Library Volunteers
University Libraries Volunteer Policy and Procedures
Bowling Green State University Libraries (UL) may on occasion, have volunteers who perform services for the library. Volunteers are unpaid and are not formally affiliated with the university or the libraries
In general, volunteers are individuals who perform special projects or tasks for the libraries. Volunteers may not be used in place of compensated permanent staff members; however volunteers may provide services if appropriately trained. This policy does not cover practicum/co-op students or those students enrolled in an independent study.
A volunteer in the University Libraries must meet the following criteria to be considered a volunteer
• The individual must be 18 years of age or older.
• The individual may not be a university employee or library student employee.
• The individual is not paid to perform the service.
• The service is not performed for academic credit or to receive or qualify for some type of certification or accreditation.
• The service is not performed as an alternative to civil or criminal fine or penalty of serving a jail sentence. Volunteer service cannot be part of court-imposed fine or sentence of community service.
• The service is provided under the supervision of UL faculty or staff member.
• The service must be performed within the Wm. T. Jerome Library on the BGSU campus.
• The service performed by the individual is for the primary benefit of BGSU.
Within the library, the following policy procedures apply to volunteers
• All supervisors must contact the Administrative Office 2 weeks prior to the start date of a volunteer.
• All volunteers must authorize and pass a background investigation prior to volunteering at the library.
• Preferential treatment shall not be given to volunteers who seek employment opportunities.
• Volunteers will not be issued any type of university identification or keys to any library facilities.
• Volunteers should not be in staff work areas outside of their volunteer work hours.
• In general, volunteers are not assigned a specific workstation.
• Volunteers may not attend or participate in departmental meeting or in decision making.
• Volunteers may not supervise staff or student employees.
• Volunteers in the library may not be granted any type of authority over financial accounts or library funds, or library systems.
• The library is unable to pay for parking for volunteers. Volunteers must make their own parking arrangements.
• Volunteers are not eligible for any university benefits.
In compliance with campus guidelines, volunteers will not be covered by general liability insurance when they are acting on behalf of Bowling Green State University.
Updated: 02/17/2025 08:36AM