Ottawa County
Established: March 6, 1840
County Seat: Port Clinton
Click townships in orange to be directed to our newspaper holdings
- Allen Township
- Bay Township
- Benton Township
- Carroll Township
- Catawba Island
- Clay Center
- Clay Township
- Curtice
- Danbury
- Danbury Township
- Eber
- Elliston
- Elmore
- Erie
- Erie Township
- Frenchtown
- Genoa
- Germanville
- Graytown
- Gypsum
- Harris Township
- Hineline
- Isle St. George
- Johnsons Island
- Kramer
- Lacarne
- Lakeside
- Lakeside-Marblehead
- Limestone
- Locustpoint
- Marblehead
- Martin
- Middle Bass
- Nina
- North Bass Island
- Oak Harbor
- Ottawa
- Ottawa City
- Peachton
- Piccolo
- Point Marblehead
- Portage Township
- Port Clinton
- Put-in-Bay
- Rehburg
- Rockyridge
- Salem Township
- Toussaint
- Trowbridge
- Van Rensalaer Township
- Velliquete
- Vine Ridge
- Whitestown
- Williston
CAC Holdings
Board of Commissioners
- Annual Reports - County Home, 1870-1879, 1r (#129)
- Blind Relief Record, 1908-1913, 1r (#128)
- Commissioners' Journals, 1840-1971, 14r (#2-15)
- Commissioners' Journals - County Home, 1927-1951, 1r (#15)
- Index to Commissioners' Journals, 1840-1894, 2r (#1-2)
- Index to Indigent Soldier Burial Records, 1885-1901, 1906-1907, 1r (#86)
- Indigent Soldier Burial Records, 1885-1901, 1906-1907, 1r (#86)
Board of Education
- Annual Financial/Statistical Reports, 1840-1856, 1r (#35)
- Daily Class Register, 1874-1879, 1r (#83)
Board of Railroad Appraisers and Assessors
- Appraisement and Apportionment Reports, 1852-1894, 1r (#128)
- Railroad Appraisement Records, 1906, 1v/1r (#15)
- Railroad Statistics, 1879-1896, 1r (#128)
Board of Revision
- Minutes, 1846, 1853, 1890-1910, 1r (#96)
Clerk of Courts
District Court
- Complete Records, 1852-1872, 1r (#51)
- Journals, April 1840 - May 1845, 1r (#51)
Supreme Court
- Complete Records, 1843-1872, 1r (#51)
- Journals, 1841-1884, 1r (#51)
County Auditor
- Abstracts of Personal Property Taxes, 1846-1915, 1r (#125)
- Abstracts of School Taxes, 1868-1914, 1r (#125)
- Abstracts of Taxable Property, 1848, 1r (#125)
- Abstracts of Taxes, 1840-1888, 1r (#125)
- Agricultural Statistics [scattered dates-includes Oil Well Pumping Statistics], 1851-1879, 3r (#125-127)
- Annual Financial Reports, 1840-1850, 1r (#94)
- Annual Financial Reports - Schools, 1915-1929, 1r (#127)
- Annual School Reports, 1840-1866, 1r (#64)
- Assessments and Equalization of Lands, 1846, 1r (#96)
- Assessors' Returns, 1842-1843, 1848-1853, 1r (#94)
- Civil War Bounty Record, 1864, 1r (#70)
- Common Schools - List of Library Books, 1854, 1r (#127)
- Commutation Records, 1864, 1r (#70)
- Correspondence, 1842-1900, 4r (#94-95; 127-128)
- Enumerations of Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Idiotic, and Insane, 1870, 1898, 1902, 1910, 1r (#83)
- Enumerations of School Age Youth, 1835-1908, 4r (#32-34, 48)
- Enumerations of Soldiers and Sailors (Roll 50 contains Assessors' Corrected List of Soldiers in Mexican, Civil, and Spanish-American Wars), 1862-1866, 1887, 1900, 1907, 2r (#30, 50)
- Exemptions from Military Service, 1864-1865, 1r (#70)
- Justice of the Peace Reports, 1842-1846, 1r (#128)
- Land Sales - Swamp Land, 1854, 1858, 1r (#83)
- List of Town Lots - Moscow, 1842, 1r (#83)
- Manufacturers' and Labor Reports, 1871-1885, 1r (#128)
- Militia Rolls, 1862-1877, 1908, 2r (#30-31)
- Miscellaneous Militia Records [Includes Abstracts of Militia, Enumerations of Militia, Enrollments of Volunteers], 1862-1877, 1r (#48)
- New Structure Reports, 1851-1895, 1r (#128)
- Officials' Bonds, 1840-1885, 1r (#41)
- Oil Well Statistics, 1909-1911, 1r (#128)
