Civil War Bibliography

Civil War Manuscripts Relating to the 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry

MS 190 Hill/Morgan Family
Papers, 1831-1980.
Family collection, including correspondence and papers of Guy Morgan, who served with Co. K, 21st O.V.I. Some transcripts available in the collection and online.

MS 484 mf Weddell Family
Papers, 1855-1864.
Civil War era letters written to the Weddell Family concerning activities of relatives and friends in the Union Army, including the 21st O.V.I., the 86th O.V.I., and the 144th O.V.I. Some transcripts available online. Microfilm.

MS 518 Webb Family
Papers, 1844-1947.
Family correspondence, including some Civil War letters to Charles Webb, serving with the 21st O.V.I., from his wife Eliza. Some transcripts online.

MS 562

William J. Sullivan Collection: Arnold McMahan (1835-1891)
Papers, 1865-1929.
Correspondence, manuscripts, speeches, legal and financial documents, maps, clippings, and printed material, primarily related to activities of the 21st O.V.I. at the Battle of Chickamauga. Forms part of the William J. Sullivan Collection. Available on microfilm and in original. Some materials have abstracts online. Some transcripts online.

William J. Sullivan Collection: United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regt., 21st (1861-1865)
Records, 1861-1866.
Regimental records, including muster rolls and descriptive lists, correspondence, orders, ordnance and equipage lists, reports, financial records, and printed materials. Forms part of the William J. Sullivan Collection. Some materials have abstracts online.

MS 597 mf Stanton/Searles Family
Papers, 1861-1864.
Family collection, consists of a series of more than 100 original letters with typed transcripts, from Alfred and Addison Searles while serving with Co. H, 21st O.V.I. Microfilm. Some transcripts online.

MS 623 Robert H. Caldwell (1841-1863)
Papers, 1861-1863.
Letters, primarily from Robert Caldwell of Elmore, a corporal of Co. I, 21st O.V.I. who was promoted to sergeant on June 7, 1862, and served as company clerk. The collection was photocopied from the Caldwell Family Papers, located at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, Fremont, Ohio. Transcripts online.

MS 624 mf Liberty Warner (1842-1863)
Papers, 1861-1864.
Series of forty Civil War era letters, written while serving with Co. H, 21st O.V.I. The collection consists of typed transcripts and the original handwritten letters. Includes four letters from Elliott M. Warner during his service with the 144th O.V.I., Co.B in 1864. Microfilm. (Elliott Warner papers MMS 366) Some transcripts online.

MS 700 Loyal Barber Wort (1830-1893)
Papers, 1861-1864.
Series of more than sixty Civil War era letters from Loyal B. Wort of Hicksville, Ohio, while serving with Co. E, 21st O.V.I.

MS 800 Robert S. Dilworth (1835-1864)
Diaries, 1861-1862.
Collection of handwritten journals, including a "sick-book" of Company G, 21st O.V.I. and notebooks detailing daily events with gossip, political opinions, and explanations of military events. Some transcripts online.

MS 997 Sarah V. Elder Dicken
Correspondence, 1854-1898.
Correspondence with family members serving in the 21st, 49th, and 64th O.V.I. and the 9th O.V.C., as well as a variety of other units. Some transcripts online.

MS 1066 Sidney Brewster (1844-1863)
Papers, 1861-1865.
Correspondence among members of the Brewster family, particularly Sidney Brewster, serving with Company C of the 21st O. V. I.

MMS 338 George Ernest
Discharge papers, 1864-1865.
Standard military discharge papers of soldier who served with Co. A, 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1070 mf Samuel A. Linton
Records, 1861-1863.
Handwritten tablets of personal recollections written while serving in Co. I, 21st O.V.I. Microfilm from the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, Fremont, Ohio.

MMS 1150 William Fish (1832-1907)
Papers, 1861-1913.
Civil War military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co. K, 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1172 William Shanks
Diary, 1861-1863.
Diary of a corporal in Co. K, 21st O.V.I, from muster-in until the second day of the Battle of Chickamauga, where he was killed. Transcripts available online.

