SpColl 26: Personal Growth Leaflets
Introduction and Content
Personal Growth Leaflets first appeared in the Journal of the National Education Association as commencement messages for young people. Demand increased and the leaflets became widely disbursed. Hugh Taylor, who had know Horace Mann as a child, was so impressed with the leaflets that he gave a revolving fund in 1936 to allow for mass production and distribution of the leaflets.
The leaflets fit well with the self-education and self-growth mentality of the early 20th century. The titles covered a wide variety of subject from health to religion in the classroom to the role of teachers and instruction.
The Personal Growth Leaflet Collection in the Browne Popular Culture Library at Bowling Green State University has only 77 titles, but there were over 200 originally published. The Personal Growth Leaflet Collection is organized by leaflet number, with both the title and author listed.
Contents by Deirdre Rogers and Bob Hamburger, June 2003
Revised S. Jennings, March 2005
Revised M. Zuzik, January 2015
Number | Title | Author |
1 | Your Life in the Making | Morgan, Joy E. |
2 | Your Mind in the Making | Morgan, Joy E. |
3 | Your Health in the Making | Morgan, Joy E. |
4 | Your Home in the Making | Morgan, Joy E. |
5 | Nicotine Knockout | Tunney, Gene |
6 | Your Citizenship in the Making | Morgan, Joy E. |
7 | Your Personality in the Making | Morgan, Joy E. |
9 | The Planning of Your Life | Morgan, Joy E. |
11 | The Tenth Generation | Stillwell Edwards, Harry |
12 | Shall I Become a Teacher? | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
20 | The Growing Teacher | Sandison Fenner, Mildred |
21 | A Golden Treasury of Beauty and Wisdom | Morgan, Joy E. |
22 | A Golden Treasury from the Bible | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
23 | A Golden Treasury on the Art of Living | Morgan, Joy E. |
25 | Selections from George Washington | Hart, Laurance H. |
26 | Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson | Morgan, Joy E. |
27 | Selections from Abraham Lincoln | Morgan, Joy E. |
28 | Selections from Horace Mann | Morgan, Joy E. |
30 | The Significance of Friendship | Farris, J.D. |
31 | Shall I go to College? | Morgan, Joy E. |
32 | Shall I Attend a Junior College? | Mason, Edward F. |
35 | How to Study | Clifford, Charles W. |
36 | How to Use Personal Growth Leaflets | |
41 | Learning to be a Leader | Morgan, Joy E. |
42 | Franklin’s Plan of Self-Improvement | Morgan, Joy E. |
43 | Franklin’s Personal Growth Record Book | Morgan, Joy E. |
44 | Tyranny of Bad Habits | Morgan, Joy E. |
45 | A Parliamentary Primer | Gregg, F.M. |
46 | Poor Richard's Almanac | Franklin, Benjamin |
56 | Increase Federal Aid for Education Now! | Marston, R. B. |
58 | Strengthening the Foundations of Freedom | Samuelson, Agnes |
60 | Our Faith in Education | Ashby, Lyle W. |
61 | Horace Mann’s Letter to Young Americans | Morgan, Joy E. |
62 | The Code of the Good American | Morgan, Joy E. |
63 | The United States Flag Code | Hughes, Charles, Evan |
68 | Education-the Mainstay of Business | Sutton, Willis |
80 | The Community | Morgan, Arthur |
81 | Emma Willard and Her Plan | Fishburn, Eleanor C. |
82 | Mary Lyon and Mount Holyoke College | Fenner, Mildred S. & Fishburn, Elenor C. |
85 | Frances E. Willard Educator | Sandison Fenner, Mildred and Fishburn, Eleanor |
86 | Booker T. Washington and Tuskegee Institute | |
87 | Alice Freeman Palmer | Fenner, Mildred S. |
88 | Susan B. Anthony Apostle of Freedom | Fenner, Mildred S. |
90 | Horace Mann-Father of the American System of Free Public Schools | Sandison Fenner, Mildred and Fishburn, Eleanor |
91 | Seven Adventures in Pioneering | Overstreet, Harry |
92 | True Americanism | Brandeis, Louis |
94 | Economic Systems in the United States | Coyle, David C. |
99 | Student Self-Government | Welling, Richard |
101 | Have You had your Vitamins? | Holmes, Harry |
102 | Our Common Diseases | Parran, Thomas |
103 | Shall I Become a Smoker | Steinhaus, Arthur |
104 | Shall I Become a Drinker | David, Bert |
106 | Colds Aren’t Trivial | Armstrong, Donald |
108 | Legal Liability of Teacher and School | Chambers, M.M. |
109 | Essentials of Mental Health | Burnham, William |
110 | Tuberculosis | Lyght, Charles, M.D. |
111 | Art in School and Life | Winslow, Leon L. |
112 | Teaching Economics to Children | Morgan, Joy E. |
115 | What the High Schools ought to Teach | Special Committee for the Secondary School Curriculum |
117 | Foreign Languages in School and Life | Zeydel, Edwin H. |
119 | The Teaching of Reading | Little, Ruth Coyner |
123 | The Man Who Taught Me Most | Carrothers, George |
126 | A Message to Garcia | Hubbard, Elbert |
129 | Do You Want to be Happy and Free | Johnson, Willard |
130 | Prejudice-How do we recognize it? | Johnson, Willard |
145 | In Praise of Teaching | Ten Hoor, Marten |
149 | Education and Human Relations | Clinchy, Everett R. |
150 | The Place of Religion in Education | Marsh, Daniel |
151 | The World We Fought For | Chase, Stuart |
152 | Paths to Tomorrow | Chase, Stuart |
153 | An American Program of Plenty | Chase, Stuart |
154 | Financing Post War Prosperity | Chase, Stuart |