- Petition for Mail Route, n.d., 1r (#95)
- Poll Books and Tally Sheets, 1840, 1847-1863, 1879, 1887, 1r (#95)
- Practicing Physicians and Lawyer Lists, 1842-1849, 1r (#128)
- Prosecuting Attorney Reports, 1850-1872, 1r (#128)
- Quadrennial Enumerations [1857 - Carroll Township], 1857, 1871, 1r (#95)
- Reappraisements (Index to 1910--call number HJ 3331.9 .O7 1999), 1859, 1870, 1880, 1890, 4r (#21-23; 127)
- Reports, 1846-1847, 1r (#95)
- Road Tax Record, 1878, 1r (#124)
- School Land Records, 1820-1821, 1846-1887, 3r (#26, 64, 95)
- Schoolhouse Vote Report, 1864, 1r (#95)
- Show License Applications, 1882, 1889, 1r (#95)
- Social Statistics Reports, 1879-1885, 1r (#128)
- Soldiers' Relief Application Letters, 1861-1865, 1r (#70)
- Special Vote Report: Building a Schoolhouse, April 15, 1848, 1r (#95)
- Tax Lists, 1840-1858, 1859-1864, 4r (#24-25, 95-96)
- Tax Lists - Delinquent, 1840-1851, 1r (#124)
- Transfer Records, 1866-1870, 1877-1880, 1r (#41)
County Coroner
- Inquests, 1846, 1857-1938, 1942, 6r (#77-82)
County Engineer
- Bridge Files, 1870-1890, 1r (#97)
- Courthouse Specifications, 1900, 1r (#97)
- Free Turnpike Record, 1897-1900, 1r (#97)
- Survey Map, n.d., 1r (#97)
- Survey Records, 1841-1879, 1r (#97)
County Home
- Committee on County Home Reports, 1870, 1r (#129)
- Minutes, 1872-1926, 1r (#20)
- Pauperism Statistics, 1882, 1884-1885, 1890, 1904, 2r (#83, 129)
- Physicians' Contracts, 1921, 1r (#129)
- Registers, 1872-1968, 2r (#20-21)
- Semi-Annual Reports, 1874-1875, 1880-1890, 1893-1900, 1r (#129)
County Recorder
- Deed Records, 1840-1846, 1r (#41, 83)
- Index to Deed Records, n.d., 2r (#44-45)
- Index to Mortgages, n.d., 1r (#46)
- Plat Maps, 1845, 1r (#47)
- Register of Conveyances, 1840-1845, 1r (#64)
- Soldiers' Discharge Records, 1865-1912, 1r (#63)
County Treasurer
- Tax Duplicates, 1843-1899, 29r (#24, 97-124)
Court of Common Pleas
Civil Division
- Appearance Dockets and Index, 1840-1858, 1r (#51)
- Chancery Records, 1841-1854, 1r (#52)
- Index to Journal - Vol. 2, n.d., 1r (#128)
- Journals, 1840-1857, 2r (#51-52)Jury Records, 1857-1917, 1r (#42)
- Naturalization Petitions & Records, 1908-1929, 1r (#68)
- Naturalization Records, 1903-1940s, 2r (#69, 87)
- Naturalization Record - Aliens, Minors, & Declarations of Intention, 1904-1906, 1r (#69)
- Naturalization Records - Certificates, 1910-1927, 1r (#69)
- Naturalization Records - Declaration of Intention, 1907-1935, 1r (#67)
- Poll Books and Tally Sheets, 1847-1887, 1r (#35)
- Quadrennial Enumerations, 1857, 1899, 1903, 1907, 5r (#28-29, 48-50)
- Record of Estrays, 1840-1894, 1r (#96)
- Records of Justices' Oaths and Mayors' Certificates of Election, 1861-1946, 1r (#96)
- Records of Railroad Policemen's Commissions, 1914-1931, 1r (#27)
- Witness Records, 1876-1918, 1r (#43)
Juvenile Court
- Mothers' Pension Records, 1914-1936, 2r (#84-85)
Probate Court
- Administrators' Dockets, 1876-1909, 2r (#52-53)
- Birth Records, 1867-1908, 1r (#65)
- Board of County Visitors' Records, 1896-1897, 1900-1906, 1908, 1r (#128)
- Complete Records, 1854-1912, 8r (#55-62)
- Correspondence, 1878, 1882, 1895, 1r (#128)
- Death Records, 1869-1908, 1r (#93)
- Epilepsy Admittance Papers, 1894, 1897, 1901, 1r (#128)
- General Index, ca. 1853-1915, 2r (#53-54)
- General Index to Births, 1867-1908, 2r (#53)
- Guardians' Dockets, 1880-1932, 1r (#53)
- Index to Births, 1876-1890, 1r (#36)
- Index to Marriages, 1840-1864, 1r (#88)
- Index to Naturalization Records, 1907-1930, 1r (#68)
- Index to Naturalization Records - Declaration of Intention, n.d., 1r (#67)
- Journal, 1853, 1r (#97)
- Lunacy Dockets, 1846, 1883, 1r (#128)