MMS 1173 McConkey/Anderson pension files
Pension files of Alexander, Charles and Andrew McConkey, and of Alexander and Thomas Anderson.
The McConkey brothers served with Co.E, 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1178 The soldier's memorial: in memory of David P. Stoker of Co.F, 21st O.V.I.
Printed broadside with handwritten individual information on a soldier killed at Stones River.

MMS 1195 Arnold McMahan (1835-1891)
Pension papers.
Pension file of the commanding officer of the 21st O.V.I. at the end of the war; a major correspondent in the Sullivan Collection.

MMS 1211 George S. Canfield
Untold history : the Battle of Chickamauga.
Typed copy of a historical sketch read at a reunion of Co.K, 21st O.V.I. in 1908, of Canfield's experiences as Company drummer at the battle. Transcript online.

MS 1190 John Vanetton Patterson Papers/Paul Tremewan Collection
Paper, 1861-1865.
Series of Civil War era letters written by John V. Patterson while serving in the 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

MMS 1242 Jacob Harpst (1841-1902)
Papers, 1879-1914.
Military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co.F, 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1244  David P. Stoker
Letter, 15 March 1862.
Letter home, describing attempts by General O.M. Mitchell to capture the Confederate raider Morgan, signed by David P. and Darius R. Stoker. Transcript online.

MMS 1251 John C. Wickham (1842-1924)
Papers, 1879-1924.
Military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co.H, 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1309 Mary McCrory
Papers, 1897.
Civil War pension file in support of claim by Mary McCrory, who served with Co.H, 21st O.V.I. under the name Mars McCrery. Photocopies include certificate from Ohio Adjutant General's Office, correspondence with U.S. Record and Pension Office denying claim, and entry from muster-out roll of Company H (listing her as a laundress)

MMS 1379 United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 21st (1861)
Roll of Captain Carr's Company [Co.B], 1861.
Printed form with roll, and handwritten roster with oath, of company in three-month service in the spring of 1861.

MMS 1384 George A. Havel (1845-1919)
Papers, 1886-1920.
Military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co. C, 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1404 Isaac Cusac
Letter, 1909 March 13, McComb, Ohio
Letter describing movements of Co. G of the 21st O.V.I. at the Battle of Chickamauga on Sunday Sept. 20, 1863. Photocopy. Transcript online.

MMS 1405 Walter S. Burns
Correspondence, 1862-1864.
Transcripts of three letters written by a soldier serving in Co. B of the 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1406 Leonard/Kleckner Family
Correspondence, 1861-1863.
Transcripts of letters written by John Curry Leonard to his sister Eliabeth F. Leonard Kleckner, with a few from Absalom Kleckner and Tilden Kleckner; all of whom served in Co.A of the 21st O.V.I.

MMS 1485 Robert S. Dilworth (1835-1864)
Journal, August 3-October 15, 1863.
Typed transcript from an original located in the Ohio Historical Society. Dilworth was 1st Lieutenant of Co. I, 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. He was killed June 27, 1864. See also MS 800.

MMS 1488 John H. Bolton
Journal, 1861-1863.
Typed transcript from an original located in the Ohio Historical Society. Bolton was 1st Lieutenant of Co. F, 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

MMS 1530 Robert Buffum
Papers, 1861-1864.
Military papers of a soldier who served with the 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was a member of Andrews' Raiders.

MMS 1858 James B. Whitmer (b. 1841)
Letter, 1861.
Original and transcript of a letter from a private serving in Company G, 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, describing camp situation in Kentucky, enthusiasm for battle, and reference to other soldiers in his company.

General Civil War Manuscripts

MS 22 mf Johnson's Island (Lake Erie). Military Prison
Records, 1862-1864.
Financial ledgers of the camp sutler, a receipt book of William Pierson, first commanding officer of the camp, and three autograph albums, signed by many of the Confederate prisoners. 3 rolls of microfilm.

