K-12 Online teaching and learning (Archived 2016-17 Graduate Catalog)
School Director: Patrick Pauken
Coordinator: Allison Goedde
Address: 529 Education Building
Phone: 419-372-7320 (School of Teaching and Learning)
Email: agoedde@bgsu.edu
Program Web Page: http://www.bgsu.edu/ecampus/certificates-and-endorsements/k-12-online-teaching-and-learning-certificate.html
Program Offered
Certificate in K-12 Online Teaching and Learning
Prerequisites to Graduate Work
Applicants for the Certificate in K-12 Online Teaching and Learning must meet the following criteria: background in education (BA in education and/or related field with at least 6 credit hours of undergraduate or graduate level educational foundations courses; undergraduate GPA of at least 2.8; and either successfully passed the Praxis PLT and Content Area tests (or another state approved teacher licensure exam) or have demonstrated their academic ability with GRE scores.
Admission Procedure
Applicants seeking admission to the Certificate program in K-12 Online Teaching and Learning should submit the following items:
1. Letter of interest including the following:
a. Specification of the cohort to which you are applying, such as “online Summer 2016".
b. One to three paragraphs describing your experience with technology, and particularly technology in the classroom.
c. One to three paragraphs describing what interests you about earning a master’s degree in classroom technology. (Why are you applying for this program?)
2. Application to the Graduate College. Follow the instructions outlined in the "Graduate Admission" section of this Graduate Catalog.
3. Official transcripts and GRE or Praxis II scores.
4. Three letters of reference sent to Allison Goedde at agoedde@bgsu.edu
5. Dispositions form. See program web site for the form and instructions for completion.
Degree Requirements
The primary goal of the K-12 Online Teaching & Learning certificate program is to prepare K-12 classroom teachers to be effective online teachers and providing them with the research skills necessary to investigate student learning within online K-12 educational contexts. The program consists of four on-line courses. It may also be completed in conjunction with the Master’s degree in Classroom Technology.
For full details, please see the program web site: http://www.bgsu.edu/ecampus/certificates-and-endorsements/k-12-online-teaching-and-learning-certificate.html
Graduate Courses
Please access graduate courses online by clicking the “Browsing Course Catalog” button at http://www.bgsu.edu/registration-records/courses-and-classes/class-course-information.html.
Updated: 10/23/2019 03:04PM