Virtual Simulation Applications Professional Development

Virtual Simulations

Communication and Connection for Safer Schools (C2S2) is excited to partner with the Ohio Mental Health First Aid Collaborative to offer a unique professional development opportunity that allows participants to practice their communication skills through virtual simulations. The simulations allow learners to gain practical experience interacting with someone experiencing a mental health crisis. 

You will receive 1.5 contact hours for your participation.

Mental Health First Aid Applications with Virtual Simulation Practice

*In order to participate in this, you must have completed a Mental Health First Aid Training

In this training, participants will practice identifying common signs/symptoms of mental illness, how to interact with a person in crisis, and how to connect the person with help.

December 4 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Register Here

“Today was very helpful. I so appreciate the opportunity to practice the skills we learned and the feedback was wonderful! Thank you!”

Updated: 10/22/2024 03:40PM