MS 44 Bradley Family
Papers, 1643-1977.
Family correspondence, journals, account records and genealogical material of a Toledo, Ohio family. Civil War era letters of J(osiah) Farrington, First Lieutenant in Company I, 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and additional Civil War correspondence includes the letters of Silas Saunders and James S. Clark (12th Ohio Battery). A Diary of Army Life, probably written by J. Farrington, provides a vivid portrayal of the life of a soldier in Company I, 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Passages from History of the Fourteenth Ohio Regiment, OVVI by Col. J. A. Chase (1889) are also included in the collection. (6 linear ft.)

MS 45 Dorothy Ringle
Papers, 1862-1961.
Family collection, including a small pocket diary and correspondence of Leander Coe, a corporal serving with Co.D of the 123rd O.V.I. Diary transcript online.

MS 151 Bertha M. Carter
Papers, 1818-1943.
Family papers of the Hood and Pargellis families of Wood County, Ohio; includes correspondence relating to Company H, 1st O.V.I.

MS 163 George Kryder (1834-1925)
Letters, 1862-1865.
Letters written by George Kryder while serving with the 3rd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Transcripts online.

MS 258 Marilyn Clay Family
Papers, 1862-1904.
Family collection, including photocopies of correspondence of James D. Fisher, a private serving with Co.F of the 67th O.V.I. Civil War correspondence transcripts online.

MS 330 Fast Family
Papers, 1853-1933.
Family collection, centering around William Nicholas Fast, who served with Co. K, 102nd O.V.I. Letter of Dec. 6, 1885 is most notable for its account of William's experiences at the prison camp at Cahawba, Ala. and survival of the explosion of the Sultana. Some transcripts available online.

MS 378 mf Charles A. Hibbard
Diaries, 1862-1863, 1865
Two diaries written primarily during Hibbard's service with Company I, 67th OVI.

MS 384 Benajmin Franklin Davis (1836-1906)
Papers, 1864-1906.
Patient daybooks and office ledgers of a Tontogany, Ohio physician. Includes a patient register(1864-1865) of soldiers treated in the hospital of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Clarksburg, West Virginia, while Davis was serving as assistant surgeon with the 8th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry.

MS 394 Charles C. Starr
Papers, 1855-1909.
Family collection with miscellaneous documents regarding Elizabeth Starr's attempt to obtain a pension fund after the death of her husband, Charles C. Starr, who served with the 128th O.V.I., Co. G, primarily at the Johnson's Island Prison Camp.

MS 462 Borton Family
Papers, 1849-1889.
Civil War era letters written between members of the Borton Family, including service in the 67th O.V.I. and the 130th O.V.I.

MS 574 mf Alexander Family

Papers, 1854-1890.
Personal correspondence, with some official papers, of an officer serving in the 46th O.V.I. Microfilm.

MS 575 mf Harrison Leathers (1834-1902)
Journals, 1862-1865.
Journal entries detailing daily activities, physical and emotional condition of a soldier serving with the 99th O.V.I. Microfilm.

MS 640 mf Samuel McClain
Papers, 1864.
Personal correspondence, diary, and photographs of a soldier serving with the 144th O.V.I., Co.I, including period as prisoner of war at Salisbury, N.C. Includes transcripts online. Microfilm.

MS 641 Kehrwecker Family
Papers, 1830-1960.
Family collection, including extensive Civil War correspondence of Frederick Kehrwecker(1841-1862) with the 31st O.V.I. and his brother John Kehrwecker (1838-1863) with the 96th O.V.I. Transcripts online.

MS 649 Augustus F. Bull
Correspondence, 1862-1865.
Letters written to a cousin in Wyandot County, Ohio from a soldier serving with the 6th Connecticut Volunteers. Some transcripts online.

MS 652 mf William T. Chapman
Journals, 1864-1895.
Journals of a soldier during the Civil War enlisted in Co.H, 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, first as a private, mustering out as 2nd lieutenant in March of 1864. Two of William's brothers also served in the Union army, Emory with the 103rd O.V.I. and Henry with the 124th. An uncle, Harlan, also was with the 103rd. Transcripts online. Microfilm.

