Liebig Card Collection

The Liebig Company is an English firm that started widely producing “meat extract” after it was created by Justus von Liebig. The meat extraction process created a concentrate and preservation of the essential nutrients and flavors of beef in the form of paste or bouillon cubes. The production of the meat extract was started in 1850 and was named after its inventor. “Liebig Fleischextrakt” was soon sold all over the world with its main production taking place in Fray-Bentos and Colon, South America. The company, after several buyouts throughout its history, exists today under the name Premier Foods in the UK.

This collection of advertising trading cards consists of the colored lithographed cards found on the packaging of the products. The production of these cards started in 1870 and ended in 1975, spanning more than 11,000 different types of cards. The last lithographed series were released in 1939, but series were edited and reproduced through the 1970s. The cards were divided into subjects that nearly always made up a set of six or twelve.

Early on in their production, these cards were exchanged by the Liebig Company for coupons. The reverse of the cards were either advertising for a Liebig product, or they had a recipe in which the meat extract could be utilized. The series of cards were produced in multiple countries, therefore the cards can be found in a multitude of languages. Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, and Italy are just some of the countries in which these were produced. Due to the cards being so widely produced, collectors around the world use many different catalogues. For our purposes, the Sanguinetti catalogue was used.

Due to the extreme representation of minorities, countries, and cities in this collection researchers looking to learn more about early advertising techniques would find this collection very helpful.

This finding aid was prepared by Katie Tovarnak, Student Assistant, in December 2018.

For more information on this collection, please visit these websites:


Box 1
Set Title Title in English Theme/Subject Sanguinetti Catalog Number Complete Set
Heer I (Deutsches) German Army Uniforms I Military, Uniforms 125 No (1 card)
Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe I Stories, Fairy Tales 157 Yes (6 cards)
Frauen als Vogel Bird Women I (Blue Background) Animals, Birds 161 No (1 card)
Heer III (Deutsches) German Army Uniforms III Military, Uniforms 173 No (1 card)
Lebensstufen The Ages of Man Social Events 186 Yes (6 cards)
Jagdbilder 4 Hunting Deer Animal Hunting 188 Yes (6 cards)
Reklameplakate II Advertising Posters II Occupations, Signs 190 Yes (6 cards)
Köche und Köchinnen II Preparation of Food Cook, Kitchen 193 No (2 cards)
Kinderszenen I Scenes of Children I Children 196 Yes (6 cards)
Der gestiefelte Kater Puss in Boots Fairy Tales 199 No (3 cards)
Vexierbilder II Puzzles (Hidden Objects) III Puzzle 200 Yes (6 cards)
Däumling "Le Petit Poucet" (Fairy Tale) Stories, Fairy Tales, Humor 205 No (1 card)
Nationalflaggen National Flags and Costumes Military Uniforms 208 Yes (6 cards)
Kalender II - Reise um die Welt in 12 Monaten Journey Round the World (1888 Calendar) Dates, Calendar 210 No (11 cards)
Das italienische Heer Italian Army Uniforms II Military Uniforms 215 Yes (6 cards)
Neger II (Extraktdiebstahl) The Negro and the Theft of Liebig Story 220 Yes (6 cards)
