre Fraternité!
Malgré ce qui se passe,
En dépit de l’espace,
Nous sommes une famille
De garçons et de filles.
Vivons dans l’Unité
D’une seule Humanité.
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Avec le même amour,
Allons jour après jour,
Chantez, pompez, dansez
La Ronde Fraternelle
Des enfants de la Terre.
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!

Children of all countries,
Youth from everywhere,
Sing, jump, dance!
On foot or by bike,
Our bags on our backs,
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Let’s party, let’s sing!
Let’s celebrate Humanity with one heart,
And let us all sing our Fraternity in chorus!
Regardless of what’s happening,
In spite of the distance,
We are one family
Of young men and women.
Let us dwell in the Unity
Of one Humanity.
Plakatap – Plakatap!
United in the same love,
Let us go day by day,
Singing, jumping up and down, dancing
The Fraternal Dance
Of the children of the World.
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!

After The Rain | Sarah Quartel (b. 1982)

The grass will shed its moisture,
The fog will life from the trees,
A new light will brighten the sky
And play in the drops that hang on all things
After the rain
Heed the days when the rain flows freely
In their greyness lies the seed of much thought.
Heed the day when the sky hangs low
And paints new colors on the earth
After the rain
Your heart will beat out a new gladness
If you let it happen.


Collegiate Chorale

Richard Schnipke, conductor
Kevin McGill, pianist
Will Baughman, graduate assistant conductor

All Seems Beautiful to Me

I. A Calling

Meet Me Here
 from Considering Matthew Shepard (excerpt) | Craig Hella Johnson
    Alexandra Meade, Maddie Depinet, and Isabella Olzak, soloists

Everyone Sang (excerpt) | Kile Smith
    Will Baughman, Kourtney Syrus, Ian Keller, and Zac Flasch, soloists

Ritual | Jake Runestad           
    Laney Mitchell, soloist
    Kevin McGill, piano
    Frank Sanzo & Ian Weil, percussion


II. Journeys

I Will Go | Jeffrey Derus         
    Malika Brower, violin

A Journey of Your Own | Saunder Choi         
Translation of Tagalog text:
everyone comes and goes
going to wherever
one goes, to the end;
the journey is a search,
a search for a destination —
a search for a destination
of the journey, of the search;
reaching the end: again,
everyone comes and goes.


III. In Praise and Celebration

Blessed Be!
 (excerpt) | Melanie DeMore                                        

Jauchzet dem Herren alle Welt Heinrich Schütz
Translation of German text:
Sing to the Lord all ye lands!
Serve the Lord God with gladness;
come ye before His face with rejoicing!
Perceive that the Lord is the Godhead!
He is who made us, not we ourselves to His own folk and His sheep upon His pasture.
Enter, advance through the gates of Heav’n and thank Him,
approach His courtyards and praise Him;
give Him thanks, praise His name forever!
or the Lord is friendly, and the Lord’s mercy lasts forever,
so does His truth eternally.

Ihr Bruder, leiben Bruder Mein Johann Schein
Translation of German text:
Your brother, my dear brother,
Let’s all have fun today.
This is how we drink.
This is how we sing.
So we sling the good beer
In honor of our host who treats us well.

Ay’bobo Pou Yo Sydney Guillaume
    B. Michael Perry, soloist
    Frank Sanzo & Ian Weil, percussion
Poets and musicians, actors, singers and farandoles,
Artists from everywhere, gather under the Dome.
Join in! Let’s go! We are honoring them!
The curtains are open and the scene is full of jubilation;
Corypheus, intone a marvelous chant!
“Praise and honor to all composers!
Praise and honor to the conductors too!”
From the crack of dawn till the darkness of night,
They are spreading joy and they are sowing peace.
They plant in our hearts the joy of harmony,
The meaning of the bar and the taste of life.
For their beautiful mission, we honor them!
Music and love forever enlighten us,
And the light shines brightly throughout the world.
The light of justice, the light of friendship,
The light of dignity and the light of humanity.
Oh how wonderful it is when everyone’s heart is filled with joy!
Music and love are the best legacy!
We thank and honor them! Bravo for them!


IV. A Reflection

All Seems Beautiful to Me
 | Eric Whitacre


V. Fire and Water

 from Elements | Katerina Gimon
    Christina Worchester, Karli Christ, & Giovanni Castiglione, callers
    Ian Weil, percussion                                                                       

Wade in the Water | Traditional Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan
    Prof. Keith Phares, guest soloist

Isabella Abucejo
Madison Alt
Sara Barnhill Murray
Makenna Batcho
Sylvia Bright
Shelby Brooks
Emily Buelsing
Karli Christ
Alyssa Desotell*
Desi Dunkle
Maddie Dykema
Madison Elliott
Kamiah Felver
Kiersten Grantz
Meredith Gulla
Jenna Hainer
Samantha Hill*
Alexandra Hoffer
Madison Hoffman
Katherine Johnson
Mackenzie Jones*
Aria King*
Madeline Kissinger
Karla Kunk
Ellie Lewis

Audrey Martin
Abigail Miller
Laney Mitchell*
Sarah Munson
Isabella Olzak*
Harley Partlow
Olivia Pedone
Julia Posadny
Zo Povlsen
Phoebe Saboley
Julianne Schramm
Amanda Simpson
Katie Skrovan
Lauren Steible
Annie Swanson
Kourtney Syrus
Emily Thornton
Alethia Toppins
Allison Twinning
Libby Vale
Cassidy Vanscoy
Elle Walters
Christina Worcester
Emma Zemancik

* Denotes choir officer

Emma Clark
Madeline Depinet
Alyssa Desotell
Brittany Izor
Aria King
Laney Mitchell
Olivia Swicegood
Kourtney Syrus
Cassidy Vanscoy
Christina Worchester

Karli Christ
Alex Hoffer
Alexandra Meade
Sara Murray
Bella Olzak
Zoey Paulus
Julia Posadny
Phoebe Saboley
Ashlyn Slocum
Annie Swanson

Cameron Baker
Will Davis
Alexander Ebright
Noah Elliott
Dylan Gheen
Alejo Goenaga
Ian Keller
Ethan Martinez
B. Michael Perry

Sean Barry
Will Baughman
Gio Castiglione
Ivan Cobb
Stephen Deeter
Zac Flasch 
Zach Sanford
Chris Schock
Matthew Steele
Ian Wisecup

Thanks for attending this performance. If you have enjoyed your experience, please consider donating to the College of Musical Arts in support of our students and programming. Donate online at, or call Sara Zulch- Smith at 419-372-7309.

To our guests with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in our events by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.

Audience members are reminded to silence alarm watches, pagers and cellular phones before the performance. As a matter of courtesy and copyright law, no recording or unauthorized photographing is allowed. BGSU is a nonsmoking campus.

Updated: 09/18/2024 03:44PM