MS 656 Miller Family
Papers, 1828-1978.
Correspondence, diaries, legal and financial papers, printed materials, scrapbook material, photographs, and maps relating to the William H. Miller Family of Port Clinton, Ohio and the related McRitchie and Mackey families; includes information about fruit culture in the Ottawa County area, and letters of family members during the Civil War, serving with the 41st and 139th O.V.I., and with the 5th Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooters.

MS 661 McMillan Family
Papers, 1828-1916.
Family collection from Erie County, Ohio; includes correspondence, legal documents, notes, speeches, and hand-copied versions of popular songs and ballads. (.25 linear ft.)

MS 673 Ira B. Conine (1841-1891)
Correspondence, 1862-1865.
Civil War correspondence, primarily between Conine and his fiancee, Minerva "Jennie" Bysel, of McComb, Ohio, while he was serving with Company G, 118th O.V.I.; his letters describe military activities in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Massachusetts, her letters describe events at home,and activities of family and mutual friends. Some transcripts online.

MS 683 Dumond Family
Papers, 1862-1962.
Civil War documents, correspondence, financial and legal documents, account books, a scrapbook and diaries covering the period 1862-1962, focused on John Wesley Dumond, a volunteer in the 69th Regiment of the Ohio Volunteer Infantry from 1862 to 1865, and his descendants. A genealogical scrapbook containing pictures and a narrative family history is included.

MS 692 Bruce Pratt Family
Papers, 1839-1944.
Family papers of the Bruce Pratt family and allied families including Brown and Patterson, of Ontario, New York and Henry and Wood Counties in Ohio. Includes correspondence, legal papers, clippings, printed material, and photographs. Some Civil War correspondence of John Carter, Co. B, 38th O.V.I. (.25 linear ft.)

MS 707 Andrew Altman (1842-1903)
Correspondence, 1861-1865.
Civil War correspondence of a soldier with the 68th O.V.I., Co.D, primarily between Andrew and his father, John. Collection also includes a few letters of a cousin, Cyrus, serving with Co.B, 38th O.V.I. Includes typed transcripts.

MS 721 William C. Eichelberger
Papers, 1826-1990s.
Correspondence, genealogical files, memoirs, and reports documenting the Eichelberger and Carman families, including members who served in the Civil War and in the medical corps during World War I.

MS 730 Elijah Whitmore
Papers, 1863-1866
Correspondence and various military papers of a member of the 67th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Includes transcripts online.

MS 744 Francis R. Stewart
Papers, 1864-1922.
Includes Civil War era diaries, a journal, a regimental photograph, as well as a copy of a post-war speech by Stewart and miscellaneous other official papers. He served in the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Some transcripts online.

MS 746 mf Gillis Family
Papers, 1862-1865.
Pocket journals kept by brothers Simeon and James Gillis, serving with the 68th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company K, and later correspondence of Simeon, who becomes the editor of the Bryan Press.

MS 748 Warren Russell
Papers, 1863-1864.
Forms and personal correspondence of the Assistant Quartermaster of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 11th Army Corps

MS 749 Charles Saeltzer
Papers, 1864-1865.
Correspondence and forms from 1st Lieutenant of Co.K, 10th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, who also served as assistant regimental quartermaster

MS 755 Brigham Family
Papers, 1859-1998.
Civil War era correspondence and postwar papers, clippings and photographs, primarily relating to the family of Joseph H. Brigham and his career during the Civil War and with the Grange and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Genealogical materials also included.

MS 780 McKnight Family
Papers, 1862-1955.
Bowling Green, Ohio
Correspondence among members of a Bowling Green family over the course of several generations. Includes correspondence with a member of Co. E., 11th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as well as correspondence with a patient (1929-30) at the Ohio State Sanatorium.

MS 797 Benjamin Basil Jackson Family
Papers, 1861-1922
Civil War correspondence written to and from men serving with Co. G, 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and postwar personal correspondence of George and Martha Jackson Banks. Some correspondence transcripts online. Diary of A. J. Jackson transcript online.

MS 818 Stephen Burton
Papers, 1862-1863
Civil War correspondence, primarily written by a soldier in Co. B, 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but also some other family-related letters. Transcripts online.

