DJ Kern-Blystone

DJ Kern-Blystone, Ed.S.

  • Position: Teaching Professor
  • Phone: 419-372-2902
  • Email:
  • Address: 317 Education Building

More Information on DJ Kern-Blystone

Ed.S., University of Toledo, Educational Leadership

M.Ed., Bowling Green State University, Business Education

B.S., Bowling Green State University, Marketing

Career & Technical Education, Business & Marketing Education, and Economic & Financial Literacy

DJ Kern-Blystone has been a School of Teaching and Learning faculty member since 2004.

  • Introduction to Workforce Education and Development
  • Business Problems of the Consumer
  • Field Experience in Workforce Education and Development
  • Teaching and Learning in Workforce Education and Development
  • Program and Work-based Management
  • Teaching and Learning Strategies for Adults

Kern-Blystone, D., & Hyslop, D. (2013). Building a Foundation for Investing Success. Business Education Journal, 22-24.

Kern-Blystone, D. (2014). Tools to Increase Engagement and Achievement in Your Business Classroom. OBTA Journal, 4-6.

National NBEA Conference, April 2014. Title: Effective Use of Bell Ringers and Exit Assessments in Business Education

Ohio Business, Marketing & IT Annual Conclave, Coordinator

Ohio Marketing Education Association, Executive Board

Educational Leadership Association of Northwest Ohio, Executive Board

Husband and daughter are also BGSU alumni. Son is completing his undergraduate education at BGSU. We are a “Falcon Family”!

Updated: 07/25/2024 12:05PM