Ohio College2Careers
Ohio College2Careers, a partnership between Ohio’s state college and university system, the Ohio Department of Higher Education, Ohio businesses, and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), offers support for students with disabilities as they prepare for their careers. There are a variety of services offered depending on disability-related need and vocational goal of the individual but may include career exploration & counseling, resume and interview preparation, assistive technology, and assistance finding internships and permanent employment.
Here at Bowling Green State University, Cristi Parker is the Ohio College2Careers Counselor. Cristi can be reached at cristi.parker@ood.ohio.gov OR 419-309-0228.
Want to learn more about OOD? It’s the state agency that helps individuals with disabilities get careers and keep careers. OOD serves individuals with physical, intellectual, and sensory disabilities as well as mental health disorders. Further information about OOD and its services is available at www.ood.ohio.gov.
Meet with Cristi to apply for services. You can also go online to begin the referral process at www.OODWorks.com.
Interested in meeting Cristi and learning more? Watch this video on Ohio College2Careers at BGSU!
Updated: 09/28/2022 10:54AM