MS 964 Carter Family
Papers, 1796-1995
Personal collection centered on the families of Lena B. Rees and James L. Carter, their ancestors, and children. Contains extensive genealogical material, photographs, and some correspondence, including a few letters written by Rees family members in the 72nd O.V.I. during the Civil War and an extensive series by Robert A. Carter while in training for submarine service during World War II.

MS 981 Samuel O. Chamberlain
Papers, 1861-1925
Civil War and post-war correspondence of a soldier of the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

MS 997 Sarah V. Elder Dicken Papers
Correspondence, 1854-1898.
Correspondence with family members serving in the 21st, 49th, and 64th O.V.I. and the 9th O.V.C., as well as a variety of other units.

MS 1092 Michael Adler Papers
Correspondence, 1863-1865
Correspondence to his future wife from a man serving with Company D, 32nd O.V.I.

MS 1097  Kevin B. McCray Papers (99th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment Research Collection)
Papers, 1862-1865
Journal and newspaper articles, copied letters, regimental orders and other military records, biographical sketches, copy of daybook and general orders, and microfilm documenting the mustering, training and campaigns of the 99th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The material was used in the research and production of McCray's 2003 book "A Shouting of Orders: a History of the 99th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment."

MS 1098 Franz-Sauer-Rettig Family
Papers, 1859-2005.
Correspondence, legal and financial documents, scrapbooks, photographs and other material documenting related families in northwest Ohio. Collection includes letters documenting the Civil War service (68th OVI) of Henry Franz. Many documents written in German.

MS 1117 Thomas Vance Papers
Correspondence, 1862-1865
Correspondence from a member of Company I of the 69th O.V.I. to family members.

MS 1122 Thomas J. Edwards Papers
Research Papers, 1862-2006
Copies of research materials gathered in the course of re-editing the Edward C. Culp 1885 regimental history of the 25th O.V.I., “Raising the Banner of Freedom : the 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War for the Union”, which was published in 2003, along with overhead transparencies used by Edwards in programs associated with that book.

MS 1159 David K. Bowker Papers
Research Papers, 1864-1900
Included in the collection are general and military correspondence; military records such as promotions, inventory records, and receipts for clothing and equipage; personal legal documents including his marriage certificate; and newspaper clippings such as Bowker’s obituary.

MMS 122 United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regt., 164th (1864)
Morning reports of Company K.
Official regimental reports of company commanded by Captain W.J. Crissel

MMS 136 John Welk
Diary, 1862-1863.
Diary of a soldier serving with Co. D, 15th O.V.I. Killed in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. Transcripts available online.

MMS 236 United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regt., 186th (1865)
Morning reports of Company E.
Official regimental reports of company commanded by Captain John L. Greene.

MMS 366 Elliott Martin Warner
Papers, 1873-1930.
Photocopy of family genealogy, diary, and autobiography. Warner served with Co.B of the 144th O.V.I. Some of his war correspondence also included with brother Liberty Warner Papers (MS 624)

MMS 849 William H. Hardman
Correspondence, 1863-1865.
Transcripts of letters written by a member of Co.I, 55th Georgia Regiment, while a prisoner at Johnson's Island.

MMS 891 Brackney Family
Papers, 1862-1864.
Family correspondence, including Civil War letters of soldiers serving with Co. C, 118th O.V.I., and Co. C, 57th O.V.I. Transcripts available online.

MMS 979 Joseph Wagoner
Correspondence, 1865.
Correspondence of a soldier serving with Co. G, 189th O.V.I.

MMS 1047 John Fishburn
Papers, 1847-1903.
Civil War military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co.A, 3rd Ohio Volunteers during the Mexican War and with the "Squirrel Hunters" during 1862.

MMS 1049 James E. Robinson
Papers, 1871-1896.
Correspondence and G.A.R. transfer certificates with a summary of Civil War service aboard the U.S. Great Western Champion.

MMS 1050 William Carpenter
Papers, 1907-1914.
Civil War military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co.E, 100th O.V.I.

MMS 1064 Eli M. Bundy (d. 1862)
Correspondence, March 17-July 20, 1862.
Three letters from Bundy while serving with Co., G, 68th O.V.I., and two letters reporting his death.