Einst und Jetzt I Then and Now Social Events, Celebrations 227 Yes (6 cards)
Extrakttöpfe I - Die großen Scenes with Large Pots I (Blue Background) Geo History 228 No (3 cards)
Tierszenen I (komische) Comic Creatures Anthropomorph 233 Yes (6 cards)
Wettkämpfe und Spiele Games and Contests Military, Amor 236 Yes (6 cards)
Luftschlösser des Milchmädchens Pierrette and the Milk Jug Fairy Tales 242 Yes (6 cards)
Blumensprache I (Knabe und Mädchen) The Language of Flowers I Plants, Flowers 243 Yes (6 cards)
Speisekarten Dinner Menus Food & Drink-Menus 245 Yes (6 cards)
Rebus(II) 3 Word Pictures III Word Picture 252 No (4 cards)
Die fünf Sinne I The Five Senses I Humor 254 Yes (6 cards)
Wiener Leben II Viennese Life II Social Events, Celebrations 256 Yes (6 cards)
Kinderszenen IV Scenes of Children VI Children 264 Yes (6 cards)
Schmetterlinge II (Frauengestalten) Butterfly Girls II Butterflies 265 Yes (6 cards)
Blumen-Mädchen III Flower Girls III Flowers, Women 268 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilder VII Puzzles (Hidden Objects) VIII Word Picture 272 Yes (6 cards)
Blumensprache II (Knaben und Mädchen) The Language of Flowers II Plants, Flowers 274 Yes (6 cards)
Händler Merchants of the World Business, Industry 278 Yes (6 cards)
Rebus (IV)5 Word Pictures V Rebus, Word Picture 284 Yes (6 cards)
Spielkarten Playing Cards III Cards, Gambling 294 Yes (6 cards)
Nationaltänze II National Dances II Art, Dance 300 Yes (6 cards)
Forscher Famous Explorers I Exploration, Explorers 303 No (6 cards)
Schmetterlinge III (Amoretten mit Flügeln) Butterflies and Cupids Butterflies 305 Yes (6 cards)
Blumen-Grüße Flower Arrangements with Butterflies Flowers, Butterflies 307 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilder VIII Puzzles (Hidden Objects) X Word Picture 310 Yes (6 cards)
Maskenbilder IV (Italienische)4 Italian Masques III Masks, Costumes 311 Yes (6 cards)
Hochzeitsgebräuche I Weddings in Different Countries Weddings 314 Yes (6 cards)
Asrael (Oper von Alberto Franchetti) 'Asrael'' (Opera) Theatre, Opera 316 Yes (6 cards)
Speisenfolge Dinner Courses Food, Menus 319 Yes (6 cards)
Sprichwörter I Proverbs II Word Picture 321 Yes (6 cards)
Rebus (V)6 Word Pictures VI Word Picture 323 Yes (6 cards)
Rebus (VI)7 Word Pictures VI] Word Picture 324 Yes (6 cards)
Der Argonautenzug The Voyage of the Argonauts Fairy Tales 330 Yes (6 cards)
Die Geschichte des Ochsen The Bull Animal, Cow, Art 332 Yes (6 cards)
Die Bauern und der Esel The Miller, His Son and The Ass I Fairy Tales 338 Yes (6 cards)
Nationaltänze III (Kinder im Nationalkostüm) National Dances III Art, Dance 340 Yes (6 cards)
Nationaltänze IV (mit Vexier) National Dances IV (With Hidden Objects) Puzzles 341 Yes (6 cards)
Vielfrass Gargantua bei den Zwergen Gargantua I Stories 343 Yes (6 cards)
Kinderspiele III Children's Games IV Children 344 No (5 cards)
Der Gnom The Gnome Gnome 345 Yes (6 cards)
Box 2
Set Title Title in English Theme/Subject Sanguinetti Catalog Number Complete Set
Vexierbilder IX Puzzles (Hidden Objects) XI Word Picture 346 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilder X (Fahrzeuge) Puzzles (Hidden Objects) XII Puzzle, Word Picture 347 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilder XI Puzzles (Hidden Objects) XIII Word Picture 348 Yes (6 cards)
natürliche Ressourcen II Natural Resources II Resources 350 Yes (6 cards)
Handschatten I Hand Shadows I Children, Humor 352 Yes (6 cards)
