Volaré and
A Cappella Choir

Friday, November 17th, 2023

7:30 P.M. Findlay First Presbyterian Church


Dr. Emily Pence Brown, conductor
Heather Goldman, collaborative pianist
Kourtney Syrus, graduate assistant
Emma Zemancik, percussionist

The Eyes of A Hurricane

Mahk Jchi (Heartbeat Drum Song) | Ulali, arr. Emily Pence Brown

Mahk jchi tahm buooi yahmpi gidi
Mahk jchi taum buooi kan spewa ebi
Mahmpi wah hoka yee monk Tahond tani kiyee tiyee
Gee we-me eetiyee
Nanka yaht yamoonieah wajitse

Our hearts are full
and our minds are good.
Our ancestors come
and give us strength.
Stand tall, sing, dance
and never forget who you are
or where you come from

Rejoice, Rejoice T. 262 | William Byrd (1540-1623)

Famine Song | VDA, arr. Matthew Culloton (b. 1976)
    Laney Mitchell & Isabella Olzak, soloists

Sicut erat | Niccola Porpora (1686-1768)/Ralph Hunter

Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

As it was in the beginning, and now, and always, and in the ages of the ages. Amen.

This Sky Falls | Jocelyn Hagen (b. 1980)
    Karla Kunk, soloist

Plakatap | Sydney Guillaume (b. 1982)

Enfants de tous pays,
Jeunesses de partout,
Chantez, sautez, dansez!
À pied ou en vélo,
Sacoche sur le dos,
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Fêtez, chantez!
Célébrons d'un seul coeur la grande Humanité,
Et chantons tous en choeur notre Fraternité!
Malgré ce qui se passe,
En dépit de l’espace,
Nous sommes une famille
De garçons et de filles.
Vivons dans l’Unité
D’une seule Humanité.
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Avec le même amour,
Allons jour après jour,
Chantez, pompez, dansez
La Ronde Fraternelle
Des enfants de la Terre.
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!

Children of all countries,
Youth from everywhere,
Sing, jump, dance!
On foot or by bike,
Our bags on our backs,
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Let’s party, let’s sing!
Let’s celebrate Humanity with one heart,
And let us all sing our Fraternity in chorus!
Regardless of what’s happening,
In spite of the distance,
We are one family
Of young men and women.
Let us dwell in the Unity
Of one Humanity.
Plakatap – Plakatap!
United in the same love,
Let us go day by day,
Singing, jumping up and down, dancing
The Fraternal Dance
Of the children of the World.
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!

After The Rain | Sarah Quartel (b. 1982)


A Cappella Choir
Mark Munson, director
Kevin McGill, accompanist
Alejo Goenaga, graduate assistant

How Can I Keep from Singing? | Gwyneth Walker


I. Macaronic Christmas Pieces

| Michael Praetorius
Sing your psalms to Christ, the only begotten Son of God.
Sing your psalms to the Redeemer.
A small Child lies in the manger. All the blessed angels serve Him and sing to Him.
Sing your psalms to Christ, the only begotten Son of God.
Sing your psalms to the Redeemer.

O magnum mysterium | Mark Munson
            Ellie Lewis, soloist
O great mystery and wondrous sacrament that animals should see the new-born Lord lying in their manger! Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!


II. Composed by Women Composers Living Today

Alleluia (O Sing Praises)
| Debbie Wiseman
            Alejo Goenaga, conductor

Alleluia | Elaine Hagenberg


III. Latin Motets in Romantic-Era Style

Locus Iste
| Anton Bruckner
This place was made by God, a priceless mystery. It is without reproof.     
Bogoróditse Dyévo | Sergei Rachmaninoff   
Rejoice, virgin mother of God, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
for you have born the Savior of our souls.


IV. Celebrating African-American Culture

My Feets Is Tired
| Traditional Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker
            Jess Driggs, soloist

True Light | Keith Hampton
            Benjamin Tittl and Madelyn Shepherd, soloists

Isabella Abucejo
Sarah Adams
Madison Alt
Sara Barnhill Murray
Makenna Batcho
Sylvia Bright
Shelby Brooks
Emily Buelsing
Allison Celek
Emma Cheek
Alyssa Desotell*
Desi Dunkle
Maddie Dykema
Madison Elliott
Kamiah Felver
Ace Goodman
Kiersten Grantz
Haleigh Greif
Meredith Gulla
Jenna Hainer
Samantha Hill*
Alexandra Hoffer
Madison Hoffman
Brittany Izor
Katherine Johnson
Mackenzie Jones*
Aria King*
Madeline Kissinger
Karla Kunk
Ellie Lewis
Carmen Lopez
Katie Maher

Audrey Martin
Abigail Miller
Elizabeth Mills
Laney Mitchell*
Baylie Mitchell
Kalee Moore
Sarah Munson
Isabella Olzak*
Harley Partlow
Olivia Pedone
Julia Posadny
Zo Povlsen
Naomi Schag
Julianne Schramm
Bekah Shively
Amanda Simpson
Katie Skrovan
Kate Slane
Julia Soltis
Olivia Sulaica
Annie Swanson
Olivia Swicegood
Kourtney Syrus
Emily Thornton
Alethia Toppins
Allison Twinning
Libby Vale
Cassidy Vanscoy
Elle Walters
Ella Willard
Christina Worcester
Emma  Zemancik

* Denotes choir officer

Madison Alt
Kloe Archbold           
Abigail Blank             
Emma Guanzon
Emily Harmon*
Mackenzie Jones
Ellie Lewis                 
Audrey Martin           
Victoria Miller           
Olivia Owsinek
Naomi Schag
Madelyn Shepherd*
Alli Twining

Emily Buelsing
Autumn Crowell         
Madison Elliott
Kamiah Felver           
Samantha Hill             
Karla Kunk*               
Carmen Lopez           
Lainey Luginbill
Baylie Mitchell
Zo Povlsen
Rue Stammen
Morgan Thompson   
Emily Thornton*       
Mckenna Warner

Noah Beasley             
Luke Blake     
Dominic Carlozzi       
Malcolm DeSouza     
Seth Foth                   
Caleb Gildner             
Alejo Goenaga
Alec Lee                     
Robbie Reed               
Mason Smith             
Anthony Stout           
Andrew Vo

Grant Bruns               
Luca Caretto               
Jess Driggs                 
Chandler Giesswein   
Jake Grafitti               
Jack Summanen         
Benjamin Tittl           
Devon North             
Colton Ogg                 
Zach Sanford             
Issac Washington       
Wesley Yoder


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Updated: 09/18/2024 03:31PM