MMS 1083 mf Isaac Skillman
Papers, 1864-1865.
Handwritten tablets of recollections based on a daily field diary written while serving as a sergeant in the 3rd Ohio Cavalry. Microfilm.

MMS 1088 Leander A. Gormley
Papers, 1864-1868.
Letters and military service papers of a soldier serving with Co. F, 9th Ohio Cavalry. Civil War letter transcript online.

MMS 1109 mf William J. Inwood
Diary, 1863-1864.
Diary of a private in Co. L, 1st Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery. Microfilm.

MMS 1143 Alvah Stone Skilton
Reminiscences, 1864
Typescript of a reminiscence written by a member of the 57th O.V.I.

MMS 1144  James J. Wood
Diary, May 1-Oct. 28, 1864.
Transcript of a diary by a private serving with Co. D, 34th O.V.I.

MMS 1157 Linus Anthony Patrick (d. 1864)
Papers, 1852-1898.
Civil War letters from Patrick, who served with Co. K, 121st O.V.I. He was killed in battle at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.

MMS 1176 Louisa Mayfield
Copybook, 1861-1865.
Copybook which includes southern-oriented Civil War era poems/songs, brief essays, and copied excerpts, including a part of the Declaration of Independence of the State of Missouri; with references to Confederate prisoners at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island, Ohio

MMS 1177 George E. Dolton
Papers, 1862-1920.
Pension file of a soldier who served with Battery M, 1st Illinois Light Artillery. A major correspondent with Arnold McMahan of the 21st O.V.I. in the Sullivan Collection.

MMS 1192 Isiah Stout
Discharge papers.
Standard military discharge papers of a soldier who served with Co.D, 3rd Ohio Cavalry.

MMS 1237 John Gould (1827-1901)
Papers, 1864-1917.
Civil War military and pension papers of a soldier who served with Co. D, 3rd O.V.C.

MMS 1238 Richard H. Foord (1841-1916)
Diary, 1863-1864.
Diary of a sergeant in Co. K, 35th O.V.I.

MMS 1265 Thomas J. Hinds
Correspondence, 1864-1865.
Hinds was a private with Co.K, 18th Michigan Infantry. He was lost on the Sultana, April 27,1865

MMS 1296 Henry Clay Shively (b.1837)
Letter, 20 Oct 1861.
Correspondence (photocopy) written to sister, Samantha Richard, while serving in the Civil War, possibly with the 41st Illinois Infantry

MMS 1315 United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 67th (1861-1865)
Regimental order book, 1861-1863.
Record of regimental troop strength, casualty lists from battles at Winchester, Va. and Fort Wagner, S.C., and prisoner lists from Fort Wagner

MMS 1332 Hiram Ketcham
Diary, 1864-1865
Photocopy of original pocket diary (with typed transcript) of a member of Company G, 67th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

MMS 1373 Wharton Family
Civil War Letters, 1862-1865.
Transcripts of letters from John J. and Walter W. Wharton, serving in Co.I, 83rd O.V.I.

MMS 1380 Askew Family
Correspondence, 1863-1865.
Photocopies of three letters of Matthew, James, and Robert Askew to their sister Hannah, living in England. Matthew who served in Co.D, 1st O.V.I. describes his experiences during the Battle of Stones River; James who was in Co.A, 12th O.V.I. writes about camp life in the Kanawha Valley and his brief period as a prisoner; and Robert who was a clergyman who did not join the service, explains the mood of the country in the Fall of 1861. Transcript available online.

MMS 1395 George W. Darnell
Papers, 1883-1925.
Pension file of a soldier who served with the 46th O.V.I., Co.K, and with the 2nd Tennessee Mounted Infantry, Co.H

MMS 1396 Lafayette Demarcus Williams (1846-1926)
Papers, 1863-1926.
Pension file of a soldier who served with the 6th Ohio Volunteer

MMS 1401 Henry A. Cornwell
Correspondence, 1862-1870.
Letters, primarily to his sister Lucy, of a soldier serving with the 121st Pennsylvania Volunteers, Co.A

MMS 1402 Isaac Wagoner
Discharge certificate, 1913.
Ornate memorial discharge certificate for a soldier who served in the 111th O.V.I., Co.K; includes service summary

MMS 1432 Thomas J. Doughman
Recollections, n.d.
Typescript of recollections of a soldier who served in the 89th O.V.I. Transcript available online.