Landschaften I Geological Periods I Prehistoric, Dinosaurs 354 Yes (6 cards)
Gestirne (Allegorische Darstellung) Heavenly Bodies Astrology 355 Yes (6 cards)
Probleme II Problems II Word Picture 357 Yes (6 cards)
Sprichwörter II (Kinderszenen) Proverbs III Children 358 Yes (6 cards)
Zur Geschichte der Schrift I (Ideographische) The Story of Writing I School-Writing, Inventions, Geo History 364 Yes (6 cards)
Der trojanische Krieg The Trojan War Geo History, Military, War 365 Yes (6 cards)
Blumen und Vögel Birds and Flowers Birds, Flowers 366 Yes (6 cards)
Das Märchen vom Extract-Baum The Story of the Extract Tree Extract, Story, Children 368 No (1 card)
Karl der Grosse 768 - 814 Charlemagne Famous People 372 Yes (6 cards)
Volkswirtschaft Occupations Geo History 375 Yes (6 cards)
Falstaff Falstaff (Shakespeare) Theatre, Opera 377 Yes (6 cards)
Blumen, Vögel und Schmetterlinge Flowers, Birds and Butterflies Flowers, Birds, Butterflies 380 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilder XIII Puzzles (Hidden Objects) XV Word Picture 382 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilder XIV Puzzles (Hidden Objects) XVI Word Picture 383 Yes (6 cards)
Vexierbilderrätsel Puzzles (Hidden Objects) XVII Word Picture 384 Yes (6 cards)
Maskenbilder V - Italienische Masken Italian Masques IV Carnival, Masks 385 Yes (6 cards)
Weihnachtsgebräuche Christmas Customs In Different Countries Social Events, Holidays, Celebrations 386 Yes (6 cards)
Handschatten II Hand Shadows II Children, Humor 387 Yes (6 cards)
Opernszenen III Scenes from Opera II Theatre, Opera 391 Yes (6 cards)
Probleme III Problems III Word Picture 393 Yes (7 cards)
Amerikanische Staaten (nordamerikanisch) States of the U.S.A. Geography, America 396 Yes (6 cards)
Baustile I (Baustyle) Styles of Architecture I Architecture 397 Yes (6 cards)
Frithjofsage The Legend of Frithjof Fairy Tales 407 No (5 cards)
Die Monate - Kinderbilder Months of the Year Dates, Calendar 410 Yes (6 cards)
Nordische Göttersage Scandinavian Mythology Fairy Tales 412 Yes (6 cards)
Kleines Volk The World of Children Children 413 Yes (6 cards)
Zwerg Nase The Dwarf Nose (Fairy Tale) Mythology, legends, Fairytale 415 Yes (6 cards)
Weihnachts-Scenen I Christmas through the Ages Social Events, Holidays, Celebrations 416 Yes (6 cards)
Probleme IV Problems IV Word Picture, Rebus 420 Yes (6 cards)
Sprichwörter III (lateinisch und deutsch) Proverbs V Word Picture 422 Yes (6 cards)
Rebus 14 Word Pictures XIII Rebus, Word Picture 424 Yes (6 cards)
Das Reich des Prinzen Carneval Carnival Scenes I Carnivals 425 Yes (6 cards)
Zur Geschichte der Schrift II (phonetische Schriften) The Story of Writing II School-Writing, Inventions, Geo History 426 Yes (6 cards)
Specialitäten-Theater I Variety Acts I Theatre 427 Yes (6 cards)
Reise um das Mittelmeer A Trip round the Mediterranean Mediterranean 432 Yes (6 cards)
Box 3
Set Title Title in English Theme/Subject Sanguinetti Catalog Number Complete Set
Farben II Colours II Art Deco 618 Yes (6 cards)
Hamlet I (Oper von Ambroise Thomas) "Hamlet" (Opera) Theatre, Opera 638 Yes (6 cards)
Das Salz Salt Products 642 No (4 cards)
Der Traum Dreams Dreams 645 Yes (6 cards)
Opernszenen V Famous Theatres and Operatic Productions Theatre, Opera 648 Yes (6 cards)
Aus der Vogelwelt II In Birdland Animals, Birds 651 Yes (6 cards)
Wirt und Küchenchef The Restaurateur and his Chef Stories 655 No (3 cards)
