High School Students & Community Groups

The University Libraries welcomes school and other community groups. We are happy to share our resources and have established some guidelines to maximize visitor experiences at BGSU Libraries. We thank you for your interest in our services and materials.

Scheduling Visits

All group visits to BGSU Libraries must be arranged through the First-year Experience Librarian, including visits or tours that will be conducted by the group leader.

  • Please schedule appointments at least two weeks in advance. 
  • Group tours of the first floor are provided and take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • Try to avoid scheduling during peak periods of the semester which include the first three weeks of a semester (late August and early January) and the last two weeks of a semester (early December and late April). 
  • Please try to keep community groups to 25 people or fewer. We can accommodate larger school groups depending on classroom and staff availability.

Please contact:

Maureen Barry, Student Success Librarian
152 Jerome Library
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403

Library Instruction for High School Groups

We prioritize visits for groups with research assignments. We encourage students to focus their attention on locating journal articles by using our subscription research databases. While BGSU College Credit Plus students can access these databases remotely, they are available to non-BGSU students on-site only. We have a variety of computer facilities we can schedule for hands-on instruction or online demonstrations.

BGSU College Credit Plus students will need to know their BGSU user names and passwords when they arrive. Having user names and passwords saved on their personal devices is not enough.

Services and Costs

Borrowing Books

For complete and updated information regarding the borrowing of books or other materials, it is best to consult the webpage with up to date information about Guest Borrowing Privileges.

Photocopiers and Scanners

While free scanning to email is the best option for visitors, photocopiers are available in Jerome Library. None of our copiers take change. Guests (without BG usernames and passwords) must buy a printing card. This can be done at the circulation desk. Cards cost $5.00, which includes $3.00 of copying/printing funds. Cards can be purchased at the library with a credit/debit card. If you only have cash, you can purchase a card at the BG1 Card Services desk in the Union.

Microform Readers

It is possible that some of our visitors may need to use microfilm and microfiche. Special readers for these formats are available on the first floor of Jerome Library. Staff are on hand to help students use this equipment. Images of microforms can be saved as PDFs to external drives or sent as email attachments.

Campus Tours

The University offers student-guided tours Monday-Friday, at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. If enough advance notice is given, the tour office is receptive to scheduling a more convenient time as well. See Visit BGSU for more information.


Need assistance getting here? Consult our webpage with information about Driving Directions and Maps.

Questions? Contact Maureen Barry, Acting First Year Experience Coordinator

Updated: 01/08/2025 03:38PM