MMS 1448 Rideout Family
Correspondence, 1863.
Photocopies of letters between Isaac Rideout and his son, Isaac G. Rideout, who was serving with the 67th O.V.I., Co.B.

MMS 1456 Oscelia Clark Morgan
Correspondence, 1861-1864.
Transcripts of letters of a Tontogany, Ohio woman with her brothers and brothers-in-law, serving in the Civil War with the 14th O.V.I., 21st O.V.I., and the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry

MMS 1457 James H. M. Perry
Papers, 1863.
Letters of a soldier who served in the 85th O.V.I., and Co.B of the 10th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry

MMS 1484 William Stahl (1844-1932)
Diary, 1861-1865.
Photocopied diary includes copies of a pension file and other documents. Stahl served with Co. E, 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

MMS 1585 Henry S. Chapin
Letters, May 8-August 10, 1864.
Letters written to the editor of the Perrysburg Journal from a Soldier serving with Company F, 144th O.V.I., with typed transcript.

MMS 1634  Otho J. Powell
Letters, May 16-June 22, 1864.
Soldier serving with Co. A, 144th O.V.I. Originally published in Wyandot Democratic Union.

MMS 1635 Jonathan Ayers
Letters, May 16, 26, June 9, 1864.
Soldier serving with the 144th O.V.I. Originally published in the Wyandot Pioneer

MMS 1636 Henry H. Ragon
Letter, August 19, 1864.
Soldier serving with Co. A, 144th O.V.I. Typed transcript of Letter appearing in the Wyandot Pioneer.

MMS 1637 William A. Butler
Letter, August 5, 1864.
Soldier serving with Co. G, 144th O.V.I. Originally published in the Wyandot Pioneer. Transcript.

MMS 1638 Peregrine D. Layland
Letter, August 2, 1864.
Soldier serving with Co. K, 156th O.V.I. Transcript.

MMS 1639 Warner C. Osborn
Letter, June 28, 1864.
Soldier serving with Co. D, 144th O.V.I. Originally published in Wyandot Pioneer. Transcript.

MMS 1640  Samuel H. Hunt
Ohio Hundred Days' Men in the Rebellion.
Text of a speech appearing in the Wyandot County Republican,October 29, 1891.

MMS 1641 Jacob Baughman
Eulogy of Private Elkanah Sherman.
Soldier serving in Co. D, 144th O.V.I. Account appearing in Wyandot Pioneer

MMS 1644 Peter R. Faulk
Correspondence, 1862-1863.
Soldier from Stark County serving with Co. C, 104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Includes photocopies of the original letters and transcripts.

MMS 1654 Alexander A. Sloan
Papers, 1862-1866.
Soldier serving with Co. D. 34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

MMS 1655 mf Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Stoker Post #54. (Findlay, Ohio)
Personal War Sketches, 1861-1865.

MMS 1673 James Wilson Davidson
Papers, 1861-1867.
Four Civil War era letters written by an officer serving in Company A, 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with three letters written post-war when he worked for the Freedmen's Bureau. Includes typed transcripts and photocopies of newspaper obituaries.

MMS 1676 Reed Vincent Boice
Papers, 1865-1866
Civil War era correspondence and forms, written by an officer of the 3rd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry serving as Brigade Commissary for the 3rd O.V.C., the 7th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and the 137th Regiment U.S. Colored Troops at the end of the Civil War.

MMS 1714 Thomas W. Higgins
Letter, May 17, 1862
Letter written to the editor of the Wood County Independent, Perrysburg, Ohio, published May 28, 1862, from a soldier serving with Co. B, 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, regarding the Battle of McDowell, Virginia, May 8, 1862. Transcript available online.