Geschichte des Weihnachtsbaumes The Christmas Tree II Holiday, Celebrations 656 Yes (6 cards)
Schußwaffen verschiedener Zeiten Propelled Weapons through the Ages Military, Weapons 657 Yes (6 cards)
Fahrradspiele Bicycle Games Bicycles 658 Yes (6 cards)
China I China I Asia, Nationalities 659 Yes (6 cards)
China II China II Asia, Nationalities, Towns & Cities 660 Yes (6 cards)
Cyrano de Bergerac 1 Cyrano De Bergerac I Theatre 661 Yes (6 cards)
Die Farben des Regenbogens Colours of the Rainbow Art, Colors 662 Yes (6 cards)
Ostergebräuche Easter Customs Social Events, Celebrations, Easter 665 Yes (6 cards)
Hochzeitsgebräuche II Wedding Customs Social Events, Celebrations, Weddings 666 Yes (6 cards)
Drachenabenteuer The Adventures of a Kite Humor, Fairytales 667 Yes (6 cards)
Fasanen Pheasants Birds, Game Birds 668 Yes (6 cards)
Festlichkeiten im Alterthum Festivals in Ancient Times I Festivals 669 Yes (6 cards)
Von den Karolineninseln (Carolineninseln) The Caroline Islands Australia 671 Yes (6 cards)
Bekannte Binnenseen Well Known Lakes Lakes 672 Yes (6 cards)
Die drei Musketiere The Three Musketeers Fairy Tales 673 Yes (6 cards)
Bilder aus Holland I Dutch Scenes Humor, Festivals, People 674 Yes (6 cards)
Fidelio (Oper von Beethoven) "Fidelio" (Opera) Theatre, Opera 675 Yes (6 cards)
Der Sperling mit der geschlitzten Zunge The Sparrow with the Split Tongue (Fable) Fairy Tales 677 Yes (6 cards)
Gebirgspässe Mountain Passes Geo History, Mountain 678 Yes (6 cards)
Prinz Achmed und die Fee Paribanu Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribanu (1001) Middle East, Theatre 679 No (5 cards)
Der Rhein von Bingen bis Coblenz The Rhine from Bingen to Coblenz Rivers 680 Yes (6 cards)
Der Rhein 2 The Course of the Rhine Rivers & Lakes, Towns & Cities, Ports 681 Yes (6 cards)
Von den Ufern des Rheins The Rhine in History Famous People, Military 682 Yes (6 cards)
Kriegführung im Mittelalter Scenes of War in Medieval Times Military 683 Yes (6 cards)
Silhouetten composers Silhouettes of German Artists Art 684 Yes (6 cards)
Geschichte der zwei neidischen Schwestern The Jealous Sisters (1001 Nights) Fairy Tales 685 Yes (6 cards)
Strassenleben Street Scenes Round the World Towns & Cities, Ports 686 Yes (6 cards)
Johann Strauss Johann Strauss (II) and his Works Music 687 Yes (6 cards)
Indische Volkstypen Indian Types Nationalities, Asia 688 Yes (6 cards)
Blumen-Jahreslauf The Course of Human Life II Flowers 689 Yes (6 cards)
Merkwürdige Bäume I Unusual Trees Trees 690 Yes (6 cards)
Specialwaffen Special Troops II Military 691 Yes (6 cards)
Kunststile (Kunststyle) Styles of Architecture III Architecture 692 Yes (6 cards)
Reiterhelden Great Generals Military Generals 693 Yes (6 cards)
Berühmte Landbäder Well Known Spas Medicine, Social Events, celebrations 694 Yes (6 cards)
Untergegangene Städte Vanished Cities Cities 695 Yes (6 cards)
Der Handel Commerce Business, Industry 696 Yes (6 cards)
Der Graf von Monte Christo "The Count of Monte-Cristo" Fairy Tales 697 Yes (6 cards)
Pfingstgebräuche Whitsun Customs Social Events 698 Yes (6 cards)
Festlichkeiten im Mittelalter Spectacular Medieval Entertainments Theatre 699 Yes (6 cards)
Box 4
Set Title Title in English Theme/Subject Sanguinetti Catalog Number Complete Set
Gewürzpflanzen Spices Products, Geo History Yes (6 cards) 700
Der Elefant The Elephant Animals Yes  (6 cards) 701
