Registration and records policies (Archived 2016-17 Graduate Catalog)

Change of Address

Students may maintain their home and local (mailing) address through MyBGSU with a vaild BGSU account.

Change of Personal Information

Changes to student personal information should be reported to the Office of Registration and Records. The documents used to verify your new or current name include a social security card or a passport.  These are the only acceptable documents, whether presented in person, mail or fax; or presented to a notary when requesting a change by mail or fax. Copies may be provided in lieu of originals. For further information refer to:


Certifications for loan deferments, good student car insurance discounts, health insurance, and degree, scholarship, and enrollment verifications are processed in the Office of Registration and Records, when requested by the student.

Motor Vehicles

Students who operate a motor vehicle while enrolled in the University must comply with state and University motor vehicle regulations. A brochure containing these regulations is available at the Parking Services, 1 College Park.

Updated: 10/23/2019 03:03PM