157 | Pressure Groups in Our Democracy | Chase, Stuart |
158 | Foreign Trade Means You | Chase, Stuart |
159 | World Citizenship | Davenport, Russell, and Tchou, M. Thomas |
160 | A Century of Consumer Cooperation | McLanahan, C.J. |
161 | Our Profession Glorious | Morgan, Joy E. |
170 | Future Teachers: Ideals and Purpose | Morgan, Joy E. |
171 | Motive-Centered Education | Saxe Tuttle, Harold |
178 | The Parent’s Part in Education | Bruntz, George |
181 | The First Five Tears of Life | Gesell, Arnold |
190 | Religion and the Public School | Edmonson, J.B. |
191 | Selections for Memorizing Grade One | Arranged by the Teachers of Free Public Schools Birmingham Alabama> |
192 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Two | Arranged by the staff of The Journal of the N.E. A. |
193 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Three | Arranged by the Teachers of Free Public Schools Birmingham Alabama |
194 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Four | Arranged by the Teachers of Free Public Schools Birmingham Alabama |
195 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Five | Arranged by the Teachers of Free Public Schools Birmingham Alabama |
196 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Six | Arranged by the staff of The Journal of the N.E. A. |
197 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Seven | Arranged by the Teachers of Public Schools Washington, D.C. |
198 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Eight | Arranged by the staff of The Journal of the N.E. A. |
199 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Nine | Arranged by the N.E.A. Journal Staff |
200 | Selections for Memorizing Grade Ten | Arranged by the staff of The Journal of the N.E. A. |
202 | One Hundred Significant Books | Good Reading |
205 | American Life in Biography | Horn, Gunnar |
206 | American History in Fiction | Horn, Gunnar |
222 | Books Every Child Should Know | Selected by Staff of Cleveland, OH Public Library |
233 | Fiction for Junior High School Students | National Council for Teachers of English |
237 | Fiction for High School Students | National Council for Teachers of English |
281 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade One | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
282 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade Two | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
283 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 3 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
284 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 4 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
285 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 5 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
286 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 6 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
287 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 7 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
288 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 8 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
289 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 9 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
290 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 10 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
291 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 11 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
292 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 12 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
293 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 13 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
294 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 14 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
295 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 15 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
296 | Selections for Memorizing; Grade 16 | Arranged by the NEA Journal Staff |
297 | Patriotic Selections for Memorizing | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
300 | Selections for Memorizing Index Grades 1-16 | |
301 | Daily Readings January | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
302 | Daily Readings February | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
305 | Daily Readings May | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
306 | Daily Readings June | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
307 | Daily Readings July | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
308 | Daily Readings August | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
309 | Daily Readings September | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
310 | Daily Readings October | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
311 | Daily Readings November | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
312 | Daily Readings December | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
321 | The Golden Years | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
322 | The Last of Life | Weatherhead, Leslie D. |
411 | Windows on Wisdom | Morgan, Joy Elmer |
Updated: 06/05/2023 09:23AM