- Marriage Records, 1840-1952, 5r (#88-92)
- Marriage Records (Includes loose Returns, Licenses, Certificates, and Applications), 1869-1913, 6r (#71-76)
- Midwife Applications, 1896-1897, 1r (#128)
- Naturalization Records-Aliens and Minors, 1904-1906, 1r (#69)
- Naturalization Records-Declaration of Intention, 1864-1903, 2r (#16-17)
- Naturalization Records, 1860-1903, 3r (#17-19)
- Statements of Births and Deaths, 1889-1890, 1895-1897, 1900-1908, 5r (#36-40)
- Will Records, 1889-1912, 3r (#54-55, 128)
Soldiers Relief Commission
- Case Files - Applications and Correspondence, 1889-1894, 2r (#70, 83)
- Case Files - Reports, 1887-1893, 1895, 1r (#70)
- Minutes, 1892-1903, 2r (#19-20)
- Relief Reports & Disbursement Lists, 1887-1893, 1895, 1r (#70)
Village of Genoa
Board of Education
- Record Book, 1895-1926, 1r (#2)
- Minutes, 1902-1962, 3r (#3-5)
- Ordinances, 1925-1943, 1r (#5)
Justice of the Peace
- Civil and Criminal Docket, 1915-1925, 1r (#1)
- Docket, 1869-1878, 1r (#1)
- Civil Docket, 1920, 1r (#5)
- Criminal Docket, 1917-1930, 2r (#5-6)
Trustee of the Sinking Fund
- Record Book, 1912-1931, 1r (#6)
Village of Put-in-Bay
Board of Education
- Enumeration of School Age Youth (missing 1879-1882), 1878-1899, 1r (#3)
- Minutes, 1898-1948, 1r (#7)
- Parent Teacher Association Minutes, 1943-1962, 1r (#7)
- School Registers, 1901-1923, 2r (#5-6)
- Birth Registrations, 1922-1930, 1r (#4)
- Burial Permits, 1924-1935, 1r (#3)
- Minutes, 1879, 1895-1954, 2r (#1-2)
Carroll Township
Board of Education
- Teachers' Contracts, 1900-1913, 1r (#3)
Board of Elections
- Poll Books and Tally Sheets, 1914-1929, 1r (#6)
Board of Health
- Minutes and Ordinances, 1893-1919, 1r (#3)
Board of Trustees
- Account Books, 1859-1927, 1r (#5)
- Annual Budgets, 1912-1980, 1r (#8)
- Cemetery Deed Memorandum, n.d., 1r (#3)
- Cemetery Records - Rusha and Locust Point, 1867-1985, 1r (#1)
- Chattel Mortgages and Indices [Includes Bills of Sales and Clerk's Reverse Index], 1878-1906 2r (#6-7)
- Ditch Journal, 1874-1933, 2r (#3-4)
- Ditch - Petitions, Bonds, Etc., 1903-1958, 1r (#4)
- Ditch Records, 1874-1933, 2r (#3-4)
- Insurance Policies, n.d., 1r (#3)
- Minutes, 1877-1982, 2r (#2-3)
- Minutes of Ditch Proceedings, 1941-1959, 1r (#2)
- Miscellaneous Records [Includes Annual Reports, Receipts and Expenditures, Relief Lists, Settlement Sheets], 1839-1918, 1r (#10)
- Officials' Bonds, 1880-1964, 1r (#9)
- Performance Bonds, 1903, 1r (#3)Petitions, 1922, 1r (#3)
- Poll Books and Tally Sheets, 1914-1929, 1r (#6)
- Road Records, 1844-1917, 1r (#5)
- Ditch Papers, 1924 and n.d., 1r (#4)
Fruit of Commissioners
- Minutes, 1897, 1r (#3)
Justice of the Peace
- Civil Dockets, 1839-1876, 1900-1937, 3r (#7-8, 11)
- Criminal Dockets, 1852-1934, 2r (#8, 11)
Erie Township
Board of Education
- Daily Class Register [Ottawa County microfilm], 1871-1879, 1r (#83)
Board of Trustees
- Cemetery Deed Record, 1910-1963, 1r (#1)
- Cemetery Record, 1918-1979, 1r (#1)
Put-in-Bay Township
Board of Education
- Enumerations of School Age Youth, 1878-1899, 1r (#3)
School Districts
Middle Bass Local School District
- Minutes, 1900-1962, 1r (#1)
Other Resources
- Cemetery inscriptions of Ottawa County, Ohio. ((OG) F497.O8 C45 1970z)
- Index to Declarations of Intention (pOG 2778); Naturalizations (pOG 2777)
- Marriages from the Probate Court, Ottawa County, Ohio, 1840-1890 ((OG) F497.O8 M455)
- Obituaries and Memorial Cards of Some Ottawa Co. People, indexed by Martha Dykes. ((OG) F497.O8 D85)
- Ottawa, Sandusky, and Seneca Counties, Ohio, newspaper obituary abstracts, 1836-1870 ((OG) F497.A18 M55)
Updated: 06/05/2023 09:27AM