Aus altfranzösischer Zeit France in Olden Times France Yes (6 cards) 702
Hühnervögel Game Birds Birds, Poultry Yes (6 cards) 703
Samoa In Samoa Asia Yes (6 cards) 704
Bilder aus dem Seemanöver Naval Manoeuvres Military, Ships Yes (6 cards) 705
Industriepflanzen Plants used by Industry Plants, Industry Yes (6 cards) 707
Die Brieftaube Carrier Pigeons Animals, Birds Yes (6 cards) 708
König Drosselbart "Konig Drosselbart" (Novel) Fairy Tales, Theatre Yes (6 cards) 709
Berühmte Felsen Famous Rocks Geology Yes (6 cards) 710
Kulturgeschichtliche Bilder Scenes from the History of Civilisation Geo History, Military Yes (6 cards) 711
Die Schule Schools Schools, Children Yes (6 cards) 712
Blumengeister II The Language of Flowers V Flowers, Women Yes (6 cards) 713
Aus der Geschichte Frankreichs History of France VI France, Geo History Yes (6 cards) 714
Tabakkultur auf Sumatra The Cultivation of Tobacco in Sumatra Products, Agriculture, Geo History Yes (6 cards) 715
Schätze des Meeres Treasures of the Sea Sea, Fish, Products Yes (6 cards) 716
Guiseppe Verdi Giuseppe Verdi Famous People Yes (6 cards) 717
Die Kochkunst Culinary Art I Food, Kitchen, Chef Yes (6 cards) 718
Die Heilkunst The Art of Healing Medicine, Doctors Yes (6 cards) 719
Festgelage Banquets through the Ages Social Events Yes (6 cards) 720
Kanalbauten Canals I Rivers Yes (6 cards) 722
Geschütze Canon through the Ages Military, Weapons Yes (6 cards) 723
Reitervölker I Cavalry I Geo History, Military Yes (6 cards) 724
Grosse Eroberer I Great Conquerors I Famous People Yes (6 cards) 725
Sternbilder Constellations Astrology Yes (6 cards) 727
Frauengestalten aus Opern Richard Wagner_s Heroines of Wagner's Operas Theatre, Opera Yes (6 cards) 729
Fleischextrakt-Verwendung II Use of the Extract in Various Places Extract, Food Yes (6 cards) 730
Blumenfeste I Flower Festivals I Flowers, Festivals, Social Events Yes (6 cards) 731
Das Rattentöchterlein (Japanisches Märchen) The Mouse's Daughter (Fable) Fairy Tales Yes (6 cards) 732
Ströme Frankreichs Rivers of France Rivers & Lakes Yes (6 cards) 733
Das Eis Ice Products, Rivers & Lakes Yes (6 cards) 734
Meerbusen Gulfs Gulfs Yes (6 cards) 735
Nutzbringende Insekten Useful Insects Bugs, Insects Yes (6 cards) 736
Aus dem Leben Liebig's Scenes from the Life of Liebig Biography Yes (6 cards) 737
Französische Alpentruppen French Alpine Troops on Manoeuvres Military Battles, Mountains Yes (6 cards) 738
Das verfehlte Picknick The Missing Picnic Dwarf, Humor Yes (6 cards) 739
Landschaften II (Schweizerische) Alpine Flora and Fauna Mountain Yes (6 cards) 740
Denkmäler berühmter Feldherren Monuments to Great Generals Military Generals Yes (6 cards) 741
Denkmäler berühmter Gelehrter Monuments to Famous Scientists Science, Famous People, Sculpture Yes (6 cards) 742
Die Stumme von Portici (Oper von Auber) "LaMuette de Portici" (Opera) Theatre, Opera Yes (6 cards) 743
Seefische Sea Fish Fish Yes (6 cards) 744
Der Stein und seine Verwendung The Use of Stone Products, Sculpture Yes (6 cards) 745
Nomadenvölker Nomads Geo History, Homes and Dwellings Yes (6 cards) 746
Clown-Spaesse Clown's Pranks Circus, Clowns Yes (6 cards) 747
Giftschlangen Venomous Snakes Animals, Snakes Yes (6 cards) 748
Trinkgefässe Drinking Vessels Social Events Yes (6 cards) 751
Verschiedene Bahnen Different Railway Systems Transportation No (1 card) 959
Bulgarien Bulgaria European History Yes (6 cards) 985

Updated: 06/05/2023 09:24AM