Learning Outcome Assessment Maps

The information provided on this page is to assist with the learning outcomes assessment portion of Curriculog proposals. If you need any assistance with the templates below and/or development of learning outcomes or assessments, please contact Dr. Jessica Turos at jmturos@bgsu.edu

Course Learning Outcome Assessment Map

All course learning outcomes (LOs) should be assessed by at least one assignment/assessment. Additionally, all assignments/assessments should align with a course LO and can align with more than one course LO. In the Course Learning Outcome Assessment Map, all course LOs are listed in the left column and the aligning assignments or assessments are listed in the right column.

Course Learning Outcome Assessment Map Example

Course Learning Outcomes

Assignment/Assessment Alignment                   

LO1: Analyze interests, values,and skills related to career plans Self-Assessment Project 
LO2: Assess occupations and their fit based on alignment with career goalsInformation Interview Project 
LO3: Develop goals by integrating self-knowledge, occupational research, and major and career choices

College Action Plan

SMART Goals Worksheet 

Course Learning Outcome Assessment Map Template

Use this template for mapping the assignments and/or assessments that align with your course learning outcomes.

You can copy and paste the template below or click here to download a Word document version.

When using the template, please list all your course LOs in the left column. If you have more course LOs that need to be added, please insert a row by placing your cursor in the bottom right cell and then using the “tab” key. After you list your course LOs, please identify the assignments/assessments in the right column that will be used to assess the course LOs.

Course Learning Outcomes

Assignment/Assessment Alignment


Program Learning Outcome Assessment Map

Units are expected to assess each program learning outcome (LO) in a final, summative assessment. The final assessment may be in a signature work or capstone course or another course or experience where students should achieve the highest level of the program LO. Units also can assess the program LO via formative assessments where they introduce and reinforce the program LO concepts across various courses. Program LOs may be assessed by one or more courses.

Program Learning Outcome Assessment Map Example

Program Learning Outcomes

Course List 


Course List


Courses with 

Final Assessment 

Program Learning Outcome X Course 1010                Course 2010 Course 4000
Program Learning Outcome Y Course 1010 and Course 1100 Course 3010 Course 4100
Program Learning Outcome Z Course 1010               Course 2020 Course 3100 and Course 4100

Program Learning Outcome Assessment Map Template

Use this template for mapping the courses that align with your program LOs.

You can copy and paste the template below or click here to download a Word document version.

Identify the courses where the program LOs are Introduced, Reinforced, and have their Final Assessment in the following table. If you have more program LOs that need to be added, please insert a row by placing your cursor in the bottom right cell and then using the “tab” key. The program LOs should be listed in the far-left column and the courses where they are introduced, reinforced, and have their final assessment should be in the corresponding columns.

Program Learning Outcomes

Course List Introduced     

Course List Reinforced

Courses with Final Assessment


Updated: 06/04/2024 10:20AM