MMS 1715 John J. Evers
Letters, May 17, 1861-July 1, 1862
Letters written to the editor of the Wood County Independent, Perrysburg, Ohio, between May 17, 1861 and July 1, 1862, from a soldier serving with the 13th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the initial three months of the war, and later with Co. C, 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Transcript available online.

MMS 1716 William H. Perigo
Letter, May 17, 1862
Letter written to the editor of the Wood County Independent, Perrysburg, Ohio, published May 15, 1863, regarding the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, from a soldier serving with Battery H, 1st Ohio Light Artillery. Transcript available online.

MMS 1779 123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
Photograph collection.
Collection includes copy negatives of carte-de-viste portraits of members of Co.A, 123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, primarily from Monroeville, Ohio. Some individuals identified on accompanying sheet.

MMS 1826 John Jefferson Parsons
Letters, 1862-1864
Letters written to the editor of the Perrysburg Journal, published between 1862 and 1864, regarding activities and members of the 67th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Transcripts available online.

MMS 1829 Henry C. Nagel
Letters, 1863-1864
Letters from a member of Co. D, 15th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

MMS 1857  Conrad Cramer (b. 1844)
Letters, 1865
Originals and transcripts of letters from a private serving in Company G, 111th Volunteer Infantry, describing local situation near end of the war while at Salisbury, North Carolina, and hopes for return home. Transcripts online.

MMS 1894 Samuel Farsht
Letters, 1862-1863
Four letters written by Farsht who was serving as a corporal with the 67th O.V.I., Company B. He was killed in the assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina on July 18, 1863; includes typed transcripts.

Civil War Veterans Groups and Auxiliaries

MS 498 Woman's Relief Corps. Wiley Post no. 85 (Bowling Green, Ohio)
Records, 1885-1974
Minutes, by-laws, financial records, and publications of auxiliary of G.A.R. Wiley Post no. 46.

MS 520 Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Wiley Post no. 46 (Bowling Green, Ohio)
Records, 1864-1931.
Minute books, roll book and muster sheets.

MS 618 Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Ford Circle no. 28 (Toledo, Ohio)
Records, 1894-1987
Membership lists and applications include information on the women members as well as on their Civil War veteran relation, giving enlistment information of muster dates and regiment.

MMS 335 Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Jehu John Post no. 476 (Elida, Ohio)
Minute book, 1884-1888
Minute book of meeting proceedings and activities.

MMS 865 mf Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Arthur Cranston Post no. 73 (Milan, Ohio)
Membership ledger, 1894-1920, 1944.
Membership book with dues accounts. Microfilm.

MMS 894 Woman's Relief Corps. Keller Corps no. 225 (Bucyrus, Ohio)
Minute book, 1898-1906.
Minute book of meeting proceedings and activities.

MMS 989 Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Walter Wood Post no. 48 (Tontogany, Ohio)
Records, 1881-1907.
Minute book and ledger.

MMS 1139 mf Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Robbins Post no. 91 (Upper Sandusky, Ohio)
Minute books, 1881-1904, 1918-1927
Minute book of meeting proceedings and activities. Microfilm.

MMS 1169 Woman's Relief Corps. W.H. Gibson Corps no. 59 (Tiffin, Ohio)
Minute book, 1905-1909.
Minute book of meeting proceedings and activities.

MMS 1170 Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. W.H. Gibson Post no. 31 (Tiffin, Ohio)
Record of Civil War veterans buried in Greenlawn, Tiffin, Ohio.
Includes cemetery listings for Greenlawn, St. Mary's, St. Joseph's, and Fairmont-Stoner.

MMS 1430 mf Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio. Norris Post no. 27 (Fostoria, Ohio)
Personal War Sketches, 1926-1939.
Basic biographical sketches. Some entries include information on family and experiences during the Civil War.

MMS 1708 Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio
Rosters, ca. 1887
Grand Army of the Republic post rosters from units in Lucas County, Ohio, including Toledo, Maumee, Monclova, Richfield, Sylvania, Swanton, and Whitehouse. Includes member name, rank, and regiment. also includes a listing of Civil War veterans buried in various Lucas County cemeteries.

Updated: 06/05